Main Responsibility


1.Bin Zhu, Ying Mao, Chih-Wei Hsieh. Spatial Distribution of Health Manpower in China: Exploring its Characteristics and Determinants [M], Nova Science Publishers, 2020, New York. (ISSN: 978-1-53617-572-1);

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4. 毛瑛、王雪、刘锦林、张宁.分级诊疗背景下医疗联合体实施效果研究[M],知识产权出版社,2020;

5. 毛瑛、高广颖、周尚成.健康保障(第一版)[M],人民卫生出版社,2019



6. Liu J , Mao Y . Does previous job mobility behaviour have an effect on current turnover intentions of rural nurses? A cross-sectional survey in western China. The Lancet, 2019, 394:S49-.

7. Mao Y , He R , Liu J , et al. Turnover intention of primary health workers in China: a systematic review. The Lancet, 2018, 392.

8. Liu J , Zhu B , Zhang N , He RX , Mao Y. Are medical graduates' initial intentions consistent with whether they ultimately opt for rural practice after graduation? A cross-sectional survey in western China. The Lancet, 2018, 392:S18.




12.Zhu B, Hsieh C W. Mao Y*. Addressing the Licensed Doctor Maldistribution in China: A Demand-And-Supply Perspective; International journal of environmental research and public health; 16(10): 1753.2019;

13.Liu JL, Zhu B, Zhang N, He R, Mao Y*. Are Medical GraduatesJob Choices for Rural Practice Consistent with their Initial Intentions? A Cross-Sectional Survey in Western China; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 16(18):3381.2019;


15.Liu JL, Zhu B, Wu JX, Mao Y*. Job satisfaction, work stress, and turnover intentions among rural health workers: a cross-sectional study in 11 western provinces of China; BMC family practice;20(1).2019;

16.Zhu B, Liu JL, Yang F, Zhang B, Mao Y*. Spatio-temporal epidemiology of viral hepatitis in China (20032015): Implications for prevention and control policies; International journal of environmental research and public health; 15(4): 661.2018;

17. Zhu B, Chih-Wei Hsieh, Mao Y*. Spatio-temporal variations of licensed doctor distribution in China: measuring and mapping disparities; BMC health services research; 20(1): 159.2020;

18. Mao Y*, He RX, Zhu B, Liu JL, Zhang N. Notifiable Respiratory Infectious Diseases in China: A SpatialTemporal Epidemiology Analysis; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 17(7):2301.2020;

19. Liu JL, Mao Y*. Patient Satisfaction with Rural Medical Services: A Cross-Sectional Survey in 11 Western Provinces in China; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 16(20):3968.2019;

20. Zhu B, Yang F, Liu JL, He RX, Zhang N, Mao Y*. Detecting the priority areas for health workforce allocation with LISA functions: An empirical analysis for China; BMC Health Services Research; 18(1).2018;

21. Liu J , Mao Y . Original research: Continuing medical education and work commitment among rural healthcare workers: a cross-sectional study in 11 western provinces in China. BMJ Open, 10(8).

22. Liu J , Mao Y* . Rural Resident Experience on National Basic Public Health Services: A Cross-Sectional Survey in 10 Western Provinces of China. Healthcare, 2019, 7(4).

23. Mao Y* , Zhang N , Zhu B , et al. A descriptive analysis of the Spatio-temporal distribution of intestinal infectious diseases in China. BMC Infectious Diseases, 2019, 19(1).

24. Mao Y* , Zhang N , Liu J , et al. A systematic review of depression and anxiety in medical students in China. BMC Medical Education, 2019, 19.

25. Liu J , Zhang K , Mao Y*. Attitude towards working in rural areas: a cross-sectional survey of rural-oriented tuition-waived medical students in Shaanxi, China. BMC Medical Education, 2018, 18(1):91.

26. Bin Z , Yang F , Jinlin L , Mao Y*. Spatial distribution of 12 class B notifiable infectious diseases in China: A retrospective study. Plos One, 2018, 13(4):e0195568.

27. Liu J , Zhu B , Mao Y , et al. Association between rural clinical clerkship and medical students' intentions to choose rural medical work after graduation: A cross-sectional study in western China. Plos One, 2018, 13(4).

28. Bin Z , Yang F , Jinlin L , Mao Y*. Modeling the Dynamics and Spillovers of the Health Labor Market: Evidence from Chinas Provincial Panel Data. Sustainability, 2018, 10(2):333.

29. Bin Z , Yang F , Jinlin L , Mao Y*. Notifiable Sexually Transmitted Infections in China: Epidemiologic Trends and Spatial Changing Patterns. Sustainability, 2017, 9(10):1784.

30. Liu J , Wu J , Zhu B , Mao Y*. Evaluation Study on Equalization of Basic Medical and Health Services in China. Value in Health, 2015, 18(7):A553-A553.

31. Zhu B , Liu J , Wu J , Mao Y*. Peculiarity, Environmental and Chronic Diseases: Using Ecological Models as a Framework for Analysising Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases. Value in Health, 2015, 18(7):A515.

32. Liu J, Wu J, Mao Y*. Research on Health Services Need and Utilization of the Rural Elderly Left at Home in Shaanxi Province, China. Value in Health, 2014, 17(7):A797.
