国家重点研发计划子课题: 制造系统场景在线感知及特征智能提取技术,2019-2022
军工预研: 面向***产品精准配送的智能感知网络构建技术,子课题,2019-2020
国家自然科学基金面上项目(51875447) : 面向精密机床空间坐标测量的波长可调谐散斑光场编码机理与传感方法, 2019.01-2022.12
国防基础预研重大项目子课题: ****自动化对接装配位姿在线测量方法,2018-2021
04专项子课题: ****部段装配测量系统关键技术研究,2017-2019
04专项子课题: 数控机床误差测量、分析与补偿技术,2015-2017
国家自然科学基金面上项目(51375376) : 面向工业现场大尺寸测量的空气折射率廓线多特征吸收光谱动态反演方法,2014/01-2017/12
国家自然科学基金面上项目(50975225) : 基于空间角度交会测量网络的大范围位姿测量方法研究,2010/01-2012/12
国家自然科学基金面上项目(50575177) :具有机器学习机制的复杂拓扑隐式曲面重构方法研究,2006/01-2008/12
国家青年科学基金项目(50305027) : 逆向工程中基于小波特征的曲面配准与Level-set建模方法研究,2004/01-2006/12
863课题: 基于局域空间定位系统的大型构件装配在线定位技术,2009-2011
863重点项目子课题: 组合式超大尺寸精密测量技术“, 2008.10~2010.04
军工预研: 基于局域空间定位系统的大范围装配位姿测量方法研究,2014.8~2015.10
参与863重大项目: 箱体类精密工作母机共性前沿技术平台,项目骨干,2012-2015
近年发表国际期刊论文 :
Z. Wang, Z. Liu, K. Tian, H. Zhang, Frequency-scanning interferometry for dynamic measurement using adaptive Sage-Husa Kalman filter, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 165(2023).
K. Tian, Z. Liu, H. Zhang, Z. Wang, J. Guo, Enhancement of frequency scanning interferometry signal for non-cooperative target based on generative adversarial network, Measurement Science and Technology, 33(2022) 125012.
Y. Zhu, Z. Wang, K. Tian, T. Jing, X. Guo, Z. Liu, Phase-generated carrier combined with the Hilbert transform for phase demodulation in frequency-scanning interferometry, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 153(2022) 106988.
Qingxiang Li; Zhigang Liu; Tao Jing; Demodulation method for composite modulation caused by dynamic optical path in FSI optical frequency tuning, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2022,154:107011.
Tian, K., Liu, Z., Jing, T., Zhu, Y., Rate-dependent input curve shaping of the piezoelectric actuator based optical resonator cavity displacement characteristics for an external cavity diode laser[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2021 92, 095008
Liu,K.,Zhang, H.,Liu,Z. Goal-driven method for decoding the configuration of coherent wave groups required for the generation of arbitrary-order vortex lattices.Optics Express,2021,Vol. 29, No. 8 .
Zheng, W., Liu, Z., Guo, J.. Effective improvement of scanning resonance through dynamic optimization of the probe. Measurement, 2021,Vol.178,109438.
Zhu Y, Liu Z, Zhang X. Command-shaping based on impulse response function for dynamic-mode control of internal and external cavities in external-cavity diode laser[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2020, 91(2): 023101.
Zheng, W., Liu, Z., Guo, J.. Scanning strategy of deviation-boundary prediction based on probe dynamics. IEEE Access, 2020, 8, pp189445-189457.
Zhu Y, Liu Z, Zhang X, et al. Active bandwidth control of external-cavity system for improving mode-hop-free synchronous tuning characteristics of an external-cavity diode laser[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2020, 129: 106272.
Zheng W, Liu Z, Guo J. A friction-coupled measurement model of 3D scanning probe with unequal stiffness[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2020,32(1).
Deng Z, Liu Z, Gu S, et al. Frequency-scanning interferometry for depth mapping using the Fabry–Perot cavity as a reference with compensation for nonlinear optical frequency scanning[J]. Optics Communications, 2020, 455: 124556.
Zheng W, Liu Z, Li X, et al. An optimized 3D displacement probe using sensitivity-compliance joint model[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2019, 90(10): 105003.
Zhongwen Deng, Zhigang Liu, Xingyu Jia, Wen Deng, Xin Zhang, Dynamic cascade-model-based frequency-scanning interferometry for real-time and rapid absolute optical ranging, Optics Express, Vol. 27, No. 15
Yu Zhu,Zhigang Liu,Xin Zhang,Shan Shao,Haihong Yan,Dynamic mode matching of internal and external cavities for enhancing the mode‑hop‑free synchronous tuning characteristics of an external‑cavity diode laser,Applied Physics B (2019) 125:217
Deng Z, Liu Z, Jia X, et al. Real-time dynamic absolute ranging with frequency scanning interferometry using a robust Monte-Carlo-based particle filter[J]. Applied optics, 2019, 58(25): 6865-6872.
