SCI源期刊 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 审稿人
SCI源期刊 Physics of Fluids 审稿人
SCI源期刊 Langmuir 审稿人
SCI源期刊 Soft Matter 审稿人
SCI源期刊 Applied Physics A 审稿人
SCI源期刊 RSC Advances 审稿人
SCI源期刊 Journal of Porous Media 审稿人
SCI源期刊 Computational Materials Science 审稿人
Meng Shi, Metal Foam Based Vitrification Cooling and Ultrarapid Inductive Rewarming, International Symposiumvon Multiscale Simulations of Thermophysics-2023, Shenzhen, China, June 3, 2023 (Session Chair)
Meng Shi, Krishna Raja Dharmarajan, Sigurdur Thoroddsen, Early Interfacial Vortex when Drop Coalesces with a Curved Interface, 76th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Washington, DC, USA, November 19-21, 2023. (Published on Bulletin of the American Physical Society)
Meng Shi, Sigurdur Thoroddsen, Dual Instability in Marangoni Flows during Drop Impact, 75th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Indianapolis, USA, 20-22, Nov, 2022.
Meng Shi, Sigurdur Thoroddsen, Azimuthal street of mushroom vortices during drop impact, 14th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Athens, Greece, 13-16, Sep, 2022
Meng Shi, Ziqiang Yang, Sigurdur Thoroddsen, Marangoni flowers when drop impacts on a miscible liquid film, 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Phoenix, USA, 21-23, Nov, 2021.
Meng Shi, Sankara Arunachalam, Cristian Picioreanu, Himanshu Mishra, Delayed Leidenfrost States on Hydrophobic Surfaces, 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Phoenix, USA, 21-23, Nov, 2021.
Meng Shi, Costas Grigoropoulos, Internal Flows of Leidenfrost Droplet, 72th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Philadelphia, USA, 23-26, Nov, 2019. (Published on the Gallery of Fluid Motion in the American Physical Society, DOI:
Meng Shi, Ratul Das, Sankara Arunachalam, Himanshu Mishra, Unexpected Suppression of Leidenfrost Phenomenon on Superhydrophobic Surfaces, 72th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Philadelphia, USA, 23-26, Nov, 2019.
Meng Shi, Navid Manuchehrabadi, Aiden Clopton, Jinbin Qiu, Feng Xu, Tian Jian Lu, John Bischof. Ultrarapid Inductive Rewarming of Vitrified Bulk Biomaterials with Metal Foam, CRYO 2016, Ottawa, Canada, 24-27, July, 2016.
Meng Shi, Shangsheng Feng, Dongmei Liu, Yuhui Li, Xiaohui Zhang, Tian Jian Lu, Feng Xu. Non-Contact Vitrification of Cell-Laden Droplet, The International Heat Transfer Symposium 2014, Beijing, China, 6-9, May, 2014.