Basic Information


韩 青 博士



数学与统计学院  信息科学系


Contact Information

办公地址:西安交通大学兴庆校区 数学楼426室




Research Fields


  • 边云协同智能(Edge-Cloud Collaborative Intelligence)
  • 联邦学习(Federated Learning)
  • 隐私计算(Privacy Computing)



  • Han, Q., Yang, S., Ren, X., Zhao, P., Zhao, C., & Wang, Y. PCFed: Privacy-enhanced and Communication-efficient Federated Learning for Industrial IoTs. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IF: 11.648,中科院SCI 1区,西安交大最具权威期刊), 2022, 18(5): 6181-6191.
  • Han, Q., Yang, S., Ren, X., Zhao, C., Zhang, J., & Yang, X. OL4EL: Online Learning for Edge-cloud Collaborative Learning on Heterogeneous Edges with Resource Constraints. IEEE Communications Magazine (IF: 9.619,中科院SCI 1区,西安交大最具权威期刊), 2020, 58(5): 49-55.
  • Han, Q., Ren, X., Zhao, P., Wang, Y., Wang, L., Zhao, C., & Yang, X. ECCVideo: A Scalable Edge Cloud Collaborative Video Analysis System. IEEE Intelligent Systems (IF: 6.744,中科院SCI 3区,西安交大最具权威期刊), 2022, 38(1): 34-44.
  • 韩青, 高昆仑, 赵婷, 陈江琦, 杨新宇, 杨树森. 边云协同智能技术在电力领域的应用, 物联网学报, 2021, 5(01):62-71.
  • Zhao, F., Ren, X., Yang, S., Han, Q., Zhao, P., & Yang, X. Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model Training with Differential Privacy. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (IF: 7.178,中科院SCI 1区,西安交大最具权威期刊), 2020, 16: 1290-1305.
  • Zhang, Z., Yang, S., Zhao, C., Ren, X., Yu, H., Han, Q., & Guo, S. RTCoInfer: Real-time Collaborative CNN Inference for Stream Analytics on Ubiquitous Images. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (IF: 9.144,中科院SCI 1区,西安交大最具权威期刊) , 2023, 41(4): 1212-1226.
  • Shen. J., Yang, S., Zhao, C., Ren, X., Zhao, P., Yang, Y., Han, Q., & Wu, S. FedLED: Label-Free Equipment Fault Diagnosis with Vertical Federated Transfer Learning IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement (IF: 5.6,中科院SCI 1区,西安交大最具权威期刊), 2023.
  • Wang, Y., Yang, S., Ren, X., Guo., S., Zhao, C., & Han, Q. WaterEdge: Edge-Cloud Collaborative Intelligent Coagulation System for Group-level Water Treatment Plants. IEEE Systems Journal (IF: 4.802,中科院2区,西安交大最具权威期刊), 2023, 17(4): 5346-5356.
  • Wang, Y., Ding, X., Guo, S., Li, Y., Han, Q., Zhao, P. & Yang, S. FTLPower: A Federated Transfer Learning Framework for Personalized Wear Safety Protective Gears Detection of Electric Power Industry. IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IF: 10.6,中科院SCI 1区,西安交大最具权威期刊), 2023.