

1. W.H. Chen, A.T. Ubando, C.C. Chueh and L.W. Jin*, Sustainable Energy Technology, MDPI, 2024, Switzerland. (ISBN: 978-3-7258-0197-8)

2. X. Cui, L.C. Wei, C.F. Ma, X.Z. Meng, J.C. Chai, L.W. Jin*, Uncertainty Analysis of Indirect Measurements in Thermal Science, in The Art of Measuring in the Thermal Sciences, Eds: Josua P. Meyer, and Michel De Paepe, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2020, U.K. (ISBN: 978-0-3671-9290-7)  
3. 中国制冷空调实际运行状况调研报告(2018年度)/基于大数据的中国制冷空调绿皮书系列,中国标准出版社,2018,中国. (ISBN: 978-7-5066-8967-0)
4. X. Cui, X.H. Yang, Y.J. Sun, X.Z. Meng, L.W. Jin*, Energy Efficient Indirect Evaporative Air Cooling in Advanced Cooling Technologies and Applications, Eds:  M. Sohel Murshed, IntechOpen Limited, 2018,U.K. (ISBN: 978-953-51-6742-6)
5. 中国制冷空调实际运行状况调研报告(2017年度)/基于大数据的中国制冷空调绿皮书系列,中国标准出版社,2017,中国. (ISBN: 978-7-5066-8758-4)
6. Alam, T., Lee, P.S., Jin, L.W., Flow Boiling in Microgap Channels, in Experiment, Visualization and Analysis, Springer Science, 2014, U.S. (ISBN: 978-1-4614-7189-9)
7. Jin, L.W., Yang, C., Leong, K.C., Dynamic Behavior of Liquid Drop Impacting on Heated Surfaces, in Advances in Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer, Eds: Cheng, L. X., Mewes, D., Bentham Science Publishers, 2011, UAE. (ISBN: 978-1-60805-524-1)
8. Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., Heat Transfer in Open-cell Metal Foams Subjected to Oscillating Flow, in Thermal Properties of Cellular and Porous Materials, Eds: Vechsner, A, Murch, G. E., De Lemos, M., Wiley-VCH, 2008, Germany.  (ISBN: 978-3-527-31938-1)
期刊论文 2025 (SCI 2025)
1.   Z.B. Zhang, Y. Cao, S.Y. Qin, Z. Wang, W. Gao, G.S. Jia*, L.W. Jin*. Optimization of design parameters and operation conditions of solar-air source heat pump coupled system for rural buildings in cold and severe cold regions. Solar Energy, Vol. 286, p. 113147, 2025. 
2.   Y.L. Liu, J.B. Fan, N. Li, B.L.H. Saw, X.Cui, L.W. Jin, Experimental study on the transient behavior and energy consumption of pressure-driven membrane dehumidification process. Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 265, p. 125644, 2025.
期刊论文 2024 (SCI 2024)
1.   R.Y. Ji, S.Y. Qin(共一作者), Y.J. Liu, L.W. Jin, C. Yang, X.Z. Meng*. Analysis of wettability effects on thermal performance of vapor chamber with a hybrid lattice Boltzmann method[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 225, p. 125315, 2024.
3.   S.Y. Qin, Y.J. Liu, R.Y., H.T. Zhang, L.W. Jin, C. Yang*, X.Z. Meng*. Effect of compact thermosyphon height on boiling curve and thermal performance: A visualization analysis. Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 240, p. 122142, 2024. 
4.   S.Y. Qin, R.Y. Ji RY, C.Y. Miao, L.W. Jin, C. Yang*, X.Z. Meng*. Review of enhanced methods of boiling and condensation heat transfer: surface wettability modification. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 189, p. 113882, 2024. 
5.   J.B. Fan, Y.L. Liu*, J. Ma, Y. Cao, Z.B. Zhang, X. Cui and L.W. Jin*, Heating performance and energy efficiency analysis of air-source heat pumps in public buildings across different climate zonings. Green Energy and Fuel Research, Vol. 1(1), p. 39-52, 2024. 
6.   G.S. Jia, Y.S. Wang, P.F. Zhang, Z.Y. Tao, C.F. Ma, C.H. Cheng, L.W. Jin*, Long-term performance optimization of medium-deep geothermal heat exchangers for building heating based on a project in Xixian New Area, China. Energy and Buildings, Vol. 320, p. 114642, 2024.
7.   G.S. Jia, J.W. Wang, C.F. Ma, Z.Y. Tao, Z.B. Zhang, Z.D. Ma, L.W. Jin*, Influence of eccentricity on the thermal performance of pipe-in-pipe heat exchanger utilized for geothermal heating, an experimental study. Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 252, p. 123723, 2024.
8.   Z.H. Xia, G.S. Jia*, Z.Y. Tao, W. Jia, Y.S. Shi, L.W. Jin*, Multi-objective optimization of geothermal heating systems based on thermal economy and environmental impact evaluation. Renewable Energy, Vol. 237, p. 121858, 2024.
9.   J.K. Hao, G.S. Jia*, Z.D. Ma, Z.B. Zhang, C.F. Ma, C.H. Cheng, L.W. Jin*, A Review of Geothermal Energy Coupled Hybrid System for Building Heat Supply, Green Energy and Fuel Research, Vol. 1(1), p. 53-84, 2024.
10. X. Cui*, C.J. Yang , W.C. Yan , X.Y. Wang , Y.H. Liu, L.W. Jin, Climatic applicability of indirect evaporative cooling strategies for data centers in China. Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 83, p. 108431, 2024.
11. W.C. Yan, X. Cui*, M. Zhao, X.Z. Meng*, C.J. Yang, Y. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, L.W. Jin, Multi-objective optimization of dew point indirect evaporative coolers for data centers. Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 241, p. 122425, 2024.
12. W.C. Yan , C.J. Yang , Y.H. Liu , Y. Zhang , Y.L. Liu , X.Cui *, X.Z. Meng *, L.W. Jin. Breaking the limits of ambient air conditions in evaporative cooling with vacuum-assisted hollow fiber membrane technology, Energy & Buildings, Vol. 319, p. 114557, 2024.
13. W.C. Yan , C.J. Yang , Y. Zhang , Y.H. Liu , Y.L. Liu , X. Cui*, X.Z. Meng*, L.W. Jin, Influence of irregular fiber filling on the performance of hollow fiber membrane modules for cold water production, International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol. 168, p. 552-565, 2024.
14. W.C. Yan , C.J. Yang , Y.H. Liu , Y. Zhang , Y.L. Liu , X. Cui *, X.Z. Meng **, L.W. Jin, A design optimization framework for vacuum-assisted hollow fiber membrane integrated evaporative water coolers. Renewable Energy, Vol. 230, p. 120848, 2024.
