Jian Lan |
Professor |
Center for Information Engineering Science Research (CIESR) |
School of Electronic and Information Engineering |
Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, 710049, China |
E-mail: lanjian@mail.xjtu.edu.cn |
English Version - 兰 Jian Lan 剑
2004﹣2010 |
Ph.D. | Control Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, China. |
2008﹣2009 | Visiting student | University of New Orleans, U.S.A. |
2000﹣2004 | B.E. | Automation, National University of Defense Technology, China. |
Associate Editor
- 2016﹣present, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (TAES), associate editor
IEEE Senior Member
Conference Organization
- International Workshop on Information Fusion (2011, 2013), a member of the organization team.
- 2017 International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), Publicity and Publications Co-Chair.
Paper Reviewer
- IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
- IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
- Journal of Advances in Information Fusion
- Information Fusion
- International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION)
1. The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. U23B2035, Key Program), principal investigator (PI), 2024~2027 (Research topic: Marine target detection, recognition, and tracking).
2. The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62273269, General Program), PI, 2023~2026 (Research topic: Nonlinear filtering using multiple conversion of measurements for target tracking).
3. The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. U1809202, Key Program), PI, 2019~2022 (Research topic: Underwater target detection, classification, localization, and tracking).
4. The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61573020, General Program), PI, 2016~2019 (Research topic: Nonlinear estimation in target tracking).
5. The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61203120, Youth Program), PI, 2013~2015 (Research topic: Maneuvering extended object tracking).
6. National Key Basic Research Strengthen Foundation of China (Grant No. 2022-JCJQZD-016-01), PI, 2022~2025.
7. A subproject of the GF973 Program of China, PI, 2015~2016.
8. The Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (Grant No. 20110201120007), PI, 2012~2014 (Research topic: Multiple-model approach to maneuvering extended object tracking).
9. The Aeronautical Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 2011XX), PI, 2011~2013.
10. The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (Grant No. xjj2012075), PI, 2012~2014 (Research topic: Estimation of the state and extension of extended objects).
· Target Detection, Classification, and Tracking
- Multiple maneuvering target detection and tracking,
- Extended object and group target tracking (EOT>T) and classification,
- Bearings-only tracking, angle-only tracking.
· Estimation and Filtering
- Estimation (linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) estimation, Kalman filter),
- Nonlinear filtering (generalized conversion based filter (GCF), uncorrelated conversion based filter (UCF)).
· Multiple-Model Estimation
- Variable-structure multiple-model (VSMM) estimation,
- Higher-order Markov Chain based multiple-model estimation.
· Joint Decision and Estimation
- Joint tracking and classification (JTC),
- Joint fault detection, identification, and state estimation.
· Performance Evaluation
- Estimation/Decision performance evaluation and ranking,
- Performance evaluation without knowing ground truth.
Featured Research:
[1] Jian Lan, “Generalized Conversion Based Nonlinear Filtering Using Deterministic Sampling for Target Tracking,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2023, 59(5): 7295-7307.
[2] Jian Lan, “Extended Object Tracking Using Random Matrix with Extension-Dependent Measurement Numbers,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2023, 59(4): 4464-4477.
[3] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Nonlinear Estimation Based on Conversion-Sample Optimization,” Automatica, 2020, 109160: 1-13.
[4] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Extended Object or Group Target Tracking Using Random Matrix with Nonlinear Measurements,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2019, 67(19): 5130-5142. (Link: EOT_NON)
[5] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Multiple Conversions of Measurements for Nonlinear Estimation,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2017, 65(18): 4956-4970. (Link: MCA)
[6] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Tracking of Extended Object or Target Group Using Random Matrix: New Model and Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2016, 52(6): 2973-2989.
[7] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Nonlinear Estimation by LMMSE-Based Estimation with Optimized Uncorrelated Augmentation,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2015, 63(16): 4270-4283.
[8] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Tracking of Maneuvering Non-Ellipsoidal Extended Object or Target Group Using Random Matrix,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2014, 62(9): 2450-2463.
