Enrollment Information


2013年度国家科学技术奖(国家技术发明奖)二等奖(第一完成人) , 复杂工况三维全场动态变形检测技术

2011年度陕西省科学技术奖 一等奖(第一完成人),基于工业近景摄影测量的系列三维轮廓坐标与变形应变快速检测系统,证书编号:2011-1-21-D1; . 
2011年度陕西高等学校科学技术奖 一等奖(第一完成人),基于工业近景摄影测量的系列三维轮廓坐标与变形应变快速检测系统,编号:2011-E06
2006年10月,陕西省科学技术二等奖(第一完成人),项目:基于北斗卫星的广域空间远程设备监控技术和设备技术, 证书号:06-2-004-R1



在工业三维摄影测量和变形应变检测领域,获得了多项国家发明专利。 获得的发明专利涉及多项创新技术: 三维数字图像相关法全场应变测量方法、三维测量的相机成像系统多相机多测量幅面的自标定方法、工业摄影测量与三维光学面扫描的集成测量方法、大尺寸工件的静态三维变形检测方法、动态三维变形检测方法等。




国家标准“锻压制件及其模具三维几何量光学检测规范 Measurement specification of optical 3D geometry for forgings /stampings and the dies”。国标编号:GB/T 25134-2010 实施日期:2011-2-01




[1] Bao-Quan Shi a,∗, Jin Liang a, Qing Liu,Adaptive simplification of point cloud using k-means clustering,Computer-Aided Design,(SCI收录UT:000293113800008
[2] Shi BQ, Liang J, Xiao ZZ, et al, Deformation measurement method for spatial complex tubular joints based on photogrammetry, Optical Engineering 49(12), 123604 (December 2010),123604-1~123604-13(SCI收录 UT  ISI:000285749600010)
[3] Tang ZZ, Liang J, Xiao ZZ, et al. Three-dimensional digital image correlation system for deformation measurement in experimental mechanics,OPTICAL ENGINEERING   vol49 No10 文献编号: 103601 , 出版年: OCT 2010(SCI收录UT  ISI:000283712900010)
[4] Xiao ZZ, Liang J, Yu DH, et al. An accurate stereo vision system using cross-shaped target self-calibration method based on photogrammetry,OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING   卷: 48   期: 12   页: 1252-1261   出版年: DEC 2010页: 1252-1261 (SCI收录UT  ISI:000282456000016)
[5] Zhenzhong Xiao,Jin Liang,Dehong Yu, et al. Rapid Three-dimension Optical Deformation Measurement for Transmission Tower with Different Loads [J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, UK., 48 (2010) 出版年: SEP 2010   869–876(SCI收录620XZ,UT  ISI:000279537800007  ,)
[6] Xiao ZZ, Jin L, Yu DH, et al. A Cross-Target-based Accurate Calibration Method of Binocular Stereo Systems with Large-scale Field-of-View [J]. Measurement,UK., Volume 43, Issue 6, July 2010, Pages 747-754  .( SCI收录602UZ, UT  ISI:000278165700004,, EI收录Accession number:  20101712878675)
[7] De-hai ZHANG,Jin LIANG,Cheng GUO,Jian-wei LIU,Xiao-qiang ZHANG,Zhi-xin CHEN,Exploitation of Photogrammetry Measurement System ,optical engineering,Vol. 49, No. 03,2010.3(SCI收录586RW ,UT  ISI:000276931100023)
[8] Jian-Wei Liu Jin Liang Xin-He Liang Zheng-Zong Tang,Videogrammetric system for dynamic deformation measurement during metal sheet welding processes,optical engineering,Vol. 49, No. 03,2010.3(SCI收录586RW,UT ISI:000276931100001, EI收录Accession number:  20101212798708)
[9] S.L. Zang, J. Liang, C. Guo,A constitutive model for spring-back prediction in which the change of Young’s modulus with plastic deformation is considered,International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 47 (SEP 2007) 1791–1797 (SCI 收录199CE, UT  ISI:000248673000016  )



A four-camera videogrammetric system for 3-D motion.pdf 2,105.6k
Application of the speckle technique for three-dimensional deformation measurement JOE013604.pdf 2,580.0k
Deformation measurement method for spatial complex tubular joints based on photogrammetry.pdf 1,617.0k
Experimental Investigations on Anisotropic Evolution of 304 腾来71_1.pdf 1,166.1k
Fast and effective integration of multiple.pdf 2,699.0k
Precision control of scale using in Industrial Close-Range Photogrammetry.pdf 471.0k
Three-dimensional digital image correlation system for deformation measurement in experimental mechanics.pdf 1,201.9k
Videogrammetric system for dynamic deformation measurement during metal sheet welding processesJOE033601.pdf 568.8k
zsl 基于散斑应变测量的薄板各向异性力学性能研究science_paper_online09142.pdf 721.9k
基于摄影测量的车身冲模实型白模的精度检测 湖北汽车工业学院学报.pdf 1,068.0k
基于散斑应变测量法的薄板各向异性力学性能研究11-0110-张阳.pdf 533.4k
基于约束搜索球的点云数据与CAD模型精确比对检测.pdf 782.5k
基于自适应最优邻域的散乱点云降噪技术研究.pdf 514.1k
基于逆向工程的汽车覆盖件CAD建模技术研究.pdf 359.1k
外差式多频相移技术的三维光学点云测量研究 《锻压技术》.pdf 543.5k
大变形测量数字图像的种子点匹配方法.pdf 685.3k
大型水轮机叶片快速检测的新方法 光电工程.pdf 1,950.5k
大型飞机三维光学快速测量建模关键技术研究 中国机械工程.pdf 354.9k
大型飞机风洞变形测量的相机标定研究 西安交通大学学报.pdf 352.9k
大视场多像机视频测量系统的全局标定.pdf 2,167.6k