15. W.C. Yan, X. Cui*, X.Z. Meng**, C.J. Yang, Y. Zhang, Y.L. Liu, H. An, L.W. Jin, Multi-objective optimization of hollow fiber membrane-based water cooler for enhanced cooling performance and energy efficiency, Renewable Energy, 222: 119892, 2024.
16. C.J. Yang, W.C. Yan, Y. Zhang, L.W. Jin, X. Cui*, Q. Chen*, Performance evaluation and multi-objective optimization of a tubular indirect evaporative cooler integrated with moisture-conducting fibers, International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol. 167, p. 47-58, 2024.
期刊论文 2023 (SCI 2023)
1.    Y.L. Liu, J.C. Chai, X. Cui,W.C. Yan, N. Li*, L.W. Jin*, Multi-objective optimation of airr dehumidification membrane module based on response surface method and genetic algorithm, Energy Reports, Vol. 9, p. 2201-2212, 2023.
2.    Z.D. Ma, Y.P. Zhang*, L.H. Saw, X. Cui, G.S. Jia, L.W. Jin*, Investigation on local geothermal energy attenuation after long-term operation of ground heat enchenger with considering aquifer effect, Geothermics, Vol 107, p. 102608, 2023.

3.    S.Y. Qin, Y.J. Liu , C.M. Yang , L.W. Jin, Yang*, X.Z. Meng*. Visualization study of co-existing boiling and condensation heat transfer in a confined flat thermosyphon[J]. Energy, Vol. 285, p. 129392, 2023.

4.   Z.H. Xia, S.Y. Qin, Z.Y. Tao, G.S. Jia*, C.H. Cheng, L.W. Jin*. Multi-factor optimization of thermo-economic performance of coaxial borehole heat exchangers based on levelized cost of energy analysis[J]. Renewable energy, Vol. 219, p. 119513, 2023.

5.   Z.D. Ma, S.Y. Qin, Y.P. Zhang, W.H. Chen, G.S. Jia, C.H. Cheng, L.W. Jin*. Effects of boundary conditions on performance prediction of deep-buried ground heat exchangers for geothermal energy utilization. Energies, Vol. 16, P. 4874, 2023.

6.   S.Y. Qin, R.Y. Ji , C.M. Yang, L.W. Jin, C. Yang*, Y. Wang, X.Z. Meng*. Experimental study on the thermal characteristics of a novel 3D thermosyphon device[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 225, P. 120193, 2023.

7.   W. C. Yan, X. Cui*, M. Zhao, X. Z. Meng*, C. J. Yang, Y. L. Liu, L. W. Jin, K. C. Ng. Hollow fiber membrane integrated water cooler: A novel liquid cooling solution. Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 234, p. 121303, 2023.

8.   W. C. Yan, X. Cui*, X. Z. Meng*, C. J. Yang, Y. L. Liu, H. An, L. W. Jin. Effect of random fiber distribution on the performance of counter-flow
hollow fiber membrane-based direct evaporative cooler. Energy, Vol. 282, p.128881, 2023.

9.  W. C. Yan, X. Cui*, X. Z. Meng*, C. J. Yang, Y. L. Liu, H. An, L. W. Jin. Effects of membrane characteristics on the evaporative cooling
performance for hollow fiber membrane modules. Energy, Vol. 270, p.126873, 2023.

期刊论文 2022 (SCI 2022)
1.    L.C. Wei, Y.H. Zou, F. Cao, Z.D. Ma, Z. Lu, L.W. Jin*, An optimization study on the operating parameters of liquid cold plate for battery thermal management of electric vehicles,  Energies, Vol 15, p. 9180, 2022.
2.    Y.L. Liu, N. Li, X. Cui,W.C. Yan, J.C. Su*, L.W. Jin*, A review on the morphology and material properties of the gas separation membrane: Molecular simulation, Membranes, Vol 12, p. 1274, 2022.
3.    Y.L. Liu, J.C. Su, F. Duan, X. Cui, W.C. Yan, L.W. Jin*, Molecualr simulation of enhanced separation of humid air components using GO-PVA nanocomposite membranes under differential pressures, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol 24, p. 16442-52, 2022.
4.    Y.L. Liu, X. Cui, W.C. Yan, J.W. Wang, J.C. Su, L.W. Jin*, A molecualr level based parametric study of transport behavior in different polymer composite membranes for water vapor separation, Applied energy, Vol 326, p. 120007, 2022.
5.    Y.L. Liu, X. Cui, W.C. Yan, J.C. Su*, X.Z. Meng, L.W. Jin*, Effects of fiber bundles nonuniformity on dehumidification performance and energy efficiency of pressure-driven membrane modules,  International Journal of Research Energy, p. 1-15, 2022
6.    Y.L. Liu, S.C. Zhang, X. Cui*, J.C. Su, W.C. Yan, L.W. Jin*, Flow behavior and mass transfer of humid air across fiber membrane bundles, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol 207, p. 118200, 2022
7.    G.S. Jia, Z.D. Ma, Z.H. Xia, J.W. Wang, Y.P. Zhang, L.W. Jin*, Influence of groundwater flow on the ground heat exchanger performance and ground temperature distributions: A comprehensive review of analytical, numerical and experimental studies, Geothermics. Vol 100, p. 102342, 2022.
8.    G.S. Jia, Z.D. Ma, Z.H. Xia, Y.P. Zhang, Y.Z. Xue, J.C. Chai, L.W. Jin*, A finite-volume method for full-scale simulations of coaxial borehole heat exchangers with different structural parameters, geological and operating conditions. Renewable Energy, Vol 182, pp. 296-313, 2022.
9.    L.Y. Zhang, R.J. Duan, Y. Che, Z. Lu, X. Cui*, L.C. Wei , L.W. Jin*, A numerical analysis of fluid flow and heat transfer in wavy and curved wavy channels. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 171, p. 107248, 2022.

期刊论文 2021 (SCI 2021)
1.    Z.H. Xia, G.S. Jia, Z.D. Ma, J.W. Wang, Y.P. Zhang, L.W. Jin*, Analysis of economy, thermal efficiency and environmental impact of geothermal heating system based on life cycle assessments. Applied Energy, Vol. 303, p. 1176711, 2021.
2.    L.Y. Zhang, X. Cui*, Z. Lu, C.Y. Miao, L.W. Jin, A novel spiral channel with the growing waviness on the sidewalls for compact high-efficiency heat exchanger. Applied Energy, Vol. 299, p. 117332, 2021.
