Basic Information

翟强 (Zhai, Qiang)


School of Physics, Assistant Professor

PhD (2019), 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 (UT-Austin)

MsE(2015), 西安交大 (XJTU)

BE(2012), 西安交通大学 (Xi’an Jiaotong University)


Our research group focuses on fundamental problems in complex systems. We are hiring self-motivated undergraduate and graduate students.



近期工作(Recent Works)


[1] Q. Zhai, X.-Y. Gao, C.-S. Lee, H.-Y. Deng, S. Yang, K. Yan, and C.-H. Lam, Heat capacity and relaxation dynamics of glassy films: A lattice model study, Physical Review E (2024).

[2] C.-Y. Ong, C.-S. Lee, X.-Y. Gao, Q. Zhai, Z. Yu, R. Shi, H.-Y. Deng, and C.-H. Lam, Relating fragile-to-strong transition to fragile glass via lattice model simulations, Physical Review E 109, 054124 (2024).

[3] Q. Zhai, X.-Y. Gao, C.-S. Lee, C.-Y. Ong, K. Yan, H.-Y. Deng, S. Yang, and C.-H. Lam, Surface mobility gradient and emergent facilitation in glassy films, Soft Matter 20, 4389 (2024).

[4] Q. Zhai and R. Orbach, Toward understanding the dimensional crossover of canonical spin-glass thin films, Frontiers in Physics 12, 1488275 (2024). (Invited for special issue: Current Research On Spin Glasses)


[1] I. Paga+, Q. Zhai+, M. Baity-Jesi, E. Calore, A. Cruz, C. Cummings, L. Fernandez, J. Gil-Narvion, I. G.-A. Pemartin, A. Gordillo-Guerrero, et al., Superposition principle and nonlinear response in spin glasses, Physical Review B 107, 214436 (2023).

Selected Publications:

[1] Q. Zhai, R. L. Orbach, and D. L. Schlagel, Evidence for temperature chaos in spin glasses, Physical Review B 105, 014434 (2022).

[2] I. Paga+, Q. Zhai+, M. Baity-Jesi, E. Calore, A. Cruz, L. Fernandez, J. Gil-Narvion, I. G.-A. Pemartin, A. Gordillo-Guerrero,D. Iniguez, et al., Spin-glass dynamics in the presence of a magnetic field: exploration of microscopic properties, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2021, 033301 (2021).

[3] Q. Zhai, I. Paga, M. Baity-Jesi, E. Calore, A. Cruz, L. Fernandez, J. Gil-Narvion, I. G.-A. Pemartin, A. Gordillo-Guerrero,D. Iniguez, et al., Scaling law describes the spin-glass response in theory, experiments, and simulations, Physical Review Letters 125, 237202 (2020).

[4] Q. Zhai, D. C. Harrison, D. Tennant, E. D. Dahlberg, G. G. Kenning, and R. L. Orbach, Glassy dynamics in CuMn thin-film multilayers, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 95, 054304 (2017).

[5] Q. Zhai, D. C. Harrison, and R. L. Orbach, Effect of magnetic fields on spin glass dynamics, Physical Review B 96, 054408 (2017).

[6] Q. Zhai, D. C. Harrison, D. Tennant, E. D. Dahlberg, G. G. Kenning, and R. L. Orbach, Glassy dynamics in cumn thin-film multilayers, Physical Review B 95, 054304 (2017).

[7] K. Yan, Y. Wang, Y. Zhu, J. Hong, and Q. Zhai, Investigation on heat dissipation characteristic of ball bearing cage and inside cavity at ultra-high rotation speed, Tribology International 93, 470 (2016).

