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  5. 王顺森;毛靖儒;蔡柳溪等. 一种固体颗粒预旋掺混气动加速装置及方法[P], ZL201210231589.7, 2015.发明授权
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  1. He Yao, Cai LX*, Yao JW, et al. Research on Automatic Aerodynamic Performance Optimization for Flue Gas Turbine Blades Under Multiple Conditions[C]. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. GT2023-101885.
  2. Cai LX, He Yao, Hou YF, et al. Research on Particle Motion and Erosion Characteristics in the Flow Path of Multistage Axial Compressors[C]. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2022, Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT2022-82354.
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  2. 阮班铖,蔡柳溪*,李云等. 高温高压蒸汽管道颗粒运动及分离特性研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报,2022,56(2):47-56.
  3. 蔡柳溪,贺尧,李云等. 颗粒沉积和冲蚀损伤对轴流压气机性能影响的研究进展[J]. 动力工程学报,2022,42(7):622-631.
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