[9] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Equivalent-Model Augmentation for Variable-Structure Multiple-Model Estimation,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2013, 49(4): 2615-2630.
[10] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, Vesselin P. Jilkov, Chundi Mu, “Second-Order Markov Chain Based Multiple-Model Algorithms for Maneuvering Target Tracking,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2013, 49(1): 3-19.
[11] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, Chundi Mu, “Best-Model Augmentation for Variable-Structure Multiple-Model Estimation,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2011, 47(3): 2008-2025. (Link: BMA)
Full List:
- 2023﹣present
[1] Jian Lan, “Generalized Conversion Based Nonlinear Filtering Using Deterministic Sampling for Target Tracking,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2023, 59(5): 7295-7307.
[2] Jian Lan, “Extended Object Tracking Using Random Matrix with Extension-Dependent Measurement Numbers,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2023, 59(4): 4464-4477.
[3] Ruiqing Xi, Jian Lan*, “Nonlinear Estimation Using Multiple Conversions with Optimized Extension for Target Tracking,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2023, 71: 4457-4470.
[4] Xiaoxiao Zhang, Jian Lan*, “Measurement Combination Estimator for Multi-Sensor Extended Object Tracking Using Random Matrix,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2024, 60(1): 698-715.
[5] Xiaomeng Cao, Jian Lan*, Yushuang Liu, Boyi Tan, “Tracking of Rectangular Object Using Key Points with Regionally Concentrated Measurements,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023, PP:1-16.
[6] Mingkai Li, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Tracking of Elliptical Object with Unknown but Fixed Lengths of Axes,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2023, 59(5): 6518-6533.
[7] Linyao Zheng, Meiqin Liu, Senlin Zhang, Jian Lan, “A Novel Sensor Scheduling Algorithm Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Bearing-Only Target Tracking in UWSNs,” IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2023, 10(4): 1077-1079.
[8] Yan Li, Meiqin Liu, Senlin Zhang, Ronghao Zheng, Jian Lan, Shanling Dong, “Sparse Feature Points Extraction-Based Localization with Partial Information Loss in UWSNs,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, 72: 1-13
[9] Ruiqing Xi, Jian Lan, Xiaomeng Cao, “Space Object Tracking Using Orbit Element Constraints with Uncertainties,” In Proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems, October 2023: 1124-1129.
- 2022
[10] Qin Li, Jian Lan*, Le Zhang, Badong Chen, Kaijian Zhu, “Augmented Nonlinear Least Squares Estimation with Applications to Localization,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2022, 58(2): 1042-1054.
[11] Xiaomeng Cao, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, Yu Liu, “Automotive Radar-Based Vehicle Tracking Using Data-Region Association,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022, 23(7), 8997-9010.
[12] Leilei Guo, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li , "Multiple-Model Approach to Over-the-Horizon Radar Tracking Based on Target Perceivability,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2022, 58(1): 108-123.
[13] Yan Li, Meiqin Liu, Senlin Zhang, Ronghao Zheng, Jian Lan, Shanling Dong, “Particle System-Based Ordinary Nodes Localization with Delay Compensation in UWSNs,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, 22(7): 7157-7168.
- 2021
[14] Le Zhang, Jian Lan*, “Tracking of Extended Object Using Random Matrix With Non-Uniformly Distributed Measurements,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2021, 69: 3812-3825.
[15] Guanghua Zhang, Jian Lan*, Le Zhang, Fengshou He, Shaomin Li, “Filtering in Pairwise Markov Model With Student's t Non-Stationary Noise With Application to Target Tracking,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2021, 69: 1627-1641.
[16] Yingjie Zhang, Jian Lan*, Mahendra Mallick, X. Rong Li, “Bearings-Only Filtering Using Uncorrelated Conversion Based Filters,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2021, 57(2): 882-896.
[17] Wen Cao, Jian Lan*, Qisheng Wu, “Joint Tracking and Identification Based on Constrained Joint Decision and Estimation,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021, 22(10): 6489-6502.
