Yuan Wenhan, Chai Yijun, Yang xiongwei, Li Yueming, Viscous Fluid Dissipation for Filtering Poor Bandgaps and Achieving Low-Frequency Bandgaps in Metamaterials, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2025, Accepted.
Jia-Yu Liang, Erich Bauer, Wen Fan, Yue-Ming Li, A Coupled Poro-Elasto-Plastic Model for Saturated Porous Media: Macro-Microscopic Analysis, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2025, Accepted.
Xiaoyun Li, Bo Hu, Yijun Chai, Xiongwei Yang, Yueming Li. Influence of Nonlinear Contact Stiffness on Frequency Veering of Aircraft Towbarless Traction System. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2024, Accepted.
Duan Biwen,Li Yueming. A method for wrinkling analysis of creased space film under thermal environment, Acta Mech., 235, 5119–5135 (2024).
Qian Geng, Yueming Li. Flexural vibration suppression behavior of sleeved phononic crystal pipes in thermal environment, Engineering Structures, 309 (2024):118011.
Xiaoyun Li, Jixiao Wang, Yijun Chai, Xiongwei Yang, Chunming Wang and Yueming Li, A Novel Frog-like Meta-structure with Linkage Mechanism for Low-frequency Vibration Isolation, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 57(2024) : 135304
马琴,喻文浩,柴怡君,杨雄伟,李跃明. GH4169合金的中温应力松弛行为与蠕变本构方程,机械工程材料,2024,已接受
Yanyan Sun, Yijun Chai, Xiongwei Yang and Yueming Li. The Thermal Conductivity Coefficient of a Square Thermal Invisibility Cloak Cell and Its Application in Periodic Plate, Aerosp. Res. Commun. 2023, 1:12099. doi: 10.3389/arc.2023.12099
蒋 璇,柴怡君,耿 谦,杨雄伟,李跃明. 散射体固液形态下超材料带隙特性分析, 振动工程学报,2023,Vol.36, No.3, pp.825-836。
Yijun Chai,Xiongwei Yangon, Yueming LI. Full mode-converting transmission between longitudinal and bending waves in plates and beams, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Available online 20 June 2023, 117890, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsv.2023.117890
Xie Jiawen, Chai Yijun, Zhou Junchen, Yang Xiongwei, Li Yueming. 3-D Progressive Failure Analysis and Experimental Verification of L-Shaped Composite Structure with Initial Defects, AIAA Journal, 2023, Online. https://doi.org/10.2514/1.J062613
Miaoxia Xie, Feilong Yao, Ling Li, Yueming Li. Research status and development trend of energy finite element analysis: a review, Journal of Vibroengineering, Vol. 25, Issue 2, 2023, p. 247-268. doi.org/10.21595/jve.2022.22843
Qian Geng, Lingyi Long, Xiongwei Yang, Zhushan Shao, Yueming Li. Phononic crystal pipe with periodically attached sleeves for vibration suppression, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 251 (2023) 108344. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2023.108344
Yijun Chai, Xiongwei Yang; Yueming Li. Growth prediction and interlayer stress evolution of double-layered TGO in breakaway oxidation of thermal barrier coating system, Surface & Coatings Technology, 458 (2023) 129348. doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2023.129348.
Yao ShengJie, Chai YiJun, Yang XiongWei, Li YueMing. Elastic twisting metamaterial for perfect Longitudinal-torsional wave mode conversion, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44: 515–524.
Biwen Duan, Yijun Chai, Qian Geng, Xiongwei Yang, Yueming Li. Study on dynamic characteristics of composite plates under non-uniform gradient temperature along the thickness, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1177/10775463231155711.
Wenhan Yuan, Yijun Chai, Xiongwei Yang and Yueming Li, Bandgap evolution of metamaterials with continuous solid–liquid phase change, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2023, 56 (5) : 055105, DOI 10.1088/1361-6463/acaed8
Liyang Zhao, Xiongwei Yang, Jixiao Wang, Yijun Chai, Yueming Li, Chunming Wang. Improved Frequency-domain Spectral Element Method for Vibration Analysis of Non-uniform Pipe Conveying Fluid, Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 182(1):110254, DOI:10.1016/j.tws.2022.110254.
