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Science Project

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Project number Project name Project origin Start time Roles Project kind
24TY48 西安市体育用品消费者在电商直播情境中的购买意愿提升策略研究 西安市社会科学规划基金管理办公室 2024-03~2024-12 负责人 Vertical project
23YJC89031 发展资源视角下青少年自主锻炼失范行为的遏制理论建构与实证研究 国家教育部项目 2023-10~2026-10 负责人 Vertical project
2023216 社会支持对举重运动员心理疲劳的影响与心理机制研究 陕西省体育局 2023-06~2024-08 负责人 Vertical project


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Paper Name Author Publication/Completion Time Magazine Name
The role of peer relationships and flow experience in the relationship between physical exercise and social anxiety in middle school students Shang Y, Chen S P*, Liu L P 2023-11-01 BMC psychology
The Effect of Physical Exercise on Subjective Well-Being in Chinese Middle School Students: The Mediation Roles of Peer Relationships and Self-Actualization Shang Y*, Chen S P, Xie H D 2023-06-01 The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
The effect of internet use behaviors on loneliness: the mediating role of real-life interpersonal communication[J]. Current Psychology Xie L J, Chen S P*, Shang Y 2023-06-01 Current Psychology
The true value of extrinsic motivation? The effect of intrinsic and extrinsic sports motivation on sports anomie behavior in college students Chen S P, Shang Y*, Xie L J 2023-03-01 Current Psychology
社会支持对举重运动员心理疲劳的影响:双重中介模型与性别差异 尚尧,杨世勇 2023-02-20 山东体育学院学报
三轴加速度计佩戴身体不同位置不同运动条件下能量消耗的变异性 解浩东,尚尧,欧阳一毅等 2022-12-01 中国组织工程研究
举重运动员运动认知特质焦虑对心理疲劳的影响——心理坚韧性的中介作用 尚尧,杨世勇* 2021-06-12 山东体育学院学报
The Relationship Between Physical Exercise and Subjective Well-Being in College Students: The Mediating Effect of Body Image and Self-Esteem Shang Y*, Xie H D, Yang S Y 2021-04-15 Frontiers in psychology
The Effect of Social Support on Athlete Burnout in Weightlifters: The Mediation Effect of Mental Toughness and Sports Motivation Shang Y, Yang S Y* 2021-03-14 Frontiers in psychology
党参提取物抗运动性疲劳机制研究[J].西南大学学报(自然科学版) 尚尧,李靖文 2018-06-15 西南大学学报(自然科学版)

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