Academic Exchange

2024/11/16 -- 2024/11/17,湖北武汉,计算数学青年学者论坛,报告题目:Sequential Monte Carlo method with Gaussian mixture approximation


2024/10/25 -- 2024/10/27,江苏南京,中国工业与应用数学学会第22届年会,课题组博士生卢浩宇在“不确定性量化及其应用”分组中报告,报告题目“A Gaussian Mixture-Based Sequential Monte Carlo Algorithm for Solving Infinite-Dimensional Statistical Inverse Problems”.


2024/08/19 -- 2024/08/23,Tianyuan Mathematics Research Center, Workshop on Theory, Computation and Applications of Inverse Problems and Imaging, 2024. 


2024/08/09 --2024/08/11,上海交通大学闵行校区,中国机器学习与科学应用大会(CSML2024)


2024/07/14 -- 2024/07/20,National University of Singapore, Singapore, International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations (SciCADE2024)


2024/07/12 -- 2024/07/14,云南昆明,第二届全国统计与数据科学联合会议,报告题目“Learning prediction function of prior measures for statistical inverse problems”


2024/02/17 -- 2024/02/18,上海财经大学,第五届应用反问题理论与数值方法研讨会,报告题目“Learning prediction function of prior measures for statistical inverse problems”


2024/02/15 -- 2024/02/16,海南三亚,清华三亚国际数学论坛,数学、图像科学与人工只能(MISAI)研讨会,报告题目“Learning prediction function of prior measures for statistical inverse problems”


2023/10/13 -- 2023/10/15, 云南昆明,中国工业与应用数学学会第21届年会,报告题目“Variational Inference for Functions and its Applications”


2023/08/28 -- 2023/09/01, 香港中文大学,The Second HKSIAM Biennial Meeting,报告题目“Learning prediction function of prior measures for statistical inverse problems of partial differential equations”


2023/07/24 -- 30, 云南昆明,天元数学国际交流中心,人工智能的数学基础与应用前沿研讨会,报告题目“Variational Inference for Functions”


2023/07/15 -- 19, 第十三届中国数学会计算数学年会,江苏南京,报告题目“Variational inverting network for statistical inverse problems of partial differential equations”


2023/07/10 -- 13, 2023首届全国统计与数据科学联合会议,北京,北京会议中心


2023/07/08 -- 09, 第四届全国大数据与人工智能科学大会,贵州,贵州群升豪生酒店,报告题目“Learning prediction function of prior measures for statistical inverse problems of partial differential equations”


2023/5/27 -- 28, 第十二届全国反问题,成像及其应用会议,深圳,南方科技大学,报告题目“Variational inverting network for statistical inverse problems of partial differential equations”


2023/3/25 -- 26,2023年科学计算与反问题研讨会,浙江杭州,报告题目“Variational inverting network for statistical inverse problems of partial differential equations”


2023/02/18--19,第四届应用反问题理论与数值方法研讨会,上海财经大学,报告题目“Non-centered parametric variational Bayes' approach for hierarchical inverse problems”


2022/11/17--20,中国工业与应用数学学会第二十届年会,在"不确定性量化专题研讨会"作报告"Variational Inverting Network for Statistical Inverse Problems of Partial Differential Equations"; 在"反问题与成像专题研讨会"作报告"Variational Inference for Functions and Its Applications to Inverse Problems"




2022/04/23--24,参加南航2022年反问题与图像处理--建模、分析和计算网络研讨会,做学术报告“Variational inverting network for statistical inverse problems of partial differential equations”


2022/04/09--10,参加东华理工大学2022年反问题建模、算法及应用网络研讨会,做学术报告“Variational Inverting Network for Statistical Inverse Problems of Partial Differential Equations”


2022/02/16--17,参加上海财经大学数学学院举办的“第三届应用反问题理论与数值方法研讨会”(线上),做学术报告“Variational Inverting Network for Statistical Inverse Problems of Partial Differential Equations”


2021/07/16 - 20,参加在甘肃兰州市召开的“第八届分析数学及其应用国际学术会议”并做主题为“无穷维空间中的Stein变分梯度下降方法及其在统计逆问题中的应用”的报告


2021/07/09 - 11,参加在四川成都金牛宾馆举办的“第三届全国大数据与人工智能科学大会(CSIAM-BDAI 2021)”,并做主题为“Stein variational gradient descent (SVGD) for functions and applications to statistical inverse problems”的报告


2021/05/29、30,参加在长沙中南大学举办的“不确定性量化研讨会--暨CSIAM不确定性量化专委会会议”,并做主题为“Stein variational gradient descent (SVGD) for functions and applications to statistical inverse problems”的报告


2021/01/16、17,受邀参加上海财经大学数学学院举办的“第二届应用反问题理论与数值方法研讨会”,并做主题为“Stein variational gradient descent (SVGD) for functions and applications to statistical inverse problems”的报告




2019/10/17 -- 2019/10/21,受邀参加由南方科技大学举办的 "Analysis, Scientific Computing and Applications of PDEs Workshop Programme",并做主题为“函数空间上的贝叶斯推断方法”的报告