M.P. Arunkumar, Yueming Li, An Exact Solution for Vibro-Acoustic Response of MEE composite Plate, Thin-Walled Structures, 179 (2022) :109598.
景旭峰,王婷英,柴怡君,刘宝君,王春明,李跃明. 含内部件加筋储液罐流固耦合动响应研究, 应用力学学报, 2022,已接受。
李跃明,李晓云,柴怡君,杨雄伟. 飞机新牵引滑出方式下前起落架动响应分析, 航空学报, 2022, 43(6): 526915-526915。
Qian Geng, Pang-Kit Fong, Jingfeng Ning, Zhushan Shao, Li Yueming. Thermally-induced transitions of multi-frequency defect wave localization and energy harvesting of phononic crystal plate, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022 :107253-107253.
M.P. Arunkumar, Vinod Bhagat, Qian Geng, Yueming Li, Jeyaraj Pitchaimani. An Exact Solution for Vibro-Acoustic Response of Smart Sandwich Panels with MEE composite Layer, Composite Structures, 286 (2022) : 115201.
Miaoxia Xie, Peng Zhang, Minghui Zhu, Fengwei Gao, Lixia Li, Ling Li and Yueming Li. Energy Flow Analysis of High-Frequency Flexural Vibration of Wedge Beam Structures, Shock and Vibration, Volume 2022, Article ID 2935655, 10 pages, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/2935655
Yang XW, Wang T, Chai YJ, Li YM. Fiber-reinforced composite metamaterials for mode conversion of elastic waves. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, 55 : 035302.
Jia-yu Liang, Yue-ming Li, B.A Erich. A macro-microscopic coupled constitutive model for fluid-saturated porous media with compressible constituents. Transport in Perous Media, (2022) 141: 379–416.
王婷英,柴怡君,耿谦,杨雄伟,李跃明. 力-压电混合弹性超材料梁的带隙调节特性,固体力学学报,2022, 43(4): 406-418. DOI: 10.19636/j.cnki.cjsm42-1250/o3.2022.002
Xiongwei Yang, Yijun Chai and Yueming Li. Metamaterial with anisotropic mass density for full mode-converting transmission of elastic waves in the ultralow frequency range, AIP Advances 11, 125205 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0063038
Jia-yu Liang, Yue-ming Li. A Macro-microscopic Coupled Consolidation Model for Saturated Porous Media with Compressible Constituents, Computers and Geotechnics, 140 (2021) 104466.
AMIRI DELOUEI Amin, EMAMIAN Amin, SAJJADI Hasan, ATASHAFROOZ Meysam, LI Yueming, WANG Lian-Ping, JING Dengwei, XIE Gongnan. A Comprehensive Review on Multi-Dimensional Heat Conduction of Multi-Layer and Composite Structures: Analytical Solutions, Journal of Thermal Science , Vol.30, No.6 (2021) 1875-1907
M.P. Arunkumar, Vinod Bhagat, Qian Geng, Jingfeng Ning, Yueming Li. An analytical solution for vibro-acoustic characteristics of sandwich panelwith 3DGrF core and FGCNT reinforced polymer composite face sheets, Aerospace Science and Technology, 119 (2021) 107091
王恬,杨雄伟,柴怡君,耿谦,李跃明. 高效弹性波波型转换复合材料设计研究,复合材料科学与工程,2021,(12): 5-11,https://doi.org/10.19936/j.cnki.2096-8000.20210727.031
Xiongwei Yang, Shengjie Yao, Yijun Chai and Yueming Li, Efficient pure-mode elastic mode-converting diode, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 (2021) 365302
Lei Wu, Yueming Li. Harnessing bulging or sloshing modes to design locally resonant liquid-solid metamaterials, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 510 (2021) 116280
Xiongwei Yang, Yijun Chai, Qian Geng and Yueming Li, Inverse design of locally resonant metamaterial with anisotropic mass density for perfect transmodal Fabry–Pérot interference, J. Appl. Phys. 129, 215103 (2021)
Qian Geng, Tian Wang, Lei Wu and Yueming Li, Defect coupling behavior and flexural wave energy harvesting of phononic crystal beams with double defects in thermal environments, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 (2021) 225501
Wei Tian,Yingsong Gu,Hao Liu,Xiaochen Wang,Zhichun Yang,Yueming Li,Ping Li,Nonlinear aeroservoelastic analysis of a supersonic aircraft with control fin free-play by component mode synthesis technique, Journal of Sound and Vibration,Volume 493, 17 February 2021, 115835
李跃明,耿谦. 热结构的声振特性,科学出版社,北京,2021年1月.
