




(31)    Wang, J; Ding, Y; Ding, X*; Shi, W*; Liu, X*, Membranes for Xenon/Krypton separation, in preparation.


(30)    Fang, Y; Han, Y; Wang, J; Ding, Y; He, M; Lan, J; Ding, X*; Shi, W*; Liu, X*,  Calixarene decorated polymers of intrinsic microporosity for lithium isotopes separation, submitted. 


(29)    Mi, L #; Wang, J#He, M; Du, Y; Ding, X*; Shi, W*; Liu, X*, Synthesis of porous organic polymers with enhanced porosity by using N-hererocyclics as sacrificial agents for xenon adsorption, submitted.


(28)    Wang, J; Ding, Y; Ding, X*; Shi, W*; Liu, X*, Free standing ultrathin polymer membrane transcends the permeability-selectivity trade-off in helium methane separation, submitted.


(27)   He, M*; Chen, Z; Wang, C; Mi, L; Shang, Y; Zheng, J; Xiang, C; Liu, X*. Epitaxial growth of multicolor lanthanide MOF by ultrasound for photonic barcodes, under revision.


(26)   Fang, Y#.; Ha, R#; Sun, J; Liu, X*; Ding, X*; Shi, W*, Research progress on lithium isotopes separation by chemical exchange with crown ethers decorated materials. Green Energy & Enviroment, just accepted.




(25)   Du, M; Wang, C; Liu, X; Ding, X; Xiang, C*. Morphological insights into uncompetitive fuloresence of coal-based carbon dots and strategies for improvement. Carbon, just accepted


(24)   He, M*; Ding, Y; Liu, X*. Nanoporous amorphous carbon monolayer derived from fullerene film, Advanced Science, 2024, 11(10), 2308187.






(23)   哈锐,刘学,石伟群,丁向东,一种用于锂同位素分离的共价有机框架材料的制备方法及其应用,CN 115403721 B.


(22)   Li, J; Lan, J; Cao, R; Sun, J; Ding, X; Liu, X*; Yuan, L*; Shi, W*. Water mediated hydrogen bond network assisted construction of highly crystaline crown ether based covalent organic framework for Sr adsorption. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(51), 59544.




(21)   韩逸之,蓝健慧*,刘学*,石伟群*, 基于机器学习势函数的熔盐体系分子动力学研究进展, 化学学报2023, 81.



(20)   Zhang, W; Makurat, M; Liu, X; Kang, X; Liu, X; Li, Y; Kock, T; Leist, C; Maheu, C, et al. Giant proton transmembrane transport through sulfonatophenylated graphene in a direct methanol fuel cell.  arXiv:2308.16112.


(19)   Ha, R; Liu, F; Li, J; He, M; Lan, J; Wang, B; Sun, J; Liu, X*; Ding, X*; Shi, W.* Calix[4]arene decorated covalent organic framework conjugates for lithium isotopes separation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(4), 5657.





(18)   Leist, C*; He, M; Liu, X; Kaiser, U*; Qi, H*. Deep learning pipeline for statistical quantification of amorphous two-dimensional materials. ACS nano. 2022, 16(12), 20488.






(17)   Zhang P#, Zhang Y#, Wang L*, Qiu K, Tang X, Gibson K, Liu X, Mei L, An S, Huang Z, Ren P, Wang Y, Chai Z, Shi W*. Bio-inspired macrocyclic molecule supported two-dimensional lamellar membrane with robust interlayer structure for high-efficiency nanofiltration. Advanced Science. 2022, 2206516.




(16)    Van de ham, A.#Liu, X.#;Calvani, D.;Melcrová, A;Kozdra, M.;Buda,F.;Overkleeft, H.;Roos, H.;Filippov, D.;Schneider, G*. Freestanding non-covalent thin films of the propeller-shaped polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon decacyclene. Nature Communications. 2022.1920. 





(15)     X. Liu and G. Schneider. Membrane and method of manufacture thereof. WO2021170244.





(14)     Liu, X.; He, M.; Calvani, D.; Qi, H.; Gupta, K. B. S. S.; de Groot, H. J. M.; Sevink, G. J. A.; Buda, F.; Kaiser, U.; Schneider, G. F*. Power generation by reverse electrodialysis in a single-layer nanoporous membrane made from core–rim polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Nature Nanotechnology 2020, 15 (4), 307.