Liu K, Liu Z, Dong X. Multi-beams engineered to increase patterns of vortex lattices by employing zero lines of the coherent non-diffracting field[J]. Optics express, 2019, 27(15): 21652-21666.
Wang Z, Liu Z, Deng W, et al. Optical-frequency scanning-rate calibration of external cavity diode lasers using adaptive complex-shifted Morlet wavelets[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2019, 90(6): 063107.
Zhang X, Liu Z, Zhu Y, et al. Synchronous tuning method for external-cavity diode lasers without antireflection coating based on nonlinearity correction model for internal and external cavities[J]. Optics Communications, 2019, 451: 202-210.
Jia X, Liu Z, Deng Z, et al. Dynamic absolute distance measurement by frequency sweeping interferometry based Doppler beat frequency tracking model[J]. Optics Communications, 2019, 430: 163-169.
Zhu Y, Liu Z, Zhang M, et al. Input trajectory shaping based on a B-spline model for the scanning control of a piezoelectric actuator in external-cavity diode laser[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 116: 97-112.
Hao W, Liu Z, Gu S, et al. Virtual wavefront calibration method based on ray tracing for alignment error compensation in the interferometric bearing ball measurement system[J]. Applied Physics B, 2019, 125(3): 1-10.
Zheng W, Guo J, Liu Z. A flexible-hinge touch probe using a 3D parametric model and positioning method[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2018, 30(1): 015001.
Wang Z, Liu Z, Deng Z, et al. Phase extraction of non-stationary interference signal in frequency scanning interferometry using complex shifted Morlet wavelets[J]. Optics Communications, 2018, 420: 26-33.
Zhu Y, Liu Z, Deng W, et al. Input signal shaping based on harmonic frequency response function for suppressing nonlinear optical frequency in frequency-scanning interferometry[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2018, 89(5): 053109.
Deng W, Liu Z, Deng Z, et al. Extraction of interference phase in frequency-scanning interferometry based on empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert transform[J]. Applied optics, 2018, 57(9): 2299-2305.
Tao L, Liu Z, Zhang W, et al. Real-time drift error compensation in a self-reference frequency-scanning fiber interferometer[J]. Optics Communications, 2017, 382: 99-104.
Zhang M, Liu Z, Zhu Y, et al. Integral force feedback control with input shaping: Application to piezo-based scanning systems in ECDLs[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2017, 88(7): 075006.
Jia X, Liu Z, Tao L, et al. Frequency-scanning interferometry using a time-varying Kalman filter for dynamic tracking measurements[J]. Optics Express, 2017, 25(21): 25782-25796.
Liu Z, Liu Z, Deng Z, et al. Interference signal frequency tracking for extracting phase in frequency scanning interferometry using an extended Kalman filter[J]. Applied optics, 2016, 55(11): 2985-2992.
Deng Z, Liu Z, Li B, et al. Precision improvement in frequency-scanning interferometry based on suppressing nonlinear optical frequency sweeping[J]. Optical Review, 2015, 22(5): 724-730.
Gong H, Liu Z, Zhou Y, et al. Extending the mode-hop-free tuning range of an external-cavity diode laser by synchronous tuning with mode matching[J]. Applied optics, 2014, 53(33): 7878-7884.
Gong H, Liu Z, Zhou Y, et al. Mode-hopping suppression of external cavity diode laser by mode matching[J]. Applied optics, 2014, 53(4): 694-701.
Tao L, Liu Z, Zhang W, et al. Frequency-scanning interferometry for dynamic absolute distance measurement using Kalman filter[J]. Optics letters, 2014, 39(24): 6997-7000.
步明繁, 刘志刚, 张为波,等. 采用F-P光学腔的外腔半导体激光器锁相稳频方法[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2016, 50(10):125-131.
郝维娜, 令锋超, 刘志刚,等. 轴承滚珠面型误差激光干涉测量系统的研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2016, 50(6):83-89.
Kunpeng Liu; Zhigang Liu; Arbitrary-order vortex lattice and linear vortex array formed by the superposition of two edge dislocation fields, Conference on Laser Beam Shaping XXI, San Diego, CA,2021-8-3至2021-8-5
Weikang Zheng, Zhigang Liu, Xinbo Li, Junkang Guo,An optimized 3D probe using sensitivity and compliance analysis,Proceedings of the ASME 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition,Salt Lake City, USA,Nov. 8-14, 2019
Zhongwen Deng; Zhigang Liu; Xingyu Jia; Wen Deng, Suppression of nonlinear optical frequency sweeping in frequency-scanning interferometry for absolute distance measurement, SPIE Optical Metrology, June 2019, Munich, Germany
Zhang M, Liu Z, Bu M, et al. Pretension Analysis for Piezoelectric Stack Actuator in Nano-Positioning Stage[C]//ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017, 58455: V010T13A021.
