Basic Information



环境工程系 副主任

西安市固废资源化利用国际合作基地 主任

西安市固体废物资源再生与循环利用重点实验室 副主任

环境卫生工程期刊 编委

Carbon Capture Science & Technology 编委


Contact Information



办公电话:0086 29 82668572


Main Responsibility

1. 陕西省科技厅评审专家;西安市科技局评审专家

2. 中国能源学会专家委员会副主任委员

3. 西安市科协科技智库专

4. 巴塞尔公约亚太区域中心智库专

5. 中国硅酸盐学会危废学术委员会委员

6. 中国环境科学学会循环经济分会委员

Team Name






Research Fields

1. 固体废物处理及资源化;

2. 生活垃圾处理及能源化利用;

3. 含油污泥油品回收与无害化处理技术;

4. 生物质/煤气化、热解及污染物控制;

5. 焦油催化重整制氢理论与技术;

6. 市政/工业污泥处理及资源化利用;


8. 有机固体废物生物处理技术;

9. 退役锂电池的拆解及高价值回收;

Educational Experience

33. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目号: 52376207;
32. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目号: 51476023;
31. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目号: 51006018;
30. 国家自然科学基金国合项目,项目号: 51011140584;
29. 国家重点研发计划国合项目,项目号: 2018YFE017300HZ;
28. 科技部项目:外专项目,项目号: G2022170020L;
27. 科技部项目:政府间例会项目
26. 陕西省联合基金项目-重点项目,项目号: 2019JLZ-12
25. 欧盟EU-RISE 2020 Horizon Project,项目号: 823745


Research Team

14. 高宁博,全翠,基于碳减排的有机固体废物热化学转化应用基础研究,2022年陕西省高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果一等奖,2022.

13. 高宁博,全翠,第六届全国高等学校教师自制实验教学仪器设备创新大赛, 热解/气化与催化重整一体化反应装置, 三等奖, 2021.

12. 高宁博,全翠,刘宝玲,李宗阳,吴春飞,学术论文获得陕西省第十四届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,2020.

Team Members

41. 高宁博, 陈凯轮, 全翠, 一种高含水率有机物的水热脱水处理反应装置及其操作方法, 发明,实审

40. 高宁博,王凤超,全翠, 一种有机固体废物两级还原热解制备改性活性炭的方法、系统和应用, 201910943536X, 2019-09-30,发明,授权  

39. 高宁博,李家琦,全翠, 有机固体燃料热解、气化及焚烧一体化装置及处理方法, 2019102493646, 2019-03-29,发明,授权

Honorary Title

[153]Jamilu Salisu, Ningbo Gao*, Cui Quan, Jale Yanik, Nancy Artioli. Co-gasification of rice husk and plastic in the presence of CaO using a novel ANN model-incorporated Aspen plus simulation. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2023, 101229. (SCI/EI, IF= 6.470) 

[152] Huo, Aidi; Wang, Xing; Zhao, Zhixin; Yang, Luying; Zhong, Fangqian; Zheng, Chunli; Gao, Ningbo*. Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in Farmland Soils at the Northern Foot of the Qinling Mountains, China. International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health. 2022, 19(22): 14962.   

[151] Ningbo Gao*, Fengchao Wang, Cui Quan, Laura Santamaria, Gartzen Lopez, Paul Williams*, Tire Pyrolysis Char: Processes, Properties, Upgrading and Applications, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2022, 93: 101022. (SCI/EI, IF=35.339)

[150] Gartzen Lopez*, Laura Santamaría, Angeliki Lemonidou, Shuming Zhang, Chunfei Wu, Ayesha T. Sipra, Ningbo Gao. Hydrogen generation from biomass by pyrolysis and in line steam reforming integrated process, Nature Reviews Methods Primers, 2022, 论文链接: (SCI/EI, IF=39.5)

[149] Ningbo Gao*, Jamilu Salisu, Cui Quan, Paul Williams, Modified nickel-based catalysts for improved steam reforming of biomass tar: A critical review. 2021, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, 145: 111023. (SCI/EI, IF=16.799, Top) 

[148] Ningbo Gao*, Kamran Kamran, Cui Quan, Paul Williams. Thermochemical Conversion of Sewage Sludge: A Critical Review. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science,2020,79:100843. (SCI/EI, IF=35.339, Top).  

[147] Ningbo Gao*, Kailun Chen, Cui Quan, Development of CaO-based adsorbents loaded on charcoal for CO2 capture at high temperature, Fuel, 2020,260:10. (SCI, IF= 6.609, Top).  

[146] Yue Chai, Ningbo Gao*, Meihong Wang*, Chunfei Wu, H2 Production from Co-pyrolysis/gasification of Waste Plastics and Biomass under Novel Catalyst Ni-CaO-C, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020,382:16. (SCIIF=13.273, Top). 

[145] Ayesha Tariq Sipra, Ningbo Gao*, Haris Sarwar, Municipal solid waste (MSW) pyrolysis for bio-fuel production: A review of effects of MSW components and catalysts, Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 175:131-147.  (SCIIF=8.129, Top). 

[144] Ningbo Gao, Aimin Li*, Cui Quan, Lin Du, Yue Duan,TG-FTIR and Py-GC/MS analysis on pyrolysis and combustion of pine sawdust. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2013, 100: 26-32. (SCI/EI, IF2013= 3.070). (SCI, IF=8.129, Top).