[18] Xiaomeng Cao, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Extension-Deformation Approach to Extended Object Tracking,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2021, 57(2): 866-881.
[19] Le Zhang, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Performance Evaluation of Joint Tracking and Classification,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2021, 51(2): 1149-1163.
[20] Xueyan Han, Meiqin Liu, Senlin Zhang, Ronghao Zheng, Jian Lan, “A Passive DOA Estimation Algorithm of Underwater Multipath Signals Via Spatial Time-Frequency Distributions,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021, 70(4): 3439-3455.
[21] Yan Li, Meiqin Liu, Senlin Zhang, Ronghao Zheng, Jian Lan, “Node Dynamic Localization and Prediction Algorithm for Internet of Underwater Things,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021, 9(7): 5380-5390.
- 2020
[22] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Nonlinear Estimation Based on Conversion-Sample Optimization,” Automatica, 2020, 109160:1-13.
[23] Le Zhang, Jian Lan*, “Extended Object Tracking Using Random Matrix with Skewness,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2020, 68: 5107-5121.
[24] 兰剑, Li Xiao-Rong, 张英杰, 李琴, 郗瑞卿. “信息融合估计与决策综述——非线性滤波,” 信息融合学报, 2020: 1-16.
[25] Xiaoxiao Guo, Jian Lan, “Line-of-Sight Rate Estimation for Barrel-Roll Maneuvering Target Tracking,” In Proceedings of the 23th International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2020: 359-366.
[26] Mingkai Li, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, Tracking of Elliptical Extended Object with Unknown but Fixed Lengths of Axes,” In Proceedings of the 23th International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2020: 599-606.
- 2019
[27] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Extended Object or Group Target Tracking Using Random Matrix with Nonlinear Measurements”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2019, 67(19): 5130 - 5142.
[28] Le Zhang, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Normal-Gamma IMM Filter for Linear Systems with Non-Gaussian Measurement Noise,” in Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2019.
[29] Leilei Guo, Jian Lan, X. Rong. Li, “Track Initiation Using Multipath Measurements with Reflecting Point Uncertainties,” in Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2019.
- 2018
[30] Lifan Sun, Jian Lan*, X. Rong Li, “Joint Tracking and Classification of Extended Object Based on Support Functions,” IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 2018, 12(7): 685-693.
[31] Wen Cao, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Extended Object Tracking and Classification Using Radar and ESM Sensor Data,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2018, 25(1): 90-94.
[32] Hanlin Yin, X. Rong Li, Jian Lan, “Pairwise Comparison Based Ranking Vector Approach to Estimation Performance Ranking,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2018, 48 (6), 942-953.
[33] Xiaomeng Cao, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Extended Object Tracking Using Automotive Radar”, in Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2018: 1750-1757.
[34] Leilei Guo, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Multitarget Tracking Using Over-the-Horizon Radar”, In Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2018: 24-31.
[35] Qingqiang Ji, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Joint Tracking for Capturing and Classification Based on Joint Decision and Estimation”, In Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2018: 2125-2132.
[36] Le Zhang, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “A Normal-Gamma Filter for Linear Systems with Heavy-Tailed Measurement Noise”, In Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2018: 2552-2559.
- 2017
[37] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Multiple Conversions of Measurements for Nonlinear Estimation”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2017, 65(18): 4956-4970.
[38] Lifan Sun, Baofeng Ji, Jian Lan, Zishu He, Jiexin Pu, “Tracking of Maneuvering Complex Extended Object with Coupled Motion Kinematics and Extension Dynamics Using Range Extent Measurements,” Sensors, 2017, 17 (10), 2184.
[39] Le Zhang, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Track-Oriented Evaluation of Multi-Target Tracking Without Knowing Ground Truth”, In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2017.
[40] Xiaomeng Cao, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Extended Object Tracking Using Control-Points-Based Extension Deformation”, In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2017.
