Basic Information

Prof./Dr. Zhonggang Sang completed his Ph.D. degree at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and Hongkong Polytechnic University (jointly supervised) between 2007 and 2010. Since 2018, he has held the position of professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University. In this role, he supervises Ph.D. students specializing in Translation and Interpreting Studies, as well as M.Phil. students focusing on Applied Linguistics. His research primarily centers on Socio-Pragmatics, Translation & Interpreting Studies, and Contrastive Narrative Analysis.





Contact Information

Correspondence :

Room 903, Shaw Yifu Building B

School of Foreign Studies

Xi’an Jiaotong University,

No. 28, Xianning West Road, Xi’an, 710049

Shaanxi, P. R. China




The courses he teaches include Principles of Translation and Interpreting, Text Analysis for Translation, Chinese Literature in English, Socio-Pragmatics, Theoretic Linguistics, and Cross-Disciplinary Methodology of Linguistic and Cross-cultural Studies.

Research Output


  1. 桑仲剛. 翻譯研究的新描寫主義途徑:問題與方法.《外國語(上海外國語大學學報)》, 2023, 46 (1): 86-95.
  2. Yaqing Liang, Yanzhi Li, Zhonggang Sang*(CA). A Study on Peer Mediation in Dynamic Assessment of Translation Revision Competence. Language Assessment Quarterly. 2023. VOL 20. NO 1. 108-126.
  3. 桑仲剛.《二十世紀敦煌漢文敘事文獻的西方英譯活動研究》.中國社會科學出版社.2022年12月.
  4. Yan Liang, Zhonggang Sang*(CA). Syntactic and typological properties of translational language: A comparative description of dependency treebank of academic abstracts. Lingua. 2022. VOL. 273.
  5. 桑仲剛. 敦煌敘事文獻《大目乾連冥間救母變文》英譯的描寫研究. 《湖南大學學報(社會科學版)》, 2022, 36 (4): 92-99. 
  6. 桑仲剛. 二十世紀敦煌本《六祖壇經》的西方英譯活動:譯本、過程與功能.《澳門理工學報》.2022(2): 62-70. //人大複印報刊資料全文.H1《語言文字學》.2022(8).
  7. 桑仲剛. 敘事典籍翻譯的“聲音”策略:以敦煌遺書《孔子項讬相問書》的英譯為例[J]. 《外國語(上海外國語大學學報),》 2021, 44(4): 94-102.
  8. Zhonggang Sang. An Activity Theory Approach to the Contextualization Mechanism of Language Use: Taking Translation, Pseudo-translation and Self-translation as examples. Pragmatics and Society. 2019. VOL 10. NO 4. 538-558.
  9. 桑仲剛. 論翻譯問題之問題:一個活動理論的視角. 《外語教學理論與實踐》, 2018, 164(4): 92-97.
  10. Zhonggang Sang. How does the context make a translation happen: An Activity Theory perspective. Social Semiotics. 2018. VOL 28. NO 1. 125-141.
  11. 桑仲剛. 方言翻譯研究:問題和方法.《外語教學與研究》,  2015, 47(6): 935-944.
  12. 桑仲剛. 翻譯家研究的活動理論途徑. 《外國語(上海外國語大學學報)》, 2015, 38(2): 73-80.
  13. 桑仲剛.《二十世紀中國作家短篇小說的漢-英自譯研究》.中國社會科學出版社.20147.
  14. 桑仲剛. 丈夫與情人之謎:張愛玲小說自譯的策略動機探究. 《暨南學報(哲學社會科學版)》, 2014, 36(11): 117-122.
  15. 桑仲剛. 論譯者的翻譯策略選擇機制.《中國外語》, 2013, 10(2): 100-104.
  16. 桑仲刚. 翻译教学研究:理论与困境. 《中国外语》, 2012, 9(4): 82-88.
  17. 桑仲剛.自譯策略研究:基於蕭乾自譯小說敘述資訊的描寫分析. 《中國外語》, 2011, 8(4): 101-107.
  18. Zhonggang Sang. An Activity Theory Approach to Translation for a Pedagogical Purpose. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology. 2011. NO 4. 291-306.
  19. Zhonggang Sang. A Relevance Theory Perspective on Translating the Implicit Information in Literary Texts. Journal of Translation. 2006. VOL 2. NO 2. 43-60.
  20. Zhonggang Sang. Functional Relevance as a Principle of Translation Problem-Solving. Frontiers in Psychology. 2022. VOL 13.

2.  Conference papers (selected)

    1. Implicit narratorial information in Chang Eileen’s self-translated stories. Conference on Translation and Interpreting Studies in Pan-Pearl River Delta Region. Guangzhou, October 18-21, 2012
    2. Narratorial commentaries in self-translated stories. Conference on Multilingual Translation Studies in China. Guangzhou, November 20-23, 2009
    3. Activity theory and Translation. 18th FIT/ITF Congress. August 23-25, 2008, Shanghai.
    4. Methods of Humanities and research on translator Fu Lei. International Conference of Fu Lei and His Translations. Nanking: Nanking University. May 15-18, 2008
    5. To Build STA-mediated Communities of Practice: Some Observations on Practice Placement in Translators’ Pre-service Education. International Conference of Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies. Hang Zhou, Zhejiang University, September 25-27, 2008

3.  Research Projects

    1. Research Project in Hong Kong Polytechnic University (G-U473): An Explanatory Study on the Makeup and Acquisition of Literary Translation Competence. April 1, 2008---April 1, 2009
    2. Research Project of Guangdong Bureau of Education (07JDXM74001): Methodology in Translation Teaching. April 1, 2009--April 1, 2010
    3. Research Project of Gansu Bureau of Education (13GSB-077): To Construct a Curriculum of Cultural Self-Translation. April 1, 2013--April 1, 2016
    4. Research Project of NSSF(China National Social Science Funds)(15BYY029): English Translations of Tun-Huang Narratives in the 20th Century. August 1, 2015--April 1, 2020.
    5. Key Research Project of NSSF (20AZD129): A Translation History of Dunhuang Narrative Manuscripts in the Western Context in the 20th Century. December 1, 2020—December 1, 2024.


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