Basic Information


Professor. Liuyang Zhang,

School of Mechanical Engineering


Academic Appointments

(1.)Basic Information

Zhang Liuyang, Professor and PhD supervisor, has been selected for the National Young Talent Program, Xi'an Jiaotong University Young Talent A Program, Xiaomi Young Scholar. Prof. Zhang has published more than 100 papers, granted 15 invention patents, and hold the fundings from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) etc. He is mainly engaged in the research of terahertz detection and imaging technology, intelligent sensor design and manufacturing, and condition monitoring technology.

Research Fields

  • Terahertz Detection and Imaging Technology

  • Intelligent Sensor Design and Manufacturing

  • New Condition Monitoring Technology

Join Us

I have several open positions for graduate students in the areas of intelligent sensing and testing, fault detection and diagnosis. Please send me email if you are interested in pursuing a Master or PhD degree in my team. Students can receive extra financial support depending on their progress.