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Paper Name Author Publication/Completion Time Magazine Name
Saturated/subcooled flow boiling heat transfer characteristics for R134a, HFE-7100 and Deionized water inside micro/mini-channels: Part II – New CHF prediction model establishment Xiang Ma, Chengyu Hu, Hongqiang Chen, Wenkai Cu, Yonghai Zhang*, Xiaoping Yang, Jinjia Wei, Bengt Sund´en 2024-09-14 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Saturated/subcooled flow boiling heat transfer characteristics for R134a, HFE-7100 and Deionized water inside micro/mini-channels: Part I - Visualization of flow patterns and new diabatic two-phase flow pattern transition regimes Xiang Ma, Chengyu Hu, Hongqiang Chen, Wenkai Cu, Yonghai Zhang*, Xiaoping Yang, Jinjia Wei, Bengt Sund´en 2024-08-31 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Flow boiling frictional pressure drop inside micro/mini-channels: A new general model and experimental investigation Xiang Ma, Chengyu Hu, Xinyu Ji, Xiaoping Yang, Na Xu*, Yonghai Zhang*, Jinjia Wei, Yali Feng, Bengt Sund´en 2024-04-03 Applied Thermal Engineering
Jet impingement boiling heat transfer performance of refrigerant HP-1 in micro-pin-finned surfaces for high-power chips Xiang Ma, Liangxin Gui, Chengyu Hu, Gege Song, Xiaoping Yang, Yonghai Zhang*, Jinjia Wei 2023-12-18 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Preparation and Performance Characterization of Copper and Diamond Filled Composite Thermal Conductivity Materials Shuai Wang, Xiang Ma*,Quan Gao,Jinyu Wang,Na Xu*,Yonghai Zhang,Jinjia Wei,Jianfu Zhao,Bin Li 2023-10-23 Microgravity Science and Technology
Experimental investigation and correlation analysis of pool boiling heat transfer on the array surfaces with micro-fins using FC-72 for the electronic thermal management Xiang Ma, Gege Song, Hongqiang Chen, Yonghai Zhang*, Na Xu*, Jinjia Wei 2023-10-05 Applied Thermal Engineering
Saturated/subcooled flow boiling heat transfer inside micro/mini-channels: A new prediction correlation and experiment evaluation Xiang Ma, Xinyu Ji, Chengyu Hu, Xiaoping Yang, Yonghai Zhang∗, Jinjia Wei, Seyed Hamed Godasiaei 2023-04-07 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Pool boiling heat transfer enhancement on the hybrid surfaces coupling capillary wick and minichannels Yonghai Zhang, Xiang Ma∗, Jinyu Wang, Wanbo Liu, Jinjia Wei 2022-12-21 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
放射状槽道与毛细芯复合表面池沸腾换热研究 马 祥,刘万渤,张永海,魏进家,李 彬 2022-10-14 工程热物理学报
Flow boiling instability and pressure drop characteristics based on micro-pin-finned surfaces in a microchannel heat sink Xiang Ma, Xinyu Ji, Jinyu Wang, Xiaoping Yang, Yonghai Zhang∗, Jinjia Wei 2022-06-30 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Experimental investigation of pool boiling heat transfer on the radial micro-pillar surfaces Yonghai Zhang, Xiang Ma a,*, Jie Zhou, Zeyang Lei, Jinjia Wei 2022-06-10 Applied Thermal Engineering
Flow boiling heat transfer characteristics on micro-pin-finned surfaces in a horizontal narrow microchannel Xiang Ma, Xinyu Ji, Jinyu Wang, Jiabin Fang, Yonghai Zhang∗, Jinjia Wei 2022-05-27 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Critical heat flux prediction model of pool boiling heat transfer on the micro-pillar surfaces Yonghai Zhang, Xiang Ma*, Zhiqiang Zhu*, Lian Duan, Jinjia Wei 2021-11-20 Case Studies in Thermal Engineering


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Patent Name Application Number Application Date
一种分级式歧管微通道散热装置 ZL 202111408691.5 Invention 2021.11.25
一种基于弹性湍流的双流体回路错排波型微通道散热器 ZL 202110713634.1 Invention 2021.06.25
一种基于气液分离的双层微通道散热装置 ZL 202110144313.4 Invention 2021.02.02
一种基于液滴连续补液的散热装置 ZL 202011586914.2 Invention 2020.12.28