Basic Information

                     Dr.  Bo Liu

             Professor of Physics   

               School of Physics,

          Xi’an Jiaotong University

          Xi’an 710049, P. R. China



2008-2013                Ph.D. 

                        Peking University,

                            Beijing, China




Email: liubophy AT

Working Experience

2016.09                  Professor,  Xi’an Jiaotong University

2013.02-2016.09    Postdoctoral Research Associate,                                                

                               University of Pittsburgh.


Scientific Research

Our research focuses on both theoretical and experimental studies of quantum simulation and quantum control in both ultra-cold quantum gases and opitcal systems. We aim for novel quantum states of matter in controllable systems and also their potential applications in a range of new technologies including quantum information, topological quantum computing, machine learning and etc.

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