[41] Qingqiang Ji, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Nested Joint Fault Detection, Identification, Estimation, and State Estimation”, In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2017.
[41] Yingjie Zhang, Jian Lan, “Gaussian Sum Filtering Using Uncorrelated Conversion for Nonlinear Estimation”, In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2017.
[42] Ruiqing Xi, Jian Lan, “Joint Transfer Alignment and Fault Diagnosis of Inertial Navigation Network”, In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2017.
[43] Leilei Guo, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Multiple Model Approach to Over-the-Horizon Radar Tracking”, In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2017.
[45] Haoyuan Sun, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Kernel Based Filter for Nonlinear Estimation”, In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2017.
- 2016
[46] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Tracking of Extended Object or Target Group Using Random Matrix: New Model and Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2016, 52(6): 2973-2989.
[47] Bao Liu, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “A 2-SPRT Based Approach to Multiple-Model Hypothesis Testing for Multi-Distribution Detection”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2016, 64(12): 3221-3236.
[48] Wen Cao, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Conditional Joint Decision and Estimation with Application to Joint Tracking and Classification,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2016, 46(4): 459-471.
[49] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “'Extended Object or Group Target Tracking Using Random Matrix with Nonlinear Measurements”, In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Fusion, Heidelberg, Germany, July 2016.
[50] Le Zhang, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Performance Evaluation of Multi-Target Tracking Without Knowing Ground Truth”, In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Fusion, Heidelberg, Germany, July 2016.
[51] Le Zhang, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “A Fused Measure for Ranking and Evaluation Using Multiple Performance Metrics”, In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Fusion, Heidelberg, Germany, July 2016.
[52] Qingqiang Ji, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Joint Fault Detection, Identification, and State Estimation Based on Conditional Joint Decision and Estimation”, In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Fusion, Heidelberg, Germany, July 2016.
[53] Xiaomeng Cao, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Extension-Deformation Approach to Extended Object Tracking”, In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Fusion, Heidelberg, Germany, July 2016.
- 2015
[54] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Nonlinear Estimation by LMMSE-Based Estimation with Optimized Uncorrelated Augmentation,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2015, 63(16): 4270-4283.
[55] Hanlin Yin, X. Rong Li, Jian Lan, “Iterative Mid-Range with Application to Estimation Performance Evaluation,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2015, 22(11): 2044-2048.
[56] Bao Liu, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Multiple-Model Hypothesis Testing Based on 2-SPRT,” In Proceedings of the American Control Conference, ACC 2015, Chicago, IL, USA, July 2015: 183-188.
[57] Bao Liu, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Multiple-Model Hypothesis Testing Using Adaptive Representative Model,” In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Fusion, Washington. DC, USA, July 2015: 1609-1616.
[58] Le Zhang, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “A Method for Evaluating Performance of Joint Tracking and Classification,” In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Fusion, Washington. DC, USA, July 2015: 499-506.
[59] Wen Cao, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Joint Tracking and Classification Based on Conditional Joint Decision and Estimation,” In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Fusion, Washington. DC, USA, July 2015: 1764-1771.
[60] Wen Cao, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Joint Multi-Target Detection and Tracking Using Conditional Joint Decision and Estimation with OSPA-alike Cost,” In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Fusion, Washington. DC, USA, July 2015: 1740-1747.
- 2014
[61] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Tracking of Maneuvering Non-Ellipsoidal Extended Object or Target Group Using Random Matrix,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2014, 62(9): 2450-2463.
[62] Lifan Sun, X. Rong Li, Jian Lan, “Modeling of Extended Objects Based on Support Functions and Extended Gaussian Images for Target Tracking,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2014, 50(4): 3021-3035.
[63] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Joint Tracking and Classification of Non-Ellipsoidal Extended Object Using Random Matrix,” In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Fusion, Salamanca, Spain, July 2014: 1-8.
[64] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Nonlinear Estimation by Linear Estimation with Augmentation of Uncorrelated Conversion,” In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Fusion, Salamanca, Spain, July 2014: 1-8.