- Jingfeng Ning and Yueming Li. Dynamic flow resistivity and sound absorption of compressed fibrous porous materials: Experimental and theoretical, Physics of Fluids, 32, 127103 (2020).
- Zhen Li, Lei Wu, Hu Zhang, Yue-ming Li, Heow Pueh Lee. Dual-functional metamaterial with vibration isolation and heat flux guiding, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 469 (2020) : 115122.
- Ting Guo, Xiong-wei Yang, Qian Geng, Zhen Li, Yue-ming Li, Xian Wang, Hu Zhang. Anisotropic phononic crystal structure with low-frequency bandgap and heat flux manipulation. SCIENCE CHINA (Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy), Feb. 2020, Vol.63. No.2: 224711.
- Lei Wu, Qian Geng, Yue-ming Li. A locally resonante elastic metamaterial based on coupled vibration of intermal liquid and coating layer, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 468 (2020) : 115102.
- Wei Tian, Yueming Li, Zhichun Yang, Ping Li, Tian Zhao, Suppression of nonlinear aeroelastic responses for a cantilevered trapezoidal plate in hypersonic airflflow using an energy harvester enhanced nonlinear energy sink. International, Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 172 (2020) 105417
- Zhen Li, Yue-ming Li, Sanjay Kumar, and Heow Pueh Lee. Thermal tuning of negative effective mass density in a two-dimensional acoustic metamaterial with hexagonal lattice, Journal of Applied Physics, 126, 155102(2019). DOI:10.1063/1.5109597
- Di Wang, Lei Wu, Yun Zhu, Xian Wang, Yue-ming Li. Vibration of a plate coupled with fluid considering the effects of stress and deformation under hydrostatic load, Thin-Walled Structures, 145(2019) : 106413.
- Wei Tian, Yue-ming Li, Ping Li, Zhi-chun Yang, Tian Zhao. Passive control of nonlinear aeroelasticity in hypersonic 3-D wing with a nonlinear energy sink, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 462 (2019) 114942. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2019.114942
- Yi-jun CHAI, Xiong-wei YANG, Yue-ming LI, Kazuhiro OGAWA. Stress Development in Thermal Barrier Coatings with Morphology-controlled Thermally Grown Oxide, Ceramics International, Vol.45, Issue 16, Nov. 2019, Pages 20435-20445.
- Jing-feng Ning, Yue-ming Li, Gui-ping Zhao. Simple multi-sections unit-cell model for sound absorption characteristics of lotus-type porous metals. Physics of Fluids, 31, 077102 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5109583
- Jia-yu Liang, Yue-ming Li. Analytical Solutions for Limit Loads of Simply Supported Conical Shells under Internal Pressure with Unified Yield Criterion. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 172(2019): 145-152.
- Yanqin Shangguan, Xian Wang, Hu Zhang, Yue-ming Li. LBM study on unsteady flow and heat-transfer behaviors of double-row film cooling with various row spacings. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 138(2019) : 1251-1263,
- Qian Geng, Tian-yu Cai, and Yue-ming Li. Flexural wave manipulation and energy harvesting characteristics of a defect phononic crystal beam with thermal effects. Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 125: 035103
- Lei Wu, Di Wang, Yun Zhu, Yue-ming Li. A study on the effects of hydraulic static load on the dynamic characteristics of the partially liquid-filled cylindrical shell. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2019, 85: 40~54
- Jia-yu Liang, Yue-ming Li. A Failure Criterion Considering Stress Angle Effect, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 52(4), 1257-1263, Mar. 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s00603-018-1676-x.
- Chen LIN, Yi-jun CHAI, Yue-ming LI. Oxidation simulation of TBC with actual microstructures considering strength difference property of TC and creep-plastic behavior of TGO and BC, Coatings, 2018, 8,388. doi:10.3390/coatings8100338
- 胡君逸,李跃明,李海波,程昊. 考虑热应力、热变形正交各向异性板的动特性及响应规律,工程力学,2018, 35(8) : 218-229.