3.    X.H. Yang, X.Y. Wang, Z. Liu, Z.X. Guo, L.W. Jin*, C. Yang*, Influence of aspect ratios for a tilted cavity on the melting heat transfer of phase change materials embedded in metal foam, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 122, p. 105127, 2021.
4.    Z.D. Ma , Q.X. Kong* , K.L. Xu , P.F. Wang , S.Y. Liu, L.W. Jin, Numerical simulation on heat transfer inside and outside of vertical buried pipes based on two-model order reduction methods,  Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Vol. 79, pp. 631-655, 2021.
5.    G.S. Jia, Z.D. Ma, Z.H. Xia, J.W. Wang, Y.P. Zhang, L.W. Jin*, Investigation of the horizontally-butted borehole heat exchanger based on a semi-analytical method considering groundwater seepage and geothermal gradient, Renewable Energy, Vol. 171, pp. 447-461, 2021.

期刊论文 2020 (SCI 2020)
1.    X. Cui, X.H. Yang, Q.X. Kong, X.Z. Meng, L.W. Jin*, Performance evaluation and comparison of multistage indirect evaporative cooling systems in two operation modes, International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 44, pp. 9298-9308, 2020.
2.    G. S. Jia  Z. D. Ma,  Y. Cao,  X. Z. Meng,  L. Y. Zhang,  J. C. Chai,  L. W. Jin*, A new packed sphere model for geological materials thermal conductivity prediction at moderate porosity range for geothermal utilization,International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 44, pp. 9479-9493,2020.
3.    X. Yang, L.C. Wei, F. Cao, L.Y. Zhang, Z. Lu, X.Z. Meng, L.W. Jin*, Parametric study of laminar convective heat transfer in fractal minichannels with hexagonal fins, International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 44, pp. 9382-9398, 2020.
4.    L.Y. Zhang, M. Zhao, Z. Lu, X.L. Yu, F. Duan, L.W. Jin*, Effects of wave number and average radius on flow and heat transfer in a curve-wave channel, International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 44, pp. 9494-9512, 2020.
5.    X. Cui, W.C. Yan, Y.L. Liu, M. Zhao, L.W. Jin*, Performance analysis of a hollow fiber membrane-based heat and mass exchanger for evaporative cooling, Applied Energy, Vol. 271, p. 115238, 2020.
6.    Z.D. Ma, G.S. Jia, X. Cui*, Z.H. Xia, Y.P. Zhang, L.W. Jin*, Analysis on variations of ground temperature field and thermal radius caused by ground heat exchanger crossing an aquifer layer, Applied Energy, Vol. 276, p. 115453, 2020.
7.    H. Zhang, Y.G. Zhao, W.Z. Fang, C.Y. Zhang, F.Q. Zhu, L.W. Jin, C. Yang*, Active control of the freezing process of a ferrofluid droplet with magnetic fields,  Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 176, p. 115444, 2020.
8.    S.Y. Qin, Y.A. Wang, S. Gao, D.G. Xu, X. Cui, M. Zhao and L.W. Jin*, Heat transfer characteristics of a composite radiant wall under cooling/heating conditions, Indoor and Built Environment, Vol. 29, pp. 1155-1168, 2020.
9.    L.C. Wei, Z. Lu, F. Cao*, L.Y. Zhang, X. Yang, X.L. Yu, L.W. Jin*, A comprehensive study on thermal conductivity of the lithium-ion battery, International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 44, pp. 9466-9478, 2020.
10.    Y.L. Liu, Y.Y. Wei, J.C. Su*, L.Y. Zhang, X. Cui, L.W. Jin*, Surface-modified PVA/PVDF hollow fiber composite membrane for air dehumidification, Journal of materials Science, Vol. 55, pp. 5415-5439, 2020.
11.    Y.L. Liu, X. Cui*, W.C. Yan, J.C. Su, F. Duan, L.W. Jin*,  Analysis of pressure-driven water vapor separation in hollow fiber composite membrane for air dehumidification, Separation and Purification Technology, Vol. 251, p. 117334, 2020.
12.    G.S. Jia,  Z.D. Ma, Y.P. Zhang, M. Zhao, X.Z. Meng*, L.Y. Zhang, L.W. Jin*, Series-parallel resistance method based thermal conductivity model for rock-soil with low or high porosity, Geothermics, Vol. 84, p. 101742, 2020.
13.    Y.L. Liu, L.W. Jin, Y. Li, X.H. Yang, X.Z. Meng, L.Y. Zhang*, Experimental and Numerical Study on Heat and Mass Transfer of Cross-Flow Liquid Desiccant Dehumidifier/Regenerator, Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 41, pp. 867-881, 2020.

期刊论文 2020前 (SCI B4 2020)
1.    L.Y. Zhang, Z. Lu, L.C. We, X. Yang, X.L. Yu, X.Z. Meng, L.W. Jin*, Numerical investigation of flow characteristics and heat transfer performance in curve channel with periodical wave structure, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 140, pp.426-439, 2019.
2.    Z. Lu, X.L. Yu⁎, L.C. Wei, F. Cao, L.Y. Zhang, X.Z. Meng, L.W. Jin*, A comprehensive experimental study on temperature-dependent performance of lithium-ion battery, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 158, p.113800, 2019.
3.    S.Y. Qin, Y.A. Wang, S. Gao, D.G. Xu, X. Cui, M. Zhao*, L.W. Jin*, Heat transfer characteristics of a composite radiant wall under cooling/heating conditions, Indoor and Built Environment, Vol. 29, pp. 1155-1168, 2019.
4.    X.L. Yu, Z. Lu, L.Y. Zhang, L.C. Wei, X. Cui, L.W. Jin*, Experimental study on transient thermal characteristics of stagger-arranged lithium-ion battery pack with air cooling strategy, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 143, p.118576, 2019.
5.    L.Y. Zhang, Y.Y. Liu, Y. Wang, L.W. Jin*, Q.L. Zhang, W.J. Hu, Experimental study on the enhancement of mass transfer utilizing Fe3O4 nanofluids, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 140, p. 012404, 2018. 
6.    S. Gao, Y. Li, Y.A. Wang, X.Z. Meng, L.Y. Zhang, C. Yang, L.W. Jin*, A human thermal balance based evaluation of thermal comfort subject to radiant cooling system and sedentary status, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 122, pp. 461-472, 2017. 
7.    Yang, Xiaohu; Lu, Zhao; Bai, Qingsong; Zhang, Qunli; Jin, Liwen*; Yan, Jinyue*, Thermal performance of a shell-and-tube latent heat thermal energy storage unit: Role of annular fins, Applied Energy, Vol. 202, pp. 558-570, 2017. 
