Basic Information


Donghe Li, 李东鹤 Ph.D.










Research Fields

· 智能决策与博弈

· 大语言模型

· 具身智能

· 工业智能控制

· AI for Science

Contact Information




西安市咸宁西路28 号,710049





Lecture Course



长期招收自动化、人工智能、计算机等相关专业的本科生进行科研训练、项目实习。需要具有一定编程、数学建模基础,对科研训练抱有热情。指导多名本科生在IEEE IV(智能交通领域顶会,best paper一等奖),IEEE ITSC,IEEE IOT-J,IEEE TASE,IEEE TAI,JES,交大学报等高水平会议、期刊上发表多篇文章。



Educational Experience

  • 2023.09-至今:西安交通大学,电子与信息学部,自动化科学与工程学院,副教授;

  • 2020.08-2023.08:西安交通大学,电子与信息学部,自动化科学与工程学院,助理教授;

  • 2020.08-至今:西安交通大学,电子与信息学部,网络空间安全学院,博士后(合作导师:管晓宏院士);

  • 2015.09-2020.07:西安交通大学,电子与信息学部,自动化科学与工程学院,博士阶段学习(导师:杨清宇教授)

  • 2011.09-2015.06:西安交通大学,电子与信息学院,自动化系,本科阶段学习

Team Name

长期从事智能博弈、大语言模型、优化调度、信息安全等领域研究工作,积极关注国际前沿技术进展,并取得了一定的研究成果。IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and SecurityIEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure ComputingIEEE Internet of Things JournalIEEE Transactions on Automation Science and EngineeringFuture Generation Computer SystemsIEEE IPCCCIEEE CASE等国际权威期刊和会议上发表SCIEI论文50余篇,同时申请并受理相关发明专利10项。目前担任IEEE IOT-JIEEE TIFSJESIEEE CAC等多个国际期刊、会议的审稿人,同时也是IEEE会员,中国自动化学会工业控制系统信息安全专业委员会委员。

Donghe Li*, Yijie Zhao, and Huan Xi. A Novel Two-stage Reinforcement Learning Framework for Sustainable Building Energy Management Systems. Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 98, 111475.

Donghe Li, Chunlin Hu, Qingyu Yang*, Yuhao Ma. Feiye Zhang, Dou An. An Attack-Defense Game-based Reinforcement Learning Privacy-Preserving Method against Inference Attack in Double Auction Market. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 2024. 

Donghe Li, Chunlin Hu, Qingyu Yang*, Pengtao Song, Feiye Zhang and Dou An. Charge or Pick up? Optimizing E-Taxi Management: A Dual-Stage Heuristic Coordinated Reinforcement Learning Approach. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2024.

Chunlin Hu, Donghe Li*, Weichun Zhao, Huan Xi. Deep reinforcement learning-based scheduling for integrated energy system utilizing retired electric vehicle battery energy storage. Journal of energy storage. 2024, 97(A): 112774.

Shitao Chen, Shuyang Cai, Ziheng Tang, Donghe Li*, and Nanning Zheng. Fast Multi-Class Vehicle Cooperative Path Optimization in Complex Urban V2X Transportation: A Novel Parallel Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach. 2024 35th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) (IEEE IV 2024), Jeju Island, Korea June 2-5, 2024.

Donghe Li*, Yijie Zhao, Yiqun Wang, Dou An, and Qingyu Yang. The Privacy Preserving Auction Mechanisms in IoT-based Trading Market: A Survey. Internet of Things. 2024, 26: 101178.

Yijie Zhao, Donghe Li*, Chun Wang and Huan Xi. An Innovative Fast Solution for Rapidly Simulating Homogeneous Heat Flow Problems based on Physical Informed Neural Network. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2024, 56: 140277.

Donghe Li, Chunlin Hu, Qingyu Yang and Shitao Chen. Multi Actor-Critic PPO: A Novel Reinforcement Learning Method for Intelligent Task and Charging Scheduling in Electric Freight Vehicles Management. 2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Bilbao, Spain, 2023, 24-28, Sep, pp. 1116-1121. 

Xiaohang Zhao, Donghe Li. Integrating Differential Privacy and Reinforcement Learning for Efficient and Location Privacy-Preserving Electric Vehicle Charging/Discharging Scheduling. 2023 China Automation Congress (CAC), Chongqing, China, 2023, pp. 7313-7318.

Donghe Li, Qingyu Yang, Dou An and Yushuo Zhang. A Location Privacy Aware Taxi-Hailing System: Adaptive Differential Privacy-based Dynamic Incentive Method. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024, 11(1): 914-930.

Donghe Li, Qingyu Yang, Feiye Zhang, Yiqun Wang, Yingchen Qian and Dou An. Research on Privacy Issues in Smart Metering System: An Improved TCN-based NILM Attack method and Practical DRL-based Rechargeable Battery Assisted Privacy Preserving Method. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 2023.