- Di Wang, Qian Geng, Yue-ming Li. Effect of static load on vibro-acoustic behaviour of clamped plates with geometric imperfections. J. of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 432 : 155-172.
- Lin Chen, Li Yue-ming. A Coupled Mechanical-Chemical Model for Reflecting the Influence of Stress on Oxidation Reactions in Thermal Barrier Coating. J. of Applied Physics, 123(21) : 215305 (2018) ; doi: 10.1063/1.5019848.
- Yun Zhu, Zhen Li and Yue-ming Li, The Lamb wave bandgap variation of a locally resonant phononic crystal subjected to thermal deformation[J]. Aip Advances, 2018, 8(5) : 055109.
- Zhen Li, Yun Zhu, and Yue-ming LI. Thermal stress effects on the flexural wave bandgap of a rwo-dimensional locally resonant acoustic metamaterial. J. of Applied Physics, 123(19) : 195101 (2018) ; doi: 10.1063/1.5019862 (封面论文)
- Xian Wang, Yanqin Shangguan, Hu Zhang, Yue-ming Li. Numerical study on the near-wall characteristics of compound angled film cooling based on hybrid thermal lattice Boltmann method. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 129 : 1670-1681.
- Yanqin Shangguan, Xian Wang, Hu Zhang, Yue-ming Li. Further investigation on the flow and heat transfer mechanism of single-jet film cooling based on hybrid thermal lattice Boltzmann method. Communications in Computational Physics, 2018, 23(4), 1094-1115.
- Hu Zhang, Xian Wang, Yue-ming Li, Measuring radiative properties of silica aerogel composite from FTIR transmittance test using KBr as diluents. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2018, 91: 144-154.
- Hu Zhang, Chao Zhang, Wen-Tao Ji, Xian Wang, Yue-ming Li, Wen-Quan Tao, Experimental characterization of the thermal conductivity and microstructure of opacifier-fiber-aerogel composite. Molecules, 2018, 23, 2198.
- 李重岭,李跃明,李海波,程昊. 考虑热效应复合材料典型壁板结构模态演变规律,复合材料学报,2018, 35(4): 222-231.
- LIN Chen, SUN Qiang, CHAI Yijun, CHEN Hualing, LI Yueming. Stress evolution in top coat of thermal barrier coatings by considering strength difference property in tension and compression. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2017, 329C: 86-96.
- Yan-qin SHANGGUAN, Xian WANG, Hu ZHANG, Yue-ming LI. Further investigation on the flow and heat transfer mechanism of single-jet film cooling based hybrid thermal lattice Boltzmann method, Communications in Computational Physics, 2017, 23(4) : 1094-1115.
- Dongfeng Li, Qiang Zhou, Gang Chen, Yueming Li. Structural dynamic reanalysis method for transonic aeroelastic analysis with global structural modifications, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 74 (2017):305-320.
- 张保雷,上官燕琴,王娴,陈刚,李跃明. 低雷诺数下横流-射流中剪切涡的试验研究. 航空学报, 2017, 38(7): 120831。
- Yijun Chai, Chen Lin, Yue-ming Li. Effects of Creep-Plastic Behavior on Stress Development in TBCs during Cooling. Ceramics International, 2017, 43(15): 11627-11634.
- Zhou Qiang, Li Dong-feng, A. Da Ronch, Chen Gang, Li Yue-ming. Reduced Order Unsteady Aerodynamic Model of a Rigid Aerofoil in Gust Encounters. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2017, 63 : 203-213.
- Hu ZHANG, Wen-zhen FANG, Xian WANG, Yue-ming LI. Thermal conductivity of fiber and opacifier loaded silica aerogel composite [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 115:21-31.
- Zhao Xin, Zhang Bo, Li Yue-ming. Vibration and acoustic radiation of an orthotropic composite cylindrical shell in a hygroscopic environment. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2017, Vol. 23(4) 673–692. DOI: 10.1177/1077546315581943.
- Yan-qin SHANGGUAN, Xian WANG, Hu ZHANG, Yue-ming LI. Analysis on the mechanism of evolutionary process of counter-rotating vortex pair in film cooling based on hybrid thermal lattice Boltzmann method, International Communication of heat and mass transfer, 2017,87:72-83.
- Hu Zhang, Yue-Ming Li, Wen-Quan Tao, Theoretical accuracy of anisotropic thermal conductivity determined by transient plane source method[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 108: 1634–1644.