8.    Sun, Yanjun; Wang, Xiaopo*; Wang, Dongbo; Jin, Liwen, Measurement and correlation for phase equilibrium of HFO1234yf with three pentaerythritol esters from 293.15 K to 348.15 K, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, Vol. 112, pp. 122-128, 2017. 
9.    Y.J. Sun, X.P. Wang*, L.W. Jin, Z.G. Wang, Modified Vapor Pressure Model Based on Corresponding-States Principle for Pure and Mixed Refrigerants, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol. 50(11), pp. 807-814, 2017. 
10.    Y.J. Sun, Y. Zhang, X.P. Wang, J.M. Prausnitz, L.W. Jin, Gaseous absorption of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoroprop-1-ene in three imidazolium-based ionic liquids, Fluid Phase Equilibria, Vol. 450, pp. 65-74, 2017. 
11.    X.H. Yang, S.S. Feng, Q.L. Zhang, Y. Chai, L.W. Jin*, T.J. Lu*, The role of porous metal foam on the unidirectional solidification of saturating fluid for cold storage, Applied Energy, Vol. 194, pp. 508-521, 2017. 
12.    Y. Chai, X.H. Yang, M, Zhao, Z.Y. Chen, X.Z. Meng, L.W. Jin*, Q.L. Zhang, W.J. Hu, Study of microstructure-based effective thermal conductivity of graphite foam, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 139, p. 052004 , 2017. 
13.    L.Y. Zhang, L.W. Jin*, Z.N. Wang, J.Y. Zhang, X. Liu, L.H. Zhang, Effects of wall configuration on building energy performance subject to different climatic zones of China, Applied Energy, Vol. 185, pp. 1565-1573, 2017. 
14.    Zhang, L.Y., Liu, Y.Y., Guo, X., Meng, X.Z., Jin, L.W.*, Zhang, Q.L., Hu, W. J., Experimental investigation and economic analysis of gravity heat pipe exchanger applied in communication base station, Applied Energy, Vol. 194, pp. 499-507, 2017. 
15.    Y.J. Sun, X.P. Wang, D.B. Wang, L.W. Jin, Z.G. Liu, Absorption of isobutane in three linear chained pentaerythritol esters between 293.15 and 348.15?K, International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol. 76, pp. 118-125, 2017. 
16.    Y.J. Sun, X.P. Wang, H.X. Lang, L.W. Jin, Z.G. Liu, Phase Equilibrium Behavior for Methoxymethane + Pentaerythritol Tetraheptanoate and Methoxymethane + Pentaerythritol Tetranonanoate Systems, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 61, pp. 3504-3509, 2016.
17.    X.H. Yang, W.B. Wang, C. Yang, L.W. Jin*, T.J. Lu*, Solidification of fluid saturated in open-cell metallic foams with graded morphologies, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 98, pp. 60-69, 2016. 
18.    M. Zhao, Z.L. Gu, W.B. Kang, X. Liu, L.Y. Zhang, L.W. Jin, Q.L. Zhang, Experimental investigation and feasibility analysis of radiant capillary heating system based on ASHP and solar dual heat source, Applied Energy, Vol. 185, pp. 2094-2105, 2017.
19.    X.Z. Meng, Z. Lu, L.W. Jin*, L.Y. Zhang, W.Y. Hu, L.C. Wei, J. C. Chai, Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Thermal Management of an Outdoor Battery Cabinet, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 91, pp. 210-224, 2015
20.    Yang,H. Zhao,M., Gu,Z.L., Jin, L.W.*,Chai,J.C., A further discussion on the effective thermal conductivity of metal foam: an improved model,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 86, pp. 207-211, 2015.
21.    Yang XH, Yan HB, Wang WB, Jin LW*, Lu TJ, Ichimiya K. Thermal characterization of natural convection in metallic honeycomb lattice: the role of chimney enhancement [J]. Science in China: Technological Series, 2015, 58(1): 1-10.
22.    Ge,Z.W., Jin, L.W., Yang, C.,Microfluidic concentration of sample solutes using Joule heating effects under a combined AC and DC electric field,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,Vol. 85, pp. 158-165, 2015.
23.    Jin, L.W., Lee, P.S., Kong, X.X., Fan, Y., Chou, S.K., Ultra-thin minichannel LCP for EV battery thermal management, Applied Energy, Vol. 113, pp. 1786-1794, 2014.
24.    Fan, Y.,  Lee, P.S., Jin, L.W., Chua, B.W., A parametric investigation of heat transfer and friction characteristics in cylindrical oblique fin minichannel heat sink, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 68, pp. 567-584, 2014.
25.    Fan, Y.,  Lee, P.S., Jin, L.W., Chua, B.W., Experimental investigation on heat transfer and pressure drop of a novel cylindrical oblique fin heat sink, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 76, pp. 1-10, 2014.
26.    Fan, Y., Lee, P.S., Jin, L.W., Chua, B.W., A simulation and experimental study of fluid flow and heat transfer on cylindrical oblique-finned heat sink, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer , Vol. 61, pp. 62-72, 2013.
27.    Pranoto, I., Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., The role of graphite foam pore structure on saturated pool boiling enhancement, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 42, pp. 163-172, 2012.
28.    T. Alam; P.S. Lee*, C.R. Yap, L.W. Jin, Experimental investigation of local flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics in microgap channel, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 42, pp. 164-174, 2012.
29.    T. Alam; P.S. Lee*, C.R. Yap, L.W. Jin, A comparative study of flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics in microgap and microchannel heat sink and an evaluation of microgap heat sink for hotspot mitigation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 58, pp 335-347, 2013.
30.    T. Alam; P.S. Lee*, C.R. Yap, L.W. Jin, K. Balasubramanian, Experimental investigation and flow visualization to determine the optimum dimension range of microgap heat sinks, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 55, pp 7623-7634, 2012.
31.    Jin, L.W., Leong, K.C., Pranoto, I., Saturated pool boiling heat transfer from highly conductive graphite foams, Applied Thermal Engineering, v 31, pp. 2685-2693, 2011.
32.    Balasubramanian, K., Lee, P. S., Jin, L. W., Chou, S. K., Teo, C. J., Gao, S., Experimental investigations of flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop in straight and expanding microchannels - A comparative study, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 50, pp. 2413-2421, 2011.
33.    Jin, L.W., Leong, K.C., Pranoto, I., Li, H.Y., Chai, J.C., Experimental Study of a Two-Phase Thermosyphon with Porous Graphite Foam Insert, ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Vol. 3, p. 024502, 2011. 
34.    Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., Pranoto, I., Li. H.Y., Chai, J.C., Experimental study of enhanced pool boiling heat transfer using graphite foam inserts, Defect and Diffusion Forum,  2011.