(13)     Addala, A.; Poupon, M.; Bernès, S.; Kürkçüoğlu, G. S.; Liu, X.; Lehchili, F.; Kučeráková, M.; Dušek, M.; Setifi, F.; Setifi, Z.et al. Synthesis, structure and luminescence properties of zinc and cadmium linear-chain compounds with anionic monoalkoxy-tetracyanopropenes bridged by 4,4-bipyridines. Polyhedron 2019, 170, 271.




(12)     Liu, X.; Siegler, M. A.; Hilbers, M.; Bouwman, E*. Synthesis, structure and photoluminescence properties of lanthanoid coordination polymers based on tetra(3,5-dicarboxyphenoxymethyl)methane. Polyhedron 2017, 123, 1.



(11)     Lehchili, F.; Setifi, F.; Liu, X.; Saneei, A.; Kučeráková, M.; Setifi, Z.; Dušek, M.; Poupon, M.; Pourayoubi, M.; Reedijk, J*. The non-coordinating anion 1,1,3,3-tetracyano-2-propoxy-propenide as an anion-π donor in cis-diaquabis(2,2-dipyridylamine)zinc and its cadmium analog: Luminescence properties, Hirshfeld analysis and central-atom induced polymorphism. Polyhedron 2017, 131, 27.




(10)      Liu, X.; Siegler, M. A.; Bouwman, E*. Ratiometric Thermometer Based on a Lanthanoid Coordination Polymer. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2016, 2016 (18), 2984.



(9)        Liu, X.; González-Castro, A.; Mutikainen, I.; Pevec, A.; Teat, S. J.; Gamez, P.; Costa, J. S.; Bouwman, E*.; Reedijk, J. Zinc and cadmium halide compounds with the tridentate ligand 2-(methylsulfanyl)-N-(pyridin-2-ylmethylidene)aniline showing yellow luminescence. Polyhedron 2016, 110, 100.


(8)        Liu, X.; Fu, W.; Bouwman, E*. One-step growth of lanthanoid metal–organic framework (MOF) films under solvothermal conditions for temperature sensing. Chemical Communication 2016, 52 (42), 6926.


(7)        Liu, X.; Bouwman, E*. Synthesis and photophysical properties of a highly luminescent EuIII-containing hybrid thin film. Polyhedron 2016, 118, 25.


(6)        Khan, R. A.; Dielmann, F.; Liu, X.; Hahn, F. E.; Al-Farhan, K.; Alsalme, A.; Reedijk, J*. Tetrahedrally coordinated luminescent copper(I) compounds containing halide, phosphane and norharmane ligands. Polyhedron 2016, 111, 173.


(5)        Jaafar, M.; Liu, X.; Dielmann, F.; Hahn, F. E.; Al-Farhan, K.; Alsalme, A.; Reedijk, J*. Synthesis, structure and spectroscopic properties of bis(triphenylphosphane)iminium (chlorido)(cyanido)argentates(I). Inorganica Chimica Acta 2016, 443, 45.


(4)       He, M.; Chen, Z.; Pineda, E. M.; Liu, X.; Bouwman, E.; Ruben, M.; Roesky, P. W*. Homoleptic Chiral Benzamidinate Complexes of Rare-Earth Elements: Synthesis, Structure, Luminescence, and Magnetism. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2016, 2016 (36), 5512.




(3)       Liu, X.; Akerboom, S.; Jong, M. d.; Mutikainen, I.; Tanase, S.; Meijerink, A.; Bouwman, E*. Mixed-Lanthanoid Metal–Organic Framework for Ratiometric Cryogenic Temperature Sensing. Inorganic Chemistry 2015, 54 (23), 11323.



(2)       Liu, X.; Akerboom, S.; Askes, S. H. C.; Mutikainen, I.; Bouwman, E*. A novel coordination network of Tb(III) with 2-hydroxy-trimesic acid showing very intense photoluminescence. Inorganic Chemistry Communication 2015, 61, 60.


(1)       Alsalme, A.; Jaafar, M.; Liu, X.; Dielmann, F.; Hahn, F. E.; Al-farhan, K.; Reedijk, J*. Synthesis, structure and spectroscopic properties of bis(triphenylphosphane)iminium (phenylacetylido)(cyanido)aurate(I) monoacetone monohydrate, (PPN)[Au(CN)(CCC6H5)]·H2O·(CH3)2CO and bis(triphenylphosphane)iminium (t-butylacetylido)(cyanido)aurate(I) monohydrate, (PPN)[Au(CN)(CCC4H9)]·H2O. Polyhedron 2015, 88, 1.