- Songyang Yan, Xiaodong Zhang, Kunkun Hao, Haojie Xin, Yonggang Luo, Jucheng Yang, Ming Fan, Yang Chao, Jun Sun, Zijiang Yang. "On-demand Scenario Generation for Testing Automated Driving Systems". The ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 2025) , pp. --, 2025. (CCF A会议).
- 李希陶, 吴江, 郑庆华, 王海军, 范铭, 胡帅, 郭家琪, 刘烃. "大语言模型越狱攻击: 模型、根因及其攻防演化". 中国科学 信息科学 , pp. --, 2025. (CCF A中文期刊).
- 贾昂, 范铭*, 徐茜, 晋武侠, 王海军, 刘烃. "面向函数内联场景的二进制到源代码函数相似性检测方法". 软件学报 , pp. --, 2025. (CCF A中文期刊).
- Wuxia Jin, Jiaowei Shang, Jianguo Zheng, Mengjie Sun, Zhenyu Huang, Ming Fan, Ting Liu. "The Design Smells Breaking the Boundary between Android Variants and AOSP". the 47th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2025) , pp. --, 2024. (CCF A会议).
- Yin Wang, Ming Fan*, Junfeng Liu, Junjie Tao, Wuxia Jin, Haijun Wang, Qi Xiong, Ting Liu. "Do as You Say: Consistency Detection of Data Practice in Program Code and Privacy Policy in Mini-App". IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering (IEEE TSE) , pp. --, 2024. (CCF A期刊).
- Jingwen Liu, Wuxia Jin, Junhui Zhou, Qiong Feng, Ming Fan, Haijun Wang, Ting Liu. "3Erefactor: Effective, Efficient and Executable Refactoring Recommendation for Software Architectural Consistency". IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering (IEEE TSE) , pp. --, 2024. (CCF A期刊).
- Yin Wang, Ming Fan*, Hao Zhou, Haijun Wang, Wuxia Jin,Jiajia Li, Wenbo Chen, Shijie Li, Yu Zhang, Deqiang Han, Ting Liu. "MiniChecker: Detecting Data Privacy Risk of Abusive Permission Request Behavior in Mini-Programs". the 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2024), pp. , 2024, (CCF A会议,Distinguished Paper Award)
- Ming Fan, Jifei Shi, Yin Wang, Le Yu, Xicheng Zhang, Haijun Wang, Wuxia Jin, Ting Liu. "Giving without Notifying: Assessing Compliance of Data Transmission in Android Apps". the 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2024), pp. , 2024, (CCF A会议)
- Haijun Wang, Yurui Hu, Hao Wu, Dijun Liu, Chenyang Peng, Yin Wu, Ming Fan, Ting Liu. "Skyeye: Detecting Imminent Attacks via Analyzing Adversarial Smart Contracts". the 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2024), pp. , 2024, (CCF A会议)
- Yin Wu, Xiaofei Xie, Chenyang Peng, Dijun Liu, Hao Wu, Ming Fan, Ting Liu, Haijun Wang. "AdvSCanner: Generating Adversarial Smart Contracts to Exploit Reentrancy Vulnerabilities Using LLM and Static Analysis". the 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2024), pp. , 2024, (CCF A会议)
- Jiali Wei, Ming Fan*, Wenjing Jiao, Wuxia Jin, Ting Liu. "BDMMT: Backdoor Sample Detection for Language Models through Model Mutation Testing". IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE TIFS), vol. , pp. , 2024, (CCF A期刊)
- 王寅, 范铭*, 陶俊杰, 雷靖薏, 晋武侠, 韩德强, 刘烃. "移动应用隐私权声明内容合规性检验方法". 软件学报 , pp. --, 2024. (CCF A中文期刊).
- Ziqiang Yan, Ming Fan*, Yin Wang, Jifei Shi, Haoran Wang, Ting Liu. "MUID: Detecting Sensitive User Inputs in Miniapp Ecosystems". Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Superapps (SaTS'23) , pp. 17--21, 2023. (Distinguished Paper Award).
- Ang Jia, Ming Fan*, Xu Xi, Wuxia Jin, Haijun Wang, Ting Liu. "Cross-Inlining Binary Function Similarity Detection". the 46th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2024) , pp. --, 2024. (CCF A会议).
- Wuxia Jin, Shuo Xu, Dawei Chen, Jiajun He, Dinghong Zhong, Ming Fan, Hongxu Chen, Huijia Zhang, Ting Liu. "PyAnalyzer: An Effective and Practical Approach for Dependency Extraction from Python Code". the 46th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2024) , pp. --, 2024. (CCF A会议).
- Xi Xu, Qinghua Zheng, Zheng Yan, Ming Fan, Ang Jia, Zhaohui Zhou, Haijun Wang, Ting Liu. "PatchDiscovery: Patch Presence Test for Identifying Binary Vulnerabilities Based on Key Basic Blocks". IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering (IEEE TSE) , vol. 49, issue 12, pp. 5279--5294, 2023. (CCF A期刊).