35.    Leong, K.C., Li., H.Y., Jin, L.W., Chai, J. C., Convective Heat Transfer in Graphite Foams with Baffle and Stagger Structures, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer - Special Issue on Heat Transfer in Porous Media, 2011.
36.    Li, H.Y., Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., Transient two-phase flow and heat transfer with localized heating in porous media, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 49, No. 7, pp. 1115-1127, 2010.
37.    Li, H.Y., Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., Chai, J.C., Three-dimensional numerical simulation of fluid flow with phase change heat transfer in an asymmetrically heated porous channel, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 49(12), pp. 2363-2375, 2010.
38.    Li, H.Y., Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., Analysis of fluid flow and heat transfer in a channel with staggered porous blocks, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 49, No. 6, pp. 950-962, 2010 .
39.    Leong, K.C., Li., H.Y., Jin, L.W., Chai, J. C., Numerical and Experimental Study of Forced Convection in Graphite Foams of Different Configurations, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 520 – 532, 2010.
40.    Buongiorno, J., …, Jin, L.W.,…, Leong, K.C.,…, Yang, C.,…, Zhou, S.Q., A Benchmark Study on the Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 106, No. 9, p. 094312-14, 2009.(由MIT发起的国际合作研究)
41.    Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., Study of Highly Conductive Graphite Foams in Thermal Management Applications, Advanced Engineering Materials - Special Issue on Heat Transfer in Cellular and Porous Media, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 338 - 345, 2008.
42.    Jin, L.W., Leong, K.C., Pressure Drop and Friction Factor of Steady and Oscillating Flows in Open-Cell Porous Media, Transport in Porous Media, Vol. 72, No. 1, pp. 37-52, 2008.
43.    Leong, K.C., Li, H.Y., Jin, L.W., Chai, J.C., Convective Heat Transfer in Graphite Foams with Complex Structures, IEEE Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Thermal Issues in Emerging Technologies, Theory and Applications - ThETA 2, 17-20 December 2008, Cairo, Egypt. 
44.    Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., Li, H.Y., Chai, J.C., Forced Convection Air Cooling in Porous Graphite Foam for Thermal Management Applications, Proceedings of ITherm 2008: Eleventh Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, 28-31 May 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA. 
45.    Jin, L.W., Leong, K.C., Heat Transfer Performance of Metal Foam Heat Sinks Subjected to Oscillating Flow, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 856-863, 2006.
46.    Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., Effect of Oscillatory Frequency on Heat Transfer in Metal Foam Heat Sinks of Various Pore Densities, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 49, Nos. 3-4, pp. 671-681, 2006.
47.    Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., Characteristics of Oscillating Flow through a Channel Filled with Open-Cell Metal Foam, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 27, No.1, pp. 144-153, 2006.
48.    Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., Heat transfer and fluid flow in metal foam subjected to oscillating flow, 2005 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, 17-22 July 2005, San Francisco, CA, USA. 
49.    Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., An Experimental Study of Heat Transfer in Oscillating Flow through a Channel filled with an Aluminum Foam, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 243 - 253, 2005.
50.    Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., Heat Transfer of Oscillating and Steady Flows in a Channel Filled with Porous Media, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 63-72, 2004.

1.  秦思宇,刘艺佳,杨佳成,佟薇,金立文*,孟祥兆*,受限蒸汽腔内气液两相传热特性研究,化工学报,Vol. 75(S1), pp. 47-55, 2024.
2.  张智斌,马真迪,郝建科,贾国圣*,柯婷婷,成崇华,金立文*, 关中地区中深层地埋管换热器长期运行性能研究, 煤田地质与勘探, Vol. 52(01), pp. 129-139, 2024.
3.  张育平,张斯佳,马真迪,刘俊,贾国圣,金立文, 中深层地热井地温影响规律及预测方法, 西安科技大学学报, Vol. 44(1), pp. 114-122, 2024.
4.  刘雅慧, 闫伟超, 崔 鑫, 杨传钧, 张 煜, 金立文, 太阳能光伏蒸发冷却通风空腔的实验研究, 西安工程大学学报, Vol. 38(5), pp. 189, 2024.
5.  闫伟超,崔鑫,杨传钧, 马靖,刘亦琳,孟祥兆, 金立文, 中空纤维膜基蒸发水冷器的多目标优化, 制冷与空调, Vol. 10, pp. 011, 2024.
6.  韩元红, 贾国圣, 张廷会, 张育平, 薛宇泽, 金立文. 地热浅埋孔回填材料中砂粒结构对导热系数的影响. 科学技术与工程, Vol. 23, pp. 6599-6606, 2023.
7. 路昭,余小玲*,张立玉,韦立川,高松,邱亚林,金立文,孟祥兆*,电池组高温节点空气冷却方案的数值模拟研究,西安交通大学学报,Vol.52,pp.26-31,2018.
8. 张立玉,路昭,韦立川,漆鹏程,孟祥兆,康三娜,赵民,金立文*,锂电池性能与温度相关性的基础实验研,西安交通大学学报,Vol. 52,pp.134-140,2018.
9. 秦思宇,王宇昂,李扬,高松,赵民,路昭,孔琼香,金立文*,采用稳态模型的毛细管墙体热工特性研究,西安交通大学学报,Vol.52,pp.143-148,2018.
10. 白青松,郭曾旭,刘亦琳,杨肖虎*,金立文,通孔金属泡沫强化蓄冰实验研究,西安交通大学学报,Vol. 52,pp. 21-25,2018.
11. 张联英,李杨,王远,杨肖虎,金立文,孟祥兆*,低雷诺数下溴化锂溶液降膜吸收热质传递的数值研究,制冷学报,2017(6):20-26.
12. 孙艳军,王晓坡*,刘志刚,金立文, 1,3,3,3-四氟丙烯与异三十烷汽液相平衡实验测量, 化工学报, Vol. pp. 2979-2984, 2017.
13. 高松,赵民,李扬,王宇昂,孟祥兆,顾兆林,金立文*,辐射供冷空调系统下的人体热舒适性研究,西安交通大学学报,Vol. 51,pp. 98-105,2017. 
14. 王宇昂,路昭,罗昔联,孟祥兆*,孙艳军,金立文,遗址博物馆特殊环境温度场调控系统的设计与优化,西安交通大学学报,Vol. 50, No. 7,pp. 131-139,2016.
15. 孟祥兆,路昭,金立文,罗昔联*,顾兆林,汉阳陵遗址文物保存风幕隔离及富氮低氧环境数值模拟研究,文物保护与考古科学,Vol. 27,pp. 1-7,2015.
16. 路昭,孟祥兆,罗昔联,金立文,顾兆林,遗址文物包含多场耦合实验舱系统设计,化工学报,Vol. 65,pp. 228-234,2014.