Weina Hao, Zhigang Liu, Shaowei gu, Fengchao Ling, Jun Hong.Alignment Error in Bearing Ball Measurement System With Laser Interferometry. ISITT2017,
Tao L, Liu Z, Zhang W. Auto-elimination of fiber optical path-length drift in a frequency scanning interferometer for absolute distance measurements[C]//Applied Advanced Optical Metrology Solutions. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2015, 9576: 95760V.
- 张灰; 刘志刚; 武介成; 张华坤; 刘远亮; 石卫江; 一种多角度的传感器阵列测量装置、系统及工作方法,2022-10-25至, 中国,CN202110860364.7.
- 刘志刚; 武介成; 张灰; 李清香; 刘远亮; 石卫江; 一种基于光电传感测量网络的移动机器人定位系统及方法,2022-10-25至, 中国,CN202110645623.4.
- 刘志刚; 刘远亮; 李清香; 郭晓鹏; 杨浩铭; 洪军; 基于双目立体视觉的多目标并行测量方法、系统、设备及存储介质,2022-10-25至, 中国,CN202110663144.5.
- 刘志刚; 石卫江; 武介成; 党锦龙; 景涛; 洪军; 一种用于光电传感定位网络的轻量化激光扫描机构,2022-08-09至, 中国,CN202011005043.0.
- 刘志刚; 李清香; 郭晓鹏; 刘远亮; 武介成; 洪军; 一种基于时频分析的复合调制解调方法,2022-06-07至, 中国,CN202110604370.6.
- 刘志刚; 刘远亮; 李清香; 郭晓鹏; 武介成; 洪军; 大尺寸运动物体的立体视觉测量方法、系统、设备及存储介质,2022-04-22至, 中国,CN202110662017.3
- 刘志刚; 景涛; 段乘风; 郭晓鹏; 强均哲; 洪军; 一种适用于光频扫描绝对距离测量的在线测量方法,2021-05-13,中国,CN202110524477.X.
- 刘志刚; 景涛; 甄智龙; 一种消除外腔可调谐半导体激光器内腔非线性的硬件电路,2021-01-19至, 中国,CN201910721896.5.
- 刘志刚; 甄智龙; 张鑫; 一种消除半导体激光器干涉信号幅值调制的硬件电路,2019-05-31, 中国,CN201910468943.X.
- 刘志刚; 甄智龙; 景涛; 一种基于FPGA的外腔可调谐半导体激光器非线性修正方法,2019-05-31, 中国,CN201910468927.0.
- 刘志刚; 甄智龙; 张鑫; 一种消除半导体激光器干涉信号幅值调制的硬件电路,2019-05-31, 中国,CN201910468943.X.
贾康;刘志刚;苏文军;付刚;孙庆龙.(2019). 一种车间动态作业环境下R-LATs测量网络的自修正系统及方法
刘志刚;甄智龙;景涛;(2019). 一种基于FPGA的外腔可调谐半导体激光器非线性修正方法
刘志刚;甄智龙;张鑫;(2019). 一种消除半导体激光器干涉信号幅值调制的硬件电路
贾康, 刘志刚, 苏文军, 孙庆龙, 柯健镪, & 付刚等. (2018). 一种大规模R-LATs测量系统的光电传感器网络时钟同步系统及方法.
刘志刚, 郝维娜, 顾少伟, & 令锋超. (2017). 一种激光干涉检测轴承滚珠面型误差的系统及方法.
刘志刚, 刘哲, 邓忠文, & 贾星宇. (2017). 一种双干涉仪的空气折射率廓线的测量系统及方法.
刘志刚, 张萌, 步明繁, & 朱裕. (2017). 一种压电定位装置的振动和非线性抑制方法.
刘志刚, 柯健镪, 邵山, & 孙庆龙. (2017). 一种双扇形旋转激光自动经纬仪装置.
刘志刚, 洪军, 赵列斌, & 郭俊康. (2017). 一种直线进给系统的多自由度误差同时测量装置及方法.
刘志刚, 洪军, 赵列斌, 李逸群, 郭俊康, & 刘鹏. (2015). 一种直线进给系统的导轨直线度测量装置及方法.
刘志刚, 洪军, 郑维康, 郭俊康, & 刘鹏. (2015). 一种多向位移测量测头.
刘志刚, 洪军, 刘鹏, 郭俊康, 赵强强, & 陈以磊等. (2015). 一种以抵消变形误差为目标的机床装配结合面设计方法.
刘志刚, 步明繁, 张为波, 张萌, & 朱裕. (2015). 一种Littman结构可调谐外腔半导体激光器.
陶龙, 刘志刚, & 邓忠文. (2015). 一种测量Fabry-Perot标准具自由光谱范围FSR的系统及方法.
刘志刚, 洪军, 李宝童, 郭俊康, & 刘鹏. (2015). 一种考虑测量与调整工艺的精密机床公差设计方法.