- Wuxia Jin, Yitong Dai, Jianguo Zheng, Yu Qu, Ming Fan, Zhenyu Huang, Dezhi Huang, Ting Liu. "Dependency Facade: The Coupling and Conflicts between Android Framework and Its Customization". the 45th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2023) , pp. 1674--1686, 2023. (CCF A会议).
- Ang Jia, Ming Fan*, Wuxia Jin, Xi Xu, Zhaohui Zhou, Qiyi Tang, Sen Nie, Shi Wu, Ting Liu*. "1-to-1 or 1-to-n? Investigating the Effect of Function Inlining on Binary Similarity Analysis". ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) , vol. 32, issue 4, pp. 1--26, 2023. (CCF A期刊).
- Kaidi Jin, Tianwei Zhang, Chao Shen, Yufei Chen, Ming Fan, Chenhao Lin, Ting Liu. "Can We Mitigate Backdoor Attack Using Adversarial Detection Methods?". IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), vol. 20, issue 4, pp. 2867--2881, 2023. (CCF A期刊).
- Ming Fan, Jiali Wei, Wuxia Jin, Zhou Xu, Wenying Wei, Ting Liu. "One Step Further: Evaluating Interpreters using Metamorphic Testing". 31st ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), pp. 327--339, 2022. (CCF A会议).
- Ming Fan, Wenying Wei, Wuxia Jin, Zijiang Yang, Ting Liu. "Explanation-Guided Fairness Testing through Genetic Algorithm". 44th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), pp. 871--882, 2022. (CCF A会议).
- Shuyue Li, Jiaqi Guo, Jian-Guang Lou, Ming Fan, Ting Liu, Dongmei Zhang. "Testing Machine Learning Systems in Industry: An Empirical Study". 44th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering in Practice(ICSE-SEIP), pp. 263--272, 2022. (CCF A会议).
- Yang Liu, Zisen Xu, Ming Fan*, Yu Hao, Kai Chen, Hao Chen, Yan Cai, Zijiang Yang, Ting Liu. "ConcSpectre: Be Aware of Forthcoming Malware Hidden in Concurrent Programs". IEEE Transactions on Reliability, pp. 1174--1188, 2022. (JCR 1区期刊).
- Wuxia Jin, Dinghong Zhong, Zifan Ding, Ming Fan, Ting Liu. "Where to Start: Studying Type Annotation Practices in Python" The 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), pp. 529-541, 2021, (CCF A会议). ASE-2021.pdf
- Ming Fan, Ziliang Si, Xiaofei Xie, Yang Liu, Ting Liu. "Text Backdoor Detection Using An Interpretable RNN Abstract Model". IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE TIFS), vol. 16, pp. 4117--4132, 2021, (CCF A期刊). TIFS-2021.pdf
- Jiaqi Guo, Ziliang Si, Yu Wang, Qian Liu, Ming Fan, Jianguang Lou, Zijiang Yang, Ting Liu. "Chase: A Large-Scale and Pragmatic Chinese Dataset for Cross-Database Context-Dependent Text-to-SQL" The Joint Conference of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP), pp. 2316--2331, 2021, (CCF A会议). ACL-2021.pdf
- Xi Xu, Qinghua Zheng, Zheng Yan, Ming Fan, Ang Jia, Ting Liu. "Interpretation-enabled software reuse detection based on a multi-level birthmark model" 43rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), pp. 873--884, 2021, (CCF A会议). ICSE-2021.pdf
- Yang Liu, Ming Fan*, Ting Liu, Yu Hao, Zisen Xu, Kai Chen, Hao Chen, Yan Cai. "ConcSpectre: Be Aware of Forthcoming Malware Hidden in Concurrent Programs" 21st International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS), pp. --, 2021, (CCF C会议), 通讯作者. QRS-2021.pdf QRS-Best Paper Award
刘靖雯,晋武侠,屈宇,金洋旭,范铭. 面向程序缺陷预测的网络嵌入特征研究. 信息安全学报. (CCF B 中文期刊).