17. 金立文,俞炳丰*,底冰,王沣浩,李红旗,除湿机中采用新型控制方案的实验研究,西安交通大学学报,pp. 1135-1138, 2001(11).
18. 鱼剑琳; 金立文; 曹琦; 王宜义*; 吴业正, 管式间接蒸发冷却器水平单管外对流传质的实验研究, 西安交通大学学报, pp. 71-74, 1999 (03). 
19. 曹琦; 鱼剑琳*; 付明星; 刘顺波; 金立文, 溴化锂冷水机组中溴化锂溶液pH值的理论计算方法, 西安交通大学学报, pp. 84-86, 1999(01). 
20. 鱼剑琳*; 傅明星; 曹琦; 刘顺波; 金立文, 有关热泵型房间空调器热冷比的分析, 流体机械, pp. 55-57, 1998(08).
21. 曹琦; 鱼剑琳*; 付明星; 刘顺波; 金立文, 溴化锂冷水机组中溴化锂溶液PH值计算、测量方法分析, 制冷与空调, pp. 36-38,1998(01).
22. 鱼剑琳; 金立文; 王宜义*; 吴业正; 曹琦, 管外壁面有流动水膜时横掠空气对流换热的相似解, 西安交通大学学报, pp. 124-128, 1997(05). 
23. 鱼剑琳; 张华; 王宜义*; 吴业正; 金立文, 热管换热器在房间空调器上的应用, 西安交通大学学报, pp. 66-71, 1996(10).
24. 鱼剑琳*; 金立文, 无连杆往复压缩机的新发展, 压缩机技术, pp. 3-8, 1996(03).
1. Y.L. Liu, J.B. Fan, Y. Cao*, Z. Wang, X. Cui, L.W. Jin*, Dynamic operating characteristics of air-source heat pump system in public buildings, Applied Energy Symposium: Low carbon cities & urban energy systems, May 11-13, 2024, Shenzhen, China.
2. Y.J. Liu, S.Y. Qin, C.M. Yang, X.Z. Meng, C. Yang and L.W. Jin, A visualization study of a thin vapor chamber with conical microarray structure applied in data centres,  International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology 2023 (SEGT 2023), 10-13 December 2023, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
3. Z.B. Zhang, Z.Y. Tao, Z.D. Ma, G.S. Jia, L.H. Saw, L.W. Jin, Performance prediction and analysis of a solar assisted medium-deep geothermal heating system, International conference on sustainable energy and green technology 2023 (SEGT2023), 10-13 December 2023, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
4. Y.L. Liu, J.C. Su, X. Cui, W.C. Yan, N. Li* and L.W. Jin*, Multiple-factor analysis of dehumidification performance and flow resistance for the cross-flow membrane module based on orthogonal test, 2022 AUA Academic Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology, 21-23 Feb 2022.
5. S.Y. Qin, R.Y. Ji, C.M. Yang, Z.X. Tong , C. Yang, X.Z. Meng, Investigation of heat transfer enhancement in a confined two-phase closed thermosyphon,  ICAE 2022 International Conference of Applied Energy, 8-11 Aug 2022, Bochum, Germany.
6. S.Y. Qin, C.Y. Miao, R.Y. Ji, Y. Wang, C. Yang, L.W. Jin, X.Z. Meng, Experimental study on coupling thermal performance of air-cooling and phase change heat transfer for 3D thermosyphon,ICAE 2021 International Conference of Applied Energy, 29 Nov-2 Dec 2021, Bangkok, Thailand.
7. R.Y. Ji, S.Y. Qin, Z.X. Tong, C. Yang, Z. Lu, L.W. Jin, Effect of surface wettability on boiling heat transfer in a confined space. ICAE 2021 International Conference of Applied Energy, 29 Nov-2 Dec 2021, Bangkok, Thailand.
8. C.Y. Miao, S.Y. Qin, R.Y. Ji, Z. Lu, J.C. Chai, L.C. Wei, L.W. Jin, Experimental investigation of vapor chambers with different wick structures for the thermal management, ICAE 2021 International Conference of Applied Energy, 29 Nov-2 Dec 2021, Bangkok, Thailand.
9. Y.L. Liu, J.C. Su, X. Cui, S.C. Zhang, X.Z. Meng, L.W. Jin, Nanoparticles filled PVA/PVDF hollow fiber membrane towards enhanced performance for air dehumidification, 2019 SEGT International Conferenseon SustainabeEnergyand Green Technology, 11-14 Dec 2019, Bangkok, Thailand.
10. Y.L. Liu, Y.Y. Wei, Y. Cao, X. Cui, L.W. Jin, L.Y. Zhang, J.C. Su*, Development of robust energy-efficient membrane dehumidifier for indoor air humidity control, 2018 SEGT International Conferenseon SustainabeEnergyand Green Technology, 11-14 Dec 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 
11. G.S. Jia, Z.Y. Tao, L.Y. Zhang, X.H. Yang, X.Z. Meng, C.Zhou, J.C.Chai, L.W. Jin, Heat transfer performance of buried extremely long ground-coupled heat exchangers with concentric pipes, WES-CUE 2017 Applied Energy Symposium & Forum, 18-21 July 2017, Suntec City, Singapore.
12. S. Gao, Y. Li, Y.A. Wang, C. Yang, Q.L. Zhang, L.W. Jin, Design method of radiant cooling area based on the relationship between human thermal comfort and thermal balance, WES-CUE 2017 Applied Energy Symposium & Forum, 18-21 July 2017, Suntec City, Singapore, 18-21 Jul 2017, Suntec City, Singapore.
13. Zhao Lu; Xiaoling Yu; Liyu Zhang; Xiangzhao Meng; Lichuan Wei; Liwen Jin, Experimental investigation on the charge-discharge performance of the commercial lithium-ion batteries, WES-CUE 2017 Applied Energy Symposium & Forum, 18-21 July 2017, Suntec City, Singapore, pp. 21-26, 2017.
14. Qunli Zhang; Yang Rao; Yuqing Jiao; Liyan Li; Yinlong Li; Liwen Jin, Preparation and performance of composite building materials with phase change material for thermal storage,  WES-CUE 2017 Applied Energy Symposium & Forum, 18-21 July 2017, Suntec City, Singapore, pp. 125-130, 2017.
15. Qunli Zhang; Yuqing Jiao; Mingkai Cao; Liwen Jin, SIMULATION ANALYSIS on SUMMER CONDITIONS of ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE of TOWER BUILDINGS BASED on CFD, WES-CUE 2017 Applied Energy Symposium & Forum, 18-21 July 2017, Suntec City, Singapore, pp 313-319, 2017.