- Hu Zhang, Wen-Zhen Fang, Yue-Ming Li, Wen-Quan Tao, Experimental study of the thermal conductivity of polyurethane foams [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 115: 528-538.
- Hu Zhang, Yue-Ming Li, Wen-Quan Tao. Effect of radiative heat transfer on determining thermal conductivity of semi-transparent materials using transient plane source method [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 114: 337–345.
- Zhen Li, Xian Wang, Yue-ming Li. The band gap ariation of a two dimensional binary locally resonant structure in thermal environment[J]. Aip Advances, 2017, 7(015002).
- 于志鹏,陈刚,李跃明. 反吸气式临近空间飞行器空基拦截弹制导律设计. 飞行力学,2017,第35卷第1期,pp.66
- Chai Yi-jun, Lin Chen, Wang Xian, Li Yue-ming. Study on Stress Development in the Phase Transition Layer of Thermal Barrier Coatings[J]. Materials, 2016, 9(9): 773.
- Zhang Bo, Li Yue-ming. Nonlinear vibration of rotating pre-deformed blade with thermal gradient[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, (2016) 86: 459-478. DOI: 10.1007/s11071-016-2900-4.
- Zhang Bo, Li Yue-ming, Lu Wei-zhen. Dynamic characteristics of rotating pretwisted clamped-clamped beam under thermal stress. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 30 (9) (2016) 4031~4042. DOI 10.1007/s12206-016-0816-z.
- Jun Pan, Jinglong Chen, Yanyang Zi, Yueming Li, Zhengjia He. Mono-component feature extraction for mechanical fault diagnosis using modified empirical wavelet transform via data-driven adaptive Fourier spectrum segment[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 72-73, May 2016, Pages 160–183. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2015.10.017
- Zhou Qiang, Li Dong-feng, A. Da Ronch, Chen Gang, Li Yue-ming. Computational Fluid Dynamics-based Transonic Flutter Suppression with Control Delay. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2016, 66:183-206.
- 周强,陈刚,李跃明. 基于CFD降阶的非线性气动弹性稳定性分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(16): 17-23. Zhou Qiang,Chen Gang,Li Yue-ming. Nonlinear aeroelastic stability analysis based on CFD reduced order models. JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND SHOCK, 2016, 35(16): 17-23.
- 赵鑫,张博,李跃明. 不同边界条件下截顶正交各向异性圆锥壳的振动和声辐射研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(3): 99-106.
ZHAO Xin, ZHANG Bo, LI Yue-ming. Influence of boundary conditions on the vibration and sound radiation of a truncated orthotropic conical shell. JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND SHOCK, 2016, 35(3): 99-106.
- 李汪颖,杨雄伟,李跃明.多孔材料夹层结构声辐射特性的两尺度拓扑优化设计. 航空学报, 2016, 37(4): 1196-1206. DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2015.0140.
- ShangGuan Yan-qin, Wang Xian, Li Yue-ming. Investigation on the mixing mechanism of single-jet film cooling with various blowing ratios based on hybrid thermal lattice Boltzmann method. Inter. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 97 (2016) 880-890.
- Du Meng, Geng Qian, Li Yue-ming. Vibrational and acoustic responses of a laminated plate with temperature gradient along the thickness. Composite Structures, 157 (2016) 483–493. DOI:10.1016/j.compstruct. 2016.01.063.
- Geng Qian, Li Yue-ming. Solutions of dynamic and acoustic responses of a clamped rectangular plate in thermal environments. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2016, 22(6): 1593-1603. DOI: 10.1177/1077546314543730.
- Lin Chen, Li Yue-ming. Interface Stress Evolution Considering the Combined Creep-Plastic behavior in Thermal Barrier Coatings, Materials and Design, 2016, 89: 245–254. DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2015.09.146.
- Lin Chen, Li Yue-ming. A return mapping algorithm for Unified Strength Theory model. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng, 2015, 104:749–766. DOI: 10.1002/nme.4937.
- Zhao Xin, Li Yue-ming. Vibration and Acoustic Responses of an Orthotropic Composite Conical Shell in a Hygroscopic Environment. Int. J. Appl. Mechanics, 2015, 7(4): 1550053.