Donghe Li, Qingyu Yang, Chen Li, Dou An and Yi Shi. Bayesian-based Inference Attack Method and Individual Differential Privacy-based Auction Mechanism for Double Auction Market. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2023, 20(2): 950-968.

Donghe Li, Qingyu Yang, Linyue Ma, Yiran Wang, Yang Zhang and Xiao Liao. An Electrical Vehicle-Assisted Demand Response Management System: A Reinforcement Learning Method. Frontiers in Energy Research.2022

Donghe Li, Qingyu Yang, Linyue Ma, Zhenhua Peng and Xiao Liao. Offense and Defence against Adversarial Sample: A Reinforcement Learning Method in Energy Trading Market. Frontiers in Energy Research.2022

Qingyu Yang, Donghe Li, Dou An, Wei Yu, Xinwen Fu, Xinyu Yang, Wei Zhao. Towards Incentive for Electrical Vehicles Demand Response with Location Privacy Guaranteeing in Microgrids[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2022, 19(1): 131-148.

Donghe Li, Qingyu Yang, Wei Yu, Dou An, Yang Zhang, Wei Zhao. Towards Differential Privacy-Based Online Double Auction for Smart Grid[J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2020, 15: 971-986.

Donghe Li, Qingyu Yang, Dou An, Wei Yu, Xinyu Yang, Xinwen Fu. On Location Privacy-Preserving Online Double Auction for Electric Vehicles in Microgrids[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, 6(4): 5902-5915.

Qingyu Yang, Donghe Li, Yuanke Liu, Dou An, Xinyu Yang, Jie Lin. Toward Data Integrity Attacks Against Optimal Power Flow in Smart Grid[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2017, 4(5):1726-1738.

Pengtao Song, Qingyu Yang*, Zhifen Zhang, Donghe Li. Model-free event-triggered resilient control for discrete-time nonlinear systems under sparse actuator attacks via GrHDP. Nonlinear Dynamics

Donghe Li, Qingyu Yang, Wei Yu, Dou An, Xinwen Fu. Towards Incentive Mechanism for Taxi Services Allocation with Privacy Guarantee[C]. 37th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IEEE IPCCC), Orlando, Florida, USA, Nov.17-19, 2018, pp1-8. 

Donghe Li, Qingyu Yang, Wei Yu, Dou An, Xinyu Yang, Wei Zhao. A Strategy-proof Privacy-preserving Double Auction Mechanism for Electrical Vehicles Demand Response in Microgrids[C]. 36th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IEEE IPCCC), San Diego, Califonia, USA, Dec.10-12, 2017, pp1-8. 

Donghe Li, Qingyu Yang, Wei Yu, Dou An, Xinyu Yang. Towards Double Auction for Assisting Electric Vehicles Demand Response in Smart Grid[C]. The 13th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE), Xi'an, Aug. 20-23, 2017, pp1604-1609. 

Yang Zhang, Qingyu Yang, Wei Yu, Dou An, Donghe Li, Wei Zhao. An Online Continuous Progressive Second Price Auction for Electric Vehicle Charging[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, 6(2): 2907-2921.

Yang Zhang, Zhengfeng Zhang, Qingyu Yang, Dou An, Donghe Li, Ce Li. EV charging bidding by Multi-DQN reinforcement learning in electricity auction Market[J]. Neurocomputing, 2020, 397, 404-414.

Dou An, Qingyu Yang, Donghe Li, Wei Yu, Wei Zhao. Where am I Parking?: Incentive Online Parking Space Sharing Mechanism with Privacy Protection[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 2022, 19(1): 143-162.

Dou An, Qingyu Yang, Wei Yu, Donghe Li, Wei Zhao. LoPrO: Location Privacy-preserving Online Auction Scheme for Electric Vehicles Joint Bidding and Charging[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2020, 107: 394-407. 

Yang Zhang, Qingyu Yang, Dou An, Donghe Li, Zongze Wu. Multistep Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for Optimal Energy Schedule Strategy of Charging Stations in Smart Grid. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2023,53(7):4292-4305.

Yang Zhang, Qingyu Yang, Donghe Li, Dou An. A reinforcement and imitation learning method for pricing strategy of electricity retailer with customers flexibility Applied Energy, 2022323:119543.

Feiye Zhang, Qingyu Yang*, Donghe Li. A Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Bidding Strategy for Participants in Energy Trading Scenario. Frontiers in Energy Research.

Dou An, Qingyu Yang, Donghe Li, Zongze Wu. Distributed Online Incentive Scheme for Energy Trading in Multi-Microgrid Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2024, 21(1): 951-964.