16. Qunli Zhang; Yangyang Hao; Donghan Sun; Qian Nie; Liwen Jin, Research on the Clean Energy Heating Systems in Rural Beijing, WES-CUE 2017 Applied Energy Symposium & Forum, 18-21 July 2017, Suntec City, Singapore, pp. 137-143, 2017.
17. Qunli Zhang; Zhiming Wang; Chaohui Yin; Qian Nie; Liwen Jin, Field Test Analysis of a Urban Sewage Source Heat Pump System Performance, WES-CUE 2017 Applied Energy Symposium & Forum, 18-21 July 2017, Suntec City, Singapore, pp. 131-136, 2017.
18. Qunli Zhang; Yingying Ji; Liwen Jin, Technical Economy Feasibility analysis of biomass heating system, WES-CUE 2017 Applied Energy Symposium & Forum, 18-21 July 2017, Suntec City, Singapore, pp. 144-149, 2017.
19. Qingsong Bai; Zengxu Guo; Hailong Li; Xiaohu Yang; Liwen Jin; Jinyue Yan, Experimental investigation on the solidification behavior of phase change materials in open-cell metal foams, 9th International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE2017, 21-24 August 2017, Cardiff, UK, pp. 3703-3708, 2017.
20. Xunji Gao; Pan Wei; Yufan Xie; Sicong Zhang; Zhaoyang Niu; Yechun Lou; Xiaohu Yang; Liwen Jin; Jinyue Yan, Experimental investigation of the cubic thermal energy storage unit with coil tubes, 9th International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE2017, 21-24 August 2017, Cardiff, UK, pp. 3709-3714, 2017.
21. Y. Chai, X.H. Yang, X.Z. Meng, Q.L. Zhang, L.W. Jin, Study of micro-structure based effective thermal conductivity of graphite foam, 5th ASME International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, 3-6 Jan 2016, Singapore. 
22. Zhang, L. Y.; Liu, Y. Y.; Wang, Y.; Li, H. Q.; Yang, X. H.; Jin, L. W., Experimental study on enhanced falling film absorption process using H2O/LiBr Nanofuilds, 5th ASME International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, 4-6 Jan 2016, Singapore.
23. S. Gao, Y.A. Wang, S.M. Zhang, M. Zhao, X.Z. Meng, L.Y. Zhang, C. Yang, L.W. Jin, Numerical investigation on the relationship between human thermal comfort and thermal balance under radiant cooling system, ICAE The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy, 8-11 Oct 2016, Beijing, China.
24. S.M. Zhang, L.Y. Zhang, X.H. Yang, X.L. Yu, F. Duan, L.W. Jin, X.Z. Meng, Experimental investigation of a spiral tube embedded latent thermal energy storage tank using paraffin as PCM, ICAE The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy, 9-12 Oct 2016, Beijing, China.
25. Zhang, Lianying; Wang, Zhenni; Yang, Xiaohu; Jin, Liwen; Zhang, Qunli; Hu, Wenju, Thermo-economic analysis for directly-buried pipes insulation of district heating piping systems, ICAE The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy, 8-11 Oct 2016, Beijing, China, pp. 3369-3376, 2017.
26. Xiaohu Yang; Xiangzhao Meng; Zhenni Wang; Liwen Jin; Qunli Zhang; Qiancheng Zhang; Tian Jian Lu, Direct Numerical Simulation on Melting Phase Change Behavior in Open-cell Metal Foam, ICAE The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy, 8-11 Oct 2016, Beijing, China, pp. 4254-4259, 2017.
27. Xiaoling Yu; Qin Tan; Yumei Ren; Xiaofei Jia; Liwen Jin, Numerical Study of the Reed Valve Impact in the Rotary Compressor by FSI Model, ICAE The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy, 8-11 Oct 2016, Beijing, China, pp. 4890-4897, 2017.
28. Y.A. Wang, M. Zhao, X.Z. Meng, W. J. Hu, L.Y. Zhang, S. Gao, L.W. Jin, Investigation on Thermal Performance of Micro Capillary Tubes Embedded in Building Envelope, 2016 International Conference of Microfluidics, Nanofluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip, 10-12 June 2016, Dalian, China.
29. Y. Chai, X.H. Yang, Y.J. Sun, Q.L. Zhang, W.J. Hu, L.W. Jin, Experimental investigation of a thermosyphon with micro structure on the boiling surface, ICMFLOC 2016 International Conference of Microfluidics, nanofluidics & lab-on-a-chip, 10-12 June 2016, Dalian, China.
30. Z. Lu, X.L. Yu, X.Z. Meng, L.C. Wei, W.Y. Hu, L.Y. Zhang, L.W. Jin, Investigation of microchannel for thermal management of electric vehicle battery, 2016 International Conference of Microfluidics, Nanofluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip, 10-12 June 2016, Dalian, China.
31. X.H. Yang, W.B. Wang, S.S. Feng, L.W. Jin, T.J. Lu, Y. Chai1, Analytical analysis of cold storage: the role of porous metal foam, CUE 2015 Low-Carbon Cities & Urban Energy, Nov. 15-17, 2015, Fuzhou, China. 
32. L.Y. Zhang, Y.Y., Liu, L.W. Jin, X. Liu, X.Z. Meng, Q.L. Zhang, Economic analysis of gravity heat pipe exchanger applied in communication base station, CUE 2015 Low-Carbon Cities & Urban Energy, Nov. 15-17, 2015, Fuzhou, China.
33. Z. Lu, X.Z. Meng, L.C. Wei, W.Y. Hu, L.Y. Zhang, L.W. Jin, Thermal management of densely-packed EV battery with forced air cooling strategies, CUE 2015 Low-Carbon Cities & Urban Energy, 15-17 Nov 2015, Fuzhou, China.
34. Luo, Xilian; Li, Wenwu; Yu, Yuehui; Jin, Liwen; Gu, Zhaolin, An energy efficient strategy for local environment control of relics preservation in archaeology museums with funerary pits, CUE 2015 Low-Carbon Cities & Urban Energy, 15-17 Nov 2015, Fuzhou, China, pp. 271-276, 2016.
35. Yang, Xiaohu; Li, Yang; Lu, Zhao; Zhang, Lianying; Zhang, Qunli; *Jin, Liwen, Thermal and fluid characteristics of a latent heat thermal energy storage unit, Applied Energy Symposium and Forum: Low carbon cities and urban energy systems, 13-15 Jun 2016, Jinan, China, pp. 425-430, 2016.
36. Huang, Qiang; Meng, Xiangzhao; *Yang, Xiaohu; Jin, Liwen; *Liu, Xing; Hu, Wenju, The ecological city: considering outdoor thermal environment, Applied Energy Symposium and Forum: Low carbon cities and urban energy systems, 13-15 Jun 2016, Jinan, China, pp. 177-182, 2016.