[65] Zhanping Yan, Jian Lan, Yachong Zhang, “Hybrid-System-based Multiple-Model Approach for Transfer Alignment with Dynamic Flexure in IIN,” In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Information Integration for Intelligent System, Beijing, China, Sept. 2014: 1-8.
[66] Hanlin Yin, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Ranking Estimation Performance By Estimator Randomization and Attribute Support,” In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Fusion, Salamanca, Spain, July 2014: 1-8.
[67] Lifan Sun, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Modeling and Tracking of Complex Extended Object Using Minkowski Addition,” In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Fusion, Salamanca, Spain, July 2014.
[68] Lifan Sun, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Joint Tracking and Classification of Extended Object Based on Support Functions,” In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Fusion, Salamanca, Spain, July 2014.
[69] Wen Cao, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Joint Tracking and Classification based on Joint Decision and Estimation using Multi-Sensor Data,” In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Fusion, Salamanca, Spain, July 2014.
- 2013
[70] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Equivalent-Model Augmentation for Variable-Structure Multiple-Model Estimation,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2013, 49(4): 2615-2630.
[71] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, Vesselin P. Jilkov, Chundi Mu, “Second-Order Markov Chain Based Multiple-Model Algorithms for Maneuvering Target Tracking,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2013, 49(1): 3-19.
[72] Linfeng Xu, X. Rong Li, Zhansheng Duan, Jian Lan, "Modeling and State Estimation for Dynamic Systems with Linear Equality Constraints," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2013, 61(11): 2927-2939.
[73] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Joint Tracking and Classification of Extended Objects Using Random Matrix,” In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Fusion, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2013: 1550-1557.
[74] Wen Cao, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Extended Object Tracking and Classification based on Recursive Joint Decision and Estimation,” In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Fusion, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2013: 1670-1677.
[75] Hanlin Yin, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Measures for Ranking Estimation Performance Based on Single or Multiple Performance Metrics,” In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Fusion, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2013: 453-460.
[76] Lifan Sun, X. Rong Li, Jian Lan, “Extended Object Tracking Based on Support Functions and Extended Gaussian Images,” In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Fusion, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2013: 1526-1533.
- 2012 & before
[77] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, Chundi Mu, “Best-Model Augmentation for Variable-Structure Multiple-Model Estimation,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2011, 47(3): 2008-2025.
[78] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Tracking of Extended Object or Target Group Using Random Matrix-Part I: New Model and Approach”, In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Fusion, Singapore, July 2012: 2177-2184.
[79] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Tracking of Extended Object or Target Group Using Random Matrix-Part II: Irregular Object”, In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Fusion, Singapore, July 2012: 2185-2192.
[80] Zhi-Juan Liu, Qing Li, Xian-Hui Liu, Jian Lan, Chun-Di Mu, "An Expected-Mode Augmentation-Based Approach for Multiple-Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Flight Control Systems," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2012, 226(G10): 1202~1213.
[81] Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “State Estimation with Nonlinear Inequality Constraints based on Unscented Transformation”, In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Fusion, Chicago, USA, July 2011: 1-8.
[82] Jian Lan, Chundi Mu, “Input-Adaptive Models Based Multiple-Model Algorithm for Maneuvering Target Tracking,” Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2009, 18(1): 84-88.
[83] Hanlin Yin, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “New Robust Metrics of Central Tendency for Estimation Performance Evaluation”, In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Fusion, Singapore, July 2012: 2020-2027.
[84] Lifan Sun, Jian Lan, X. Rong Li, “Extended Target Tracking Using Star-Convex Model with Nonlinear Inequality Constraints”, In Proceedings of the 31th Chinese Control Conference, Hefei, China, 2012: 3869-3874.
[85] Yanhui Mao, X Rong Li, Zhansheng Duan, Jian Lan, “Unbiased Measurement Model Conversion for Tracking with Multiple Radars or Sonars”, In Proceedings of the 31th Chinese Control Conference, Hefei, China, 2012: 897-903.