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  • Song, Pengfei, Rachidi Salako. (2024). Extinction of some strains and asymptotic profiles of coexistence endemic equilibria in a multi-strain epidemic model. Journal of Differential Equations. 
  • Song, Pengfei, Xiao, Yanni, Wu, Jianhong. (2023). Discovering First Principle of Behavioural Change in Disease Transmission Dynamics by Deep Learning. In: David, J., Wu, J. (eds) Mathematics of Public Health. Fields Institute Communications, vol 88. Springer, Cham.

  • Song, Pengfei and Xiao, Yanni and Wu Jianhong. (2023) Methods coupling transmission models and deep learning. Preprint.

  • Lou, Yuan and Salako, R.B. and Song, Pengfei. (2023) Human mobility and disease prevalence. Journal of Mathematical Biology. 87, 20 (2023).

  • Yin, Shuangshuang and Wu, Jianhong and Song Pengfei*. (2023) Analysis of a heterogeneous SEIRS patch model with asymmetric mobility kernel. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering.

  • Yin, Shuangshuang and Wu, Jianhong and Song Pengfei*. (2023) Optimal epidemic control by deep learning techniques. Journal of Mathematical Biology. 10.1007/s00285-023-01873-0.

  • Song, Pengfei and Xiao, Yanni. (2022) Analysis of a diffusive epidemic system with spatial heterogeneity and lag effect of media impact. Journal of Mathematical Biology.

  • Song, Pengfei and Xiao, Yanni. (2022) Estimating time-varying reproduction number by deep learning techniques. JAAC.

  • Shuang, Liu and Yuan, Lou and Pengfei Song*.(2022) A new monotonicity for principal eigenvalues with applications to time-periodic patch models. Siam on Applied Mathematics.

  • Zhang, Yunhu and Song, Pengfei*. (2021) Dynamics of the piecewise smooth epidemic model with nonlinear incidence. Chaos Soliton Fractals.

  • Jiang, Hui Song, Pengfei (2020) Quantitative assessment of the triage control and intervention measures of COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan, China. BMC Infectious Disease.

  • Wang, Xia and Li, Qian (2021) Effects of medical resource capacities and intensities of public mitigation measures on outcomes of COVID-19 outbreaks. BMC Public Health.

  • Song, Pengfei Chen, Canyi Lou, Yuan Jiang, Hui Li, Weimin Zhu Lipin. (2020) Assessing Effectiveness of Integrated Strategies for Preventing and Controlling the Outbreak of COVID-19, and Predicting Impact of Opening Exit Channels to Leave Hubei Province. Chinese Journal of applied probability and statistics.

  • Song, Pengfei Lou, Yuan Jiang, Hui Li, Weimin Zhu Lipin. (2020) Multi-stage and Multi-Scale Patch Model and the Case Study of Novel Coronavirus. Chinese Journal of applied probability and statistics. Acta Mathematicae Applicae Sinica.

  • Song, Pengfei Lou, Yuan Xiao, Yanni. (2019). A spatial SEIRS reaction-diffusion model in heterogeneous environment. Journal of Differential Equations.

  • Song, Pengfei Xiao, Yanni. (2019). Analysis of an Epidemic System with Two Response Delays in Media Impact Function. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 81. 10.1007/s11538-019-00586-0.

  • Song, Pengfei Xiao, Yanni. (2017). Global hopf bifurcation of a delayed equation describing the lag effect of media impact on the spread of infectious disease. Journal of Mathematical Biology. 76. 10.1007/s00285-017-1173-y.