37. Lu Z, Meng XZ, Hu WY, Wei LC, Zhang LY, Jin LW*, Thermal Management of Densely-Packed EV Battery Set, The 28th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, May 3-6, 2015, Kintex, Korea.
38. C. Cao, X.Z. Meng, X. Liu, X.H. Yang, W.Y. Hu, L.W. Jin, Energy Analysis of Relics Museum Buildings, ICAE 7th International Conference on Applied Energy, 28-31 Mar 2015, Abu Dhabi, UAE, pp. 1809-1818, 2015.
39. L.Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y.X. Fu, X. Liu, L.W. Jin, Numerical Simulation of H2O/LiBr Falling Film Absorption Process, ICAE 7th International Conference on Applied Energy, 28-31 Mar 2015, Abu Dhabi, UAE, pp. 3119-3126, 2015.
40. Yang XH, Wang WB, Feng SS, Shi M, Jin LW, Lu TJ, Experimental investigations of unidirectional solidification of fluid saturated in morphology-gradient open-cell metallic foams. 3rd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for energy Conservation and Pollution Control, 2015, Taiwan.
41. Jin, L.W., Ma, C.F., Zhao, M., Kang, W.B., Meng, X.Z., Chai, John J.C., Enhanced convective hat transfer in high porosity metal foams, ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, 14-20 Nov 2014, Montreal, Canada.
42. X.Z. Meng, Z. Lu, L.J. Su, X.L. Luo, L.C. Wei, L.W. Jin, J. Chai, Numerical and experimental investigation on thermal management of an outdoor battery cabinet, ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 14-20 Nov 2014, Montreal, Canada.
43. Fan, Yan; Lee, Poh Seng; Jin, Li-Wen; Chua, Beng Wah; Mou, Na-Si; Jagirdar, Mrinal, A parametric numerical study in cylindrical oblique fin minichannel, ASME International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems, 16-18 July 2013, Burlingame, California, USA.
44. Alam, Tamanna; Yap, Christopher R.; Lee, Poh Seng; Jin, Liwen, Experimental study and high speed visualization of flow boiling characteristics in silicon microgap heat sink, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition , 9-15 Nov 2012, Houston, Texas, USA, pp. 2059-2068, 2013.
45. Jin, L.W., Lee, P.S., Kong, X.X., Fan, Y., Chou, S.K., Ultra-thin minichannel LCP for EV battery thermal management, ICAE 4th International Conference of Applied Energy, 5-8 July 2012, Suzhou, China.
46. Jin, L.W., Pranoto, I., Leong, K.C., Chai, John C., Parametric Study of Pool Boiling From Porous Graphite Foams in Dielectric Liquids, Thermal Issues in Emerging Technologies, Theory & Applications, 19-22 Dec 2010, Cairo, Egypt.
47. Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., Single-Phase and Two-Phase Heat Transfer in Open-Cell Graphite Foams for Electronic Cooling Applications, International Meeting of Advances in Thermofluids, 30 Nov 2010, Singapore.
48. Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., Pranoto, I., Li, H.Y., Chai, John C., Experimental Study of a Two-Phase Thermosyphon with Porous Graphite Foam Insert, Proceedings of the 14th  International Heat Transfer Conference, 8-13 Aug 2010, Washington, DC, USA.
49. Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., Pranoto, I., Li, H.Y., Chai, John C., Experimental Study of Enhanced Pool Boiling Heat Transfer using Graphite Foam Inserts, 6th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids, 5-7 July 2010, Paris, France.
50. Jin, L.W., Li, H.Y., Leong, K.C., Chai, John C., Experimental and Numerical Study of Forced Convection in Novel Graphite Foam Heat Sinks, Proceedings of the 11th UK National Heat Transfer Conference, 6-8 Sept 2009, London, UK.
51. Leong, K.C., Li, H.Y., Jin, L.W., Chai, John C., Two-phase Flow and Heat in Porous Graphite Foams, Proceedings of the 11th UK National Heat Transfer Conference, 6-8 Sept 2009, London, UK.
52. Leong, K.C., Li, H.Y., Jin, L.W., Chai, John C., Convective Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Characteristics of Graphite Foam Heat Sinks with Complex Structures, Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 28 June - 3 July 2009, Krakow, Poland.
53. Jin, L.W., Li, H.Y., Leong, K.C., Chai, John C., Heat Transfer and Air Flow through Highly Conductive Graphite Foam Heat Sinks, 7th International Symposium on Heat Transfer, 26-29 October 2008, Beijing, China. 
54. Leong, K.C., Li, H.Y., Jin, L.W., Chai, J.C., Convective Heat Transfer in Graphite Foams with Complex Structures, IEEE 2nd International Conference on Thermal Issues in Emerging Technologies, Theory and Applications-ThETA2, 17-20 December 2008, Cairo, Egypt.
55. Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., Li, H.Y., Chai, J.C., Forced Convection Air Cooling in Porous Graphite Foam for Thermal Management Applications, ITherm 2008: Eleventh Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, 28-31 May 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA.
56. Jin, L.W., Leong, K.C., Chai, John C., Forced Convection of Air Flow through Microcellular Foam, Proceedings of the 8th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, 21-24 August 2007, Fukuoka, Japan.
57. Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., Chai, John C., Characterization of Heat Transfer in High Thermal Conductivity Graphite Foam, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 1-4 July 2007, Sun City, South Africa.
58. Jin, L.W., Leong, K.C., Numerical Study of Heat Transfer in Aluminium Foams Subjected to Oscillating Flow, Proceedings of the 13th International Heat Transfer Conference, 13-18 August 2006, Sydney, Australia.
59. Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., Heat Transfer Characteristics of Oscillating Flow through Highly Porous Medium, Proceedings of IMECE 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, 5-10 November 2006, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
60. Leong, K.C., Jin, L.W., Heat transfer and fluid flow in metal foam subjected to oscillating flow, 2005 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, 17-22 July 2005, San Francisco, CA, USA.
61. Jin, L.W. and Leong, K.C., Effects of displacement and frequency of oscillating flow on heat transfer in a porous channel, IMECE 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, 13-19 November 2004, Anaheim, California, USA.
62. Li, H.Q., Jin, L.W., Analysis on the Operating Characteristics of a Household Dehumidifier, Proceedings of International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, 12-15 July 2004, Purdue, Indiana, USA.  
63. Li, H.Q., Jin, L.W., Design Optimization of an Oil-flooded Refrigeration Single Screw Compressor, Proceedings of International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, 12-15 July 2004, Purdue, Indiana, USA.