(1.)Basic Information

Professor in computational intelligence Jianyong Sun

School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an China.

E-mail: jy.sun@xjtu.edu.cn


PhD in Computer Science, University of Essex, 2002-2006
BSc in Computational Mathematics, Xian Jiaotong University, 1993-1997


Friday 10-12am

(5.)Scientific Research

My research spans both theoretical and practical aspects of artificial intelligence, mainly on machine learning, statistical modelling, meta-heuristic and evolutionary optimisation. My current research interests include, but not limited to, algorithms and learning theories on big data; and algorithm discovery based on artificial intelligence.


The ultimate goal of my research is to build trustworthy computer-aided analysis tools for end-users with large scale data in a world of increasingly complex problems. To achieve the goal, I believe that understanding, modelling and analysing complex real-world problems are closely-coupled, integrated aspects that are all of fundamental importance; and requires inspirational interdisciplinary collaboration. Further, several feedback cycles (including reformulation of the problem statement) are required in order to deliver genuinely useful solutions.


My research strategy is to establish intelligent learning techniques (including models, algorithms, learning theories, and computer software implementation) for the purpose of analysing complex systems with data that is noisy, complex and grounded in real-world practical applications, through close collaboration with area experts who can provide domain knowledge for modelling, feedback for model refinement and interpretation for analysis results.