- Geng Qian, Wang Di, Liu Yuan, Li Yue-ming. Experimental and numerical investigations on dynamic and acoustic responses of a thermal post-buckled plate. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2015, 58(8): 1414–1424. DOI:10.1007/s11431-015-5838-8.
- Yang Xiong-wei, Li Yue-ming. Structural topology optimization on sound radiation at resonance frequencies in thermal environments, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2015, 58: 034601. DOI: 10.1007/s11433-014-5539-5.
- Li Wei, Li Yue-ming. Vibration and Sound Radiation of a Laminated Rectangular Plate in Thermal Environments, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2015, 28(1): 11-22.
- Wang Di, Xie Miao-xia, Li Yue-ming. High-Frequency Dynamic Analysis of Plates in Thermal Environments Based on Energy Finite Element Method. Shock and Vibration, 2015, Article ID 157208, 14 pages. DOI:10.1155/2015/157208.
- Yin Yan-qi, Zhang Bo, Li Yue-ming, Lu Weizhen. Effect of dead load on dynamic characteristics of rotating Timoshenko beams. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, Article ID: 582192, 10 pages. DOI: 10.1155/2015/582192.
- ShangGuan Yan-qin, Wang Xian, Li Yue-ming. Large-scaled simulation on the coherent vortex evolution of a jet in cross-flow based on lattice Boltzmann method. Thermal Science, 2015, 19(3): 977-988. DOI: 10.2298/TSCI150606101S.
- Zuo Ying-tao, Gao Zheng-hong, Chen Gang, Wang Xiao-peng, Li Yue-ming. Efficient aero-structural design optimization: Coupling based on reverse iteration of structural model. Science China Technological Sciences, 2015, 58(2): 307-315.
- 上官燕琴, 王娴, 李跃明. 基于格子Boltzmann方法的平板射流大涡模拟. 计算物理, 2015, 32(6): 669-676.
- 柴怡君, 林晨, 李跃明. 考虑化学氧化效应时热障涂层氧化物的生长规律. 应用数学和力学, 2015, 36(4): 404-413.
- 李欢, 耿谦, 李跃明. 热环境下夹芯梁声振特性的理论与数值研究. 应用力学学报, 2015, 32(1): 40-45.
- 上官燕琴, 王娴, 李跃明. 气膜冷却掺混机理的高性能数值研究. 气体物理, 2015, 10(3): 76-83.
- 刘菲菲, 陈刚, 李跃明. 用于飞机机翼涡固干扰噪声数值模拟的RAMS/NLAS方法. 西安交通大学学报, 2015, 49(9): 141-146.
- 周强,陈刚,李跃明. 考虑流固耦合效应的某飞行器力学性能分析. 应用力学学报, 2015, 32(2): 47-52.
- Zhang Bo, Li Yue-ming. Six Degrees of Freedom Coupled Dynamic Response of Rotor with a Transverse Breathing Crack. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 78(3): 1843-1861.
- Yang Xiong-wei, Li Yue-ming. Structural Topology Optimization on Dynamic Compliance at Resonance Frequency in Thermal Environment. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2014, 49(1): 81-91. DOI: 10.1007/s00158-013-0961-2.
- Geng Qian, Li Huan, Li Yue-ming. Dynamic and acoustic respnse of a clamped rectangular plate in thermal environments: Experiment and numerical simulation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2014, 135(5): 2674–2682. DOI: 10.1121/1.4870483.
- Zhou Qiang, Chen Gang, Li Yueming. A reduced order model based on block arnoldi method for aeroelastic system. Int. J. Appl. Mechanics, 2014, 6(6): 1450069. DOI: 10.1142/S1758825114500690.
- Zuo Ying-tao, Chen Gang, Li Yue-ming, Gao Zheng-hong. Efficient Aeroelastic Design Optimization Based on Discrete Adjoint Method. Trans. of Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., 2014, 57(6): 343-351.
- Chen Gang, Wang Xian, Li Yue-ming. Reduced-Order-Model-Based Placement Optimization of Multiple Control Surfaces for Active Aeroelastic Control. International Journal of Computational Method, 2014, 11(06): 1350081.
- Chen Gang, Wang Xian, Li Yue-ming. A reduced-order-model-based multiple-in multiple-out gust alleviation control law design method in transonic flow. SCIENCE CHINA, Technological Sciences, 2014, 57(2): 368-378.