Ming Fan, Wenying Wei, Xiaofei Xie, Yang Liu, Xiaohong Guan, Ting Liu. "Can We Trust Your Explanations? Sanity Checks for Interpreters in Android Malware Analysis". IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE TIFS), vol. 16, pp. 838--853, 2020, (CCF A期刊). TIFS-2020.pdf
Ming Fan, Le Yu, Sen Chen, Hao Zhou, Xiapu Luo, Shuyue Li, Yang Liu, Jun Liu, Ting Liu. "An Empirical Evaluation of GDPR Compliance Violations in Android mHealth Apps". The 31st International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), pp. 253--264, 2020, (CCF B会议). ISSRE-2020.pdf
- Ang Jia, Ming Fan, Xi Xu, Di Cui, Wenying Wei, Zijiang Yang, Kai Ye, Ting Liu. "From Innovations to Prospects: What Is Hidden Behind Cryptocurrencies?". The 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), pp. 288--299, 2020, (CCF C会议). MSR-2020.pdf
- 范铭,刘烃,刘均,罗夏朴,于乐,管晓宏. 安卓恶意软件检测方法综述. 中国科学: 信息科学, 2020, 50: 1148-1177.(CCF A中文期刊).中国科学 信息科学.pdf
- Xi Xu, Ming Fan, Ang Jia, Yin Wang, Zheng Yan, Qinghua Zheng, Ting Liu. "Revisiting the Challenges and Opportunities in Software Plagiarism Detection". 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering Early Research Achievement Track (SANER-ERA), pp. 537--541, 2020, (CCF B会议). SANER-ERA-2020.pdf
- Shuyue Li, Jiaqi Guo, Ming Fan, Jianguang Lou, Qinghua Zheng, Ting Liu. "Automated Bug Reproduction from User Reviews for Android Applications". 42nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering in Practice(ICSE-SEIP), pp. 51--60, 2020, (CCF A会议). ICSE-SEIP-2020.pdf
- Ming Fan, Xiapu Luo, Jun Liu, Chunyin Nong, Qinghua Zheng, Ting Liu. "CTDroid: Leveraging a Corpus of Technical Blogs for Android Malware Analysis". IEEE Transaction on Reliability (TOR), vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 124--138, 2020, Best paper award in NASAC 2018, (JCR 1st District). TR-2020.pdf NASAC-Best Paper Award.pdf
- Ming Fan, Xiapu Luo, Jun Liu, Meng Wang, Chunyin Nong, Qinghua Zheng, Ting Liu. "Graph Embedding based Familial Analysis of Android Malware using Unsupervised Learning". 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), pp. 771--782, 2019 (CCF A会议). ICSE-2019.pdf
- Ming Fan, Jun Liu, Xiapu Luo, Kai Chen, Zhenzhou Tian, Qinghua Zheng, Ting Liu. "Android Malware Familial Classification and Representative Sample Selection via Frequent Subgraph Analysis". IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE TIFS), vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 1890--1905, 2018 (CCF A期刊). TIFS-2018.pdf
- Zhenzhou Tian, Ting Liu, Qinghua Zheng, Eryue Zhuang,Ming Fan, Zijiang Yang. "Reviving Sequential Program Birthmarking for Multi-threaded Software Plagiarism Detection". IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering (IEEE TSE), vol. 44, no. 5, pp. 491--511, 2018 (CCF A期刊). TSE-2018.pdf
- Ming Fan, Jun Liu, Wei Wang, Haifei Li, Zhenzhou Tian, Ting Liu. "DAPASA: Detecting Android Piggybacked Apps Through Sensitive Subgraph Analysis". IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE TIFS), vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 1772--1785, 2017 (CCF A期刊). TIFS-2017.pdf
- Ming Fan, Jun Liu, Xiapu Luo, Kai Chen, Tianyi Chen, Zhenzhou Tian, Xiaodong Zhang, Qinghua Zheng, Ting Liu. "Frequent Subgraph based Familial Classification of Android Malware". IEEE 27th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering(ISSRE), Best paper award, pp. 24--35, 2016 (CCF B会议). ISSRE-2016.pdf ISSRE-Best research paper.pdf
- Zhenzhou Tian, Ting Liu, Qinghua Zheng, Ming Fan, Eryue Zhuang, Zijiang Yang. "Exploiting thread-related system calls for plagiarism detection of multithreaded programs". The Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), vol. 119, pp. 136--148, 2016 (CCF B期刊). JSS-2016.pdf
Zhenzhou Tian, Qinghua Zheng, Ting Liu,Ming Fan, Eryue Zhuang, Zijiang Yang. "Software Plagiarism Detection with Birthmarks Based on Dynamic Key Instruction Sequences". IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering (IEEE TSE), vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 1217--1235, 2015 (CCF A期刊). TSE-2015.pdf
Zhenzhou Tian, Qinghua Zheng, Ming Fan, Eryue Zhuang, Haijun Wang, Ting Liu. "DBPD: A Dynamic Birthmark-based Software Plagiarism Detection Tool". 26th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering(SEKE), Best demo award, pp. 740--741, 2014 (CCF C会议). SEKE-14-demo.pdf SEKE-Best demo.pdf
- Zhenzhou Tian, Qinghua Zheng, Ting Liu, Ming Fan, Xiaodong Zhang, Zijiang Yang. "Plagiarism detection for multithreaded software based on thread-aware software birthmarks". Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), pp. 304--313, 2014 (CCF B会议). ICPC-2014.pdf
- Zhenzhou Tian, Qinghua Zheng, Ting Liu, Ming Fan. "DKISB: Dynamic key instruction sequence birthmark for software plagiarism detection". Proceedings of the IEEE 10th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), pp. 619--627, 2013 (CCF C会议). HPCC-2013.pdf