Major paper (first author)
1. The psychosocial needs of the hospitalized elderly, Chinese Journal of Nursing, 1988, 8: 405-406.
2. Psychosocial caring of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. Chinese Journal of Nursing 1998, 1: 34-37.
3. Job stress and burnout among staff nurses in China. Chinese Journal of nursing,2000, 11: 645-649.
4. Comparison of Critical Thinking Skills of Nurses in China and Japan, Chinese Journal of nursing,2005, 40(10): 730-733.
5. Review of Chinese higher nursing education, Journal of North-western nursing, 2000, 1: 59-61.
6. Strategies and methods of perfecting baccalaureate nursing curriculum structure, Chinese Journal of nursing,2003,2。
7. The effect of comprehensive stress management training for staff nurses,Journal of North West Nursing, 2000, 2: 5-6.
8. Caring and nursing, Chinese journal of foreign nursing, 2001, 11: 498-500.
9. Relationship between pain beliefs and adherence to medicine in cancer patients,Chinese Journal of Nursing Research,2003,9。
10. Comparison of nursing education philosophy under the background of globalization,Journal of Nursing,2004,4。
11. Comparison of nursing education in China and overseas, Chinese Journal of Higher Nursing education,2004,12,1(12):70-72。
12. Strategies to meet the challenge of globalization in Chinese nursing education,Journal of Nursing, 2005,20(18):6-8。
13. Comparison of Critical Thinking Skills of Baccalaureate Nursing Students, Chinese Journal of Nursing 2005,21(10):37-39。
14. Access for all, Chinese Journal of nursing,2004,39(10),800。
15. There are also 45 second-author professional papers published.
Major Books :
1. Chief editor, Introduction to Nursing (National textbooks for conversion nursing program), Changsha: Hunan Science and Technology Publisher, 2001.
2. Chief-editor, Nursing Education (national textbooks for baccalaureate program), Beijing: People’s Health Publishing House. 2000.
3. Chief-editor, Psychiatric and mental health nursing, bilingual, (national textbooks for baccalaureate program), Beijing: People’s Health Publishing House. 2006.
4. Chief-editor, Introduction to nursing, (national textbooks for baccalaureate program), Beijing: People’s Health Publishing House. 2006.
5. Associate chief editor, General medicine,(National textbook for GP), Beijing: Beijing University Publisher, 2000。
6. Associate chief editor, Ethics in hospice care, Xi’an: Shaanxi Science and technology Publisher, 2000.
7. Chief editor, Holistic care: Theory and practice. Xi’an: Shaanxi Science and Technology Publisher. 2002.
8. Chief-editor, Psychosocial nursing, Xi’an: Shaanxi Science and Technology, 2000.
9. Editor, Introduction to nursing(national textbooks for baccalaureate nursing program), Beijing: People’s Publishing House,1999.
10. Editor, Community health nursing, (national textbooks for baccalaureate nursing program), Beijing: People’s Publishing House, 2000.
11. Editor, Pediatric nursing, (national textbooks for baccalaureate nursing program), Beijing: People’s Publishing House, 1999.
12. Editor, Community health Nursing,(National textbooks for conversion nursing program), Changsha: Hunan Science and Technology Publisher, 2001.
13. Editor, Nursing management, (National textbooks for conversion nursing program), Changsha: Hunan Science and Technology Publisher, 2001.
14.Editor,Nursing management. (National textbooks for conversion nursing program), Changsha: Hunan Science and Technology Publisher, 2002.