- 林晨, 黄明, 李跃明. 基于序列图像重构的Al2O3/(W,Ti)C纳米复合陶瓷材料抗弯强度预测. 机械工程学报, 2014, 50(2): 62-69.
- 李特, 刘少宝, 李蒙萌, 吴莹, 李跃明. 耳蜗结构对低频信号频散特性的影响. 应用数学和力学, 2014, 35(8): 893-902.
- Liu Yuan, Li Yue-ming. Vibration and acoustic response of rectangular sandwich plate under thermal environment. Shock and Vibration, 2013, 20: 1011–1030. DOI: 10.3233/SAV-130801.
- Zhao Xin, Geng Qian, Li Yue-ming. Vibration and acoustic response of an orthotropic composite laminated plate in a hygroscopic environment. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2013, 133 (3): 1433-1442. DOI:10.1121/1.4790353.
- Yang Xiong-wei, Li Yue-ming. Topology optimization to minimize the dynamic compliance of a bi-material plate in a thermal environment. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2013, 47: 399-408. DOI: 10.1007/s00158-012-0831-3.
- Huang Ming, Li Yue-ming. X-ray tomography image-based reconstruction of microstructural finite element mesh models for heterogeneous materials. Computational Materials Science, 2013, 67: 63-72. DOI:10.1016/j.commatsci.2012.08.032.
- Chen Gang, Wang Xian, Li Yue-ming. Active Aeroelastic Control using Multiple Control Surfaces Based on a High-Fidelity Reduced Order Model. Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., 2013, 56(5): 261–268.
- Chen Gang, Sun Jian, Mao Wen-tao, Li Yue-ming. Limit Cycle Oscillation Control for Transonic Aeroelastic Systems Based on Support Vector Machine Reduced Order Model. Trans. Japan Soc. Aero. Space Sci., 2013, Vol. 56(1): 8-14.
- Che Ai-lan, Ge Xiu-run, Li Yue-ming. Use of Non-destructive Technoques in Chinese Traditiional Timber Structures. Structures and Buildings, 2013, 166(6): 307-315. DOI: 10.1680/stbu.10.00019.
- Xie Miao-xia, Ih Jeong-Guon, Kim Tae-kyoon, Li Yue-ming. Prediction of Acoustic Power Transmission of Fluid-Filled Thin Pipe Based on Impedance-Mobility Approach. International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures, 2013, 3(1): 135–151. DOI:10.3850/S201042862013000562.
- Zhang Hong-yan, Shen Ya-peng, Li Yue-ming, Mei Xue-song. Effect of Initial Stress on the Lateral Modes in 1-3 Piezocomposites. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2013, 20(2): 122-129. DOI: 10.1080/15376494.2011.584140.
- 张博, 李跃明. 基于间接迭代-热辐射边界处理新方法的典型MTPS结构缝隙热短路效应研究. 固体力学学报, 2013, 33: 27-34.
- 许丁, 陈刚, 王娴, 李跃明. 基于多GPU得格子Boltzmann法对槽道湍流的直接数值模拟. 应用数学和力学, 2013, 34(9): 956-964.
- Yang Xiong-wei, Chen Gang, Li Yue-ming. Topological Sensitivity Analysis of Structural Sound Radiation in a Thermal Environment. Inter. J. of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures, 2012, 2(3): 365-382. DOI: 10.3850/S2010428612000414.
Yang Xiong-wei, Chen Gang, Li Yue-ming. Topology Optimization of a Bi-Material Plate with Respect to Sound Radiation in a Thermal Environment. Inter. J. of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures, 2012, 2(1): 87–102. DOI: 10.3850/S2010428612000244.
- Xie Miao-xia, Li Yue-ming et al. Prediction of High-frequency Vibro-acoustic Coupling in Anechoic Chamber Using Energy Finite Element Method and Energy Boundary Element Method. Computer modeling in engineering and sciences, 2012, 85(1): 65-78. DOI:10.3970 /cmes.2012.085.065.
- Geng Qian, Li Yue-ming. Analysis of Dynamic and Acoustic Radiation Characters for a Flat Plate under Thermal Environments. Inter. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2012, 4(3): 1250028. DOI: 10.1142/ S1758825112500287.