Pengtao Song, Qingyu Yang, Donghe Li, Guangrui Wen, Zhifen Zhang and Jingbo Peng. Disturbance-Compensation-Based Predictive Sliding Mode Control for Aero-Engine Networked Systems with Multiple Uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2024.

Yang Zhang, Qingyu Yang, Dou An, Donghe Li. A Blockchain Based Peer-To-Peer Electricity Trading Mechanism in Residential Electricity Market[C]. 2018 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC). IEEE, 2646-2651.

Yi Zhao, Xian Jia, Qingyu Yang, Donghe Li, Dou An. Towards Incentive Compatible Auction Mechanism for Electric Vehicles Bidding in Microgrids[C]. The 33rd Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC), Nanjing, May 18-20, 2018, PP:1-6.

Dou An, Qingyu Yang, Wei Yu, Donghe Li, Yang Zhang, Wei Zhao. Towards Truthful Auction for Big Data Trading[C]. 36th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IEEE IPCCC), San Diego, Califonia, USA, Dec.10-12, 2017, pp1-7.

Yingzhuo Zhao, Qingyu Yang, Donghe Li, Dou An. Data aggregation and real-time electricity billing scheme based on homomorphic encryption in smart grid. The 33th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2021.

Yingchen Qian, Qingyu Yang, Donghe Li, Dou An, Luke Zhou. An Improved Temporal Convolutional Network for Non-intrusive Load Monitoring. The 33th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2021, pp: 2557-2562.

Yuhao Ma, Donghe Li, Qingyu Yang. Incentive-based Location Privacy Preserving Electric Vehicle Charging Mechanism in Smart Grid. 2021 China Automation Conference (CAC2021), Beijing, October. 22-24, 2021.

Yushuo Zhang, Donghe Li, Qingyu Yang. A Stackelberg Game for Relieving Peak Pressure of Power Grid Using Electric Vehicles with V2G Technology. 2021 China Automation Conference (CAC2021), Beijing, October. 22-24, 2021, pp.

Pengtao Song, Qingyu Yang, Donghe Li, and Hongtao Dang. Sparse filtering with joint distribution adaptation for intelligent fault diagnosis.The 42nd Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2023), Tianjin, July 24-26, 2023.

Yilin Li,Donghe Li, and Qingyu Yang. A Blockchain-based Semi-centralized Business System for Multi-enterprise.The 42nd Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2023), Tianjin, July 24-26, 2023.

Kunlun Lei, Donghe Li, Qingyu Yang and Pengtao Song. A Multi-retail Bi-level Supply Chain Game Based on Nested and Iterative Heuristic Algorithm.The 38th Youth Automation Conference (YAC 2023), Anhui, Hefei, October 13-15, 2023.

Zhenhua Peng, Qingyu Yang, Donghe Li and Feiye Zhang. Research on Multi-objective Charging Scheduling Strategy for Electric Vehicles: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach. The 38nd Youth Academie Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC 2023), Hefei, October 13-15, 2023.

Zizhuo Shangguan, Donghe Li, and Qingyu Yang. Multi-Objective Optimization Decision for Business Allocation on Blockchain. The 25th China Conference on System Simulation Technology and its Applications (CCSSTA2024), Tianjin, July 21-23, 2024.

Yuheng Wu, Qingyu Yang, Donghe Li, and Pengtao Song. TAMTL: A Novel Meta-Transfer Learning Approach for Fault Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery. The 14th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2024), Dalian, July 5-8, 2024.

Pengtao Song, Qingyu Yang, Donghe Li, Yuheng Wu. Observer-based H-infinity Sliding Mode Control for Networked Systems with Stochastic Communication Protocol and Packet Loss. The 14th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2024), Dalian, July 5-8, 2024.

Honorary Title

  1. 2023/01-2025/12,自然科学基金青年项目,“基于差分隐私的P2P电能交易市场中的隐私问题研究”,编号62203350,主持(李东鹤)
  2. 2021/07-2023/06,中国博士后科学基金会,面上资助二等,“针对电动汽车电能交易市场中的隐私信息攻防方法研究”,编号2021M692566,主持(李东鹤)
  3. 2021/12-2024/11,国家重点研发计划项目课题一子任务,“工业互联环境下大规模制造产业价值链协同新模式理论”,项目编号“2021YFB3301701”,子任务负责人(李东鹤)
  4. 2023/03-2024/03,校企合作项目,“图像识别与自然语言处理企业级框架一期项目”,项目编号202303129,主持(李东鹤)
  5. 2023/10-2024/06,校企合作项目,“新能源汽车智能网联教学平台项目”,主持(李东鹤)
  6. 2024/07-2024/12,校企合作项目,“玻璃引出量与厚度智能控制模型算法开发”,主持(李东鹤)
  7. 2024/11-2025/06,教改项目,“人工智能赋能专业教育领域垂直大模型专题研究项目”,子课题负责人(李东鹤)