Dr. Prof. Silong Xu (徐四龙)
With Prof. Zhengjie He (Nankai)
With Prof. Maimone (UC Berkeley)
Dr. Prof. Silong Xu (徐四龙)
With Prof. Zhengjie He (Nankai)
With Prof. Maimone (UC Berkeley)
Silong Xu was born (1982) in the Hengnan county of Hunan province, China. He began undergraduate studies at the Hunan Normal University where he obtained his B.S. degree in chemistry in 2004. After working for two years as a middle school teacher, he joined the research group of Prof. Zhengjie He at Nankai University, Tianjin, China, where he obtained his MSc (2009) and PhD (2012) in Organic Chemistry. In July 2012, Silong moved to Xi’an Jiaotong University employed as a Lecturer. In December 2014, he was promoted to be an associated professor in the Department of Chemistry. During 2015.08-2016.08, he worked as a visiting scientist in the lab of Prof. Maimone at UC Berkeley, doing research in total synthesis of natural products. In January 2020, Silong was promoted as a full professor. He also acts as a vice director in the Department of Chemistry, and an assistant dean of the School of Science.
Since 2020.1 Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, at Xi’an Jiaotong University, China.
2015.8 - 2016.8 Visiting Scholar, at UC-Berkeley, USA
2012.6-2019.12 Lecturer,Associate Professor, at Xi’an Jiaotong University, China.
2009.9-2012.6 Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry, at Nankai University, China.
2006.9-2009.7 M.S. in Organic Chemistry, at Nankai University, China.
2004.9-2006.7 Teacher, at No. 1 Middle School of Hengnan, China.
2000.9-2004.7 B.S. in Chemistry, at Hunan Normal University, China.
2020.1-今 教授、博士生导师,西安交通大学化学学院
2015.8-2016.8 访问学者,加州大学-伯克利分校
2012.6-2019.12 讲师、副教授、西安交通大学理学院化学系
2006.9-2012.7 硕士、博士,南开大学化学学院,元素有机化学国家重点实验室,有机化学专业;
2004.9-2006.7 衡南一中,化学教师
2000.9-2004.7 本科,湖南师范大学化学化工学院,应用化学专业
Thieme Chemistry Journals Award, 2019
Outstanding PHD Graduates of Nankai University, 2012
Academic Star of Graduate Students at Nankai University, 2011
First-Class Scholarship of Nankai University, 2010
Excellence Scholarship of Nankai University, 2009
Department of Chemistry, School of Science
Xi’an Jiaotong University
No.28, Xianning West Road, Xi'an, China, 710049
Tel: +86-29-82655399
Email: silongxu@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
Home Page: http://gr.xjtu.edu.cn/web/silongxu