2019/08/4 -- 2019/08/08,受邀参加在宁夏银川,由北方民族大学承办的第七届现代分析数学及其应用国际学术会议(The 7th International Conference on Analytic Mathematics and Its Applications, ICAMA2019),并做主题为“反问题的贝叶斯推断方法”的大会报告


2019/07/31 -- 2019/08/03,受邀参加在黑龙江哈尔滨工业大学举办的第十二届计算数学年会,并做学术报告“Variational Bayes' approach for functions and applications to some inverse problems”


2019/07/25 -- 2019/07/29,受邀参加在福建龙岩举办的The 5th International Workshp on Computational Inverse Problems and Applications (CIPA),并做主题为“Variational Bayes' method for functions”的学术报告


2019/07/07 -- 2019/07/14,,参加Applied Inverse Problems Conference, 法国,格勒诺布尔,Institute Fourier,并作报告“Complex Gaussian mixture based model error learning for inverse medium scattering problems with multi-frequencies”和“Bayesian Model Error Method and Fractional Helmholtz Equations”


2018/12/15 -- 2018/12/16, 作为组织委员组织“应用反问题理论与计算研讨会”,西安,西安交通大学.


2018/09/14 -- 2018/09/16, 参加第16届中国工业与应用数学年会(CSIAM),作报告“Recursive linearization method for inverse scattering problems with complex mixture Gaussian error learning”,四川,成都,金牛宾馆.


2018/08/13 -- 2018/08/16, 受邀参加Tianyuan Workshop on Mathematical and Computational Challenges of Medical Imaging and Inverse Problems,作报告“Recursive linearization method for inverse scattering problems with complex mixture Gaussian error learning”,上海财经大学.


2018/7/5 -- 2018/7/7,参加第一届全国大数据与人工智能科学大会,重庆,融汇丽笙酒店.


2018/5/29 -- 2018/5/31, 受邀参加"The 10th Annual Meeting on Inverse Problems" 并做报告"Complex mixture Gaussian based model error learning for inverse medium scattering problem with multi-frequencies",吉林长春,吉林大学.


2017/12/08 -- 2017/12/09, 受邀参加在中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院举办的反问题与大数据专题研讨会,并做报告“Uniqueness of an inverse source problem for a space-time fractional diffusion equation”, 北京,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院.


2017/11/25 -- 2017/11/26, 受邀访问兰州大学数学与统计学院,并作报告“时空分数阶扩散方程逆源问题的唯一性”,兰州,兰州大学.


2017/11/21 -- 2017/11/22, 参加SEG全波形反演及其应用研讨会 (SEG Full-waveform Inversion and Beyond), 北京,中国地质大学.


2017/11/18 -- 2017/11/19, 参加地球科学大数据与人工智能学术研讨会 (Big Data & AI in Earth Science),北京.


2017/10/21--2017/10/22,受邀参加中国数学会学术年会,在运筹与控制分会场做分会场报告(A data-driven adaptive regularization method and its applications),湘潭,湘潭大学.


2017/10/13 -- 2017/10/15, 参加中国工业数学会年会,山东青岛,中国海洋大学.


2017/07/30 -- 2017/08/04, The 13th International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, ICTCA 2017, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, Give a talk "Bayesian theory with variable order Besov prior and its applications to full waveform inversion" (Invited speaker).


2017/07/24 -- 2017/07/28, 第六届现代分析数学及其应用国际数学会议,新疆乌鲁木齐,受邀作题为“Infinite dimensional Bayesian inverse theory and its applications”的报告.


2017/07/06 -- 2017/07/08,受东北师范大学祖建博士邀请,作题为“Nonlocal wave equations and Bayesian inverse methods with variable order Besov prior”的报告.


2017/07/01 -- 2017/07/03,2017反问题与地震成像研讨会,陕西西安,西安交通大学.(组织委员


2017/05/29 -- 2017/06/02,The 9th Applied Inverse Problems, 浙江杭州,浙江大学紫金港校区.


2017/05/21 -- 2017/05/22,2017陕西省数学年会,陕西省韩城国际酒店.(获得2017陕西省青年教师优秀论文一等奖


2016/07/12 -- 2016/07/24,中科院数学与系统研究所,访问张波研究员.


2016/07/08 -- 2016/07/11,反演问题及其应用国际会议,山东理工大学.


2016/01/14 -- 2016/07/5,作为Marie Currie Research Fellow在英国林肯大学进行为期半年的学术访问.

2015/08/09 -- 2015/08/14,The 8th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Beijing, China.

2015年5月2日至5月3日,在西北大学非线性科学研究中心参加第二届“偏微分方程青年学术论坛” 学术研讨会,并做了关于流体力学方程组适定性理论以及解的最优衰减速率估计的学术报告.


AMS Southeastern Spring Sectional Meeting, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, March 21-23, 2014. (Friday - Sunday) (Given a talk named ’Well posedness and decay for full NavierStokes equations with temperature dependent coefficient’)


Give a talk named 'Well posedness and decay for full Navier Stokes equations with temperature dependent coefficient' on Georgia Tech PDE Seminar  on Tue, 08/26/2014 - 3:00 pm, Skiles 006

The third International Conference on Applied Mathematics and its Applications, Xinyang, Henan Province, China,2011,8,8-12. (Given a talk named ’Well-posedness of Distributed-order Fractional Differential Equations’)