- Chen Gang, Sun Jian, Li Yue-ming. Active Flutter Suppression Control Law Design Method Based on Balanced Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Reduced Order Model. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2012, 70: 1-12.
- Chen Gang, Zuo Ying-tao, Sun Jian, Li Yue-ming. Support-Vector-Machine-Based Reduced-Order Model for Limit Cycle Oscillation Prediction of Nonlinear Aeroelastic System. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012. DOI:10.1155/2012/152123.
- Chen Gang, Sun Jian, Li Yue-ming. Adaptive Reduced-Order-Model-Based Control-Law Design for Active Flutter Suppression. Journal of Aircraft, 2012, 49(4): 973-980.
- 耿谦, 李跃明, 杨雄伟. 热应力作用下结构声-振耦合响应数值分析. 计算力学学报, 2012, 29(1): 99-104.
- 李跃明, 陈刚, 许丁. 面向高端装备制造CAE技术的机遇和挑战. 计算机辅助工程, 2012, 21(1): 1-7.
- Yang Xiong-wei, Wang Cheng, Li Yue-ming, Yan Gui-rong. Vibro-Acoustic Response of a Thermally Stressed Reinforced Conical Shell. ADVANCED SCIENCE LETTERS, 2011, 4(8): 2802-2806.
- Chen Gang, Li Yue-ming, Yan Gui-rong. Limit Cycle Oscillation Prediction and Control Design method for Aeroelastic System Based on New Nonlinear Reduced Order Model. International Journal of Computational Method, 2011, 8(1):77-90.
- Yu Mao-hong, Kolupaev V.A., Li Yue-ming, Li Jian-chun. Advances in Unified Strength Theory and its Generalization. ICM11, Procedia Engineering, 2011, 10: 2508-2513.
- Liu Jiang-tao, Lu Jing-jing, Chen Gang, Li Yue-ming. Numerical Analysis of Unsteady Aerodynamics for High-speed Trains. International Journal of Aerospace and Light-weight Structures, 2011, 1(2): 301-313.
- 陈刚, 李跃明. 非定常流场降阶模型及应用研究进展与展望. 力学进展, 2011, 41 (6): 686-701.
- 杨雄伟, 李跃明, 耿谦. 基于混合FE-SEA法高温环境飞行器宽频声振特性分析. 航空学报, 2011, 32(10): 1851-1859.
- 徐凯, 李跃明. 高速列车车厢结构声-振耦合响应数值分析. 计算机辅助工程, 2011, 20(3): 42-48.
- 刘建军, 李跃明, 车爱兰. 基于统一强度理论的岩质边坡稳定动安全系数计算. 岩土力学, 2011, 32 (S2): 666-672.
- 刘建军, 李跃明, 车爱兰. 地震载荷下岩质边坡动安全系数评价. 应用力学学报, 2011, 28(6): 595-601.
- 刘建军, 李跃明, 车爱兰. 长周期地脉动观测在西安地区地下构造调查中的应用. 西北地震学报, 2011, 特刊, pp.403.
- Zhang Hong-yan, Bai Chang-qing, Li Yue-ming. Static and Dynamic Response Analysis for 1-3 Piezocomposite Laminates with Interdigitated Electrodes. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2010, 33(3, 4): 927-934.
- Chen Gang, Li Yue-ming, Yan Gui-rong. A Nonlinear POD Reduced Order Model for Limit Cycle Oscillation Prediction. Science in China G, 2010, 53(6): 1325-1332.
- Chen Gang, Li Yueming, Yan Gui-rong. Active Control Law Design for Flutter/LCO Suppression Based on Reduced Order Model Method. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2010, 23(6): 639-646.
- 杨雄伟, 李跃明, 闫桂荣. 考虑材料物性热效应飞行器声振耦合动态特性分析. 固体力学学报, 2010, 31: 134-142.
- 陈刚, 李跃明, 闫桂荣等. 基于降阶模型的气动弹性主动控制律设计. 航空学报, 2010, 31(1):12-18.
- 陈刚, 李跃明, 闫桂荣等. 基于POD降阶模型的气动弹性快速预测方法研究. 宇航学报, 2009,Vol.30(5):1765-1769.
- 白长青, 许庆余, 李跃明. Alford力和滚动轴承对轴流压缩机转子系统动力特性和稳定性的影响. 航空学报, 2009, 10.