Research Fields

 Team 1: Space Environment, Nuclear Fusion Radiation and Molecule Simulation




1. 空间高能电子和质子等辐射条件下高压绝缘介质电荷积聚过程、充放电模型及空间电荷抑制方法;

2. 空间环境下高压电缆及电力传输装置充放电效应机理及防护技术;

3. 硅半导体器件辐射损伤及电学特性变化规律的分子动力学模拟理论;

4. K栅介质的辐射效应机理及抗辐射加固技术。


图左. 聚酰亚胺真空直流沿面闪络电压与电子束辐射角度和能量的关系

图中. 聚酰亚胺外施电压18.7 kV时,不同能量和入射角度的电子束运动轨迹

图右. 质子入射引起SiO2/Si界面氧空位产生与氧原子迁移


1. 空间超高压绝缘介质空间电荷抑制技术研究, 中国空间技术研究院, 20174月—202010

2. 空间高压电缆及电力传输装置电荷积聚抑制技术研究, 中国空间技术研究院, 20174月—202010

3. 纳米器件辐射效应机理及模拟试验关键技术, 国家自然科学基金重大项目, 20171月—202112

4. 粒子束辐照下绝缘介质点缺陷产生及电学性能劣化的仿真研究, 强脉冲辐射环境模拟与效应国家重点实验室, 20176月—20196


1. Shengtao Li, Shaoming Pan, Guochang Li, et al. Influence of Electron Beam Irradiation on DC Surface Flashover of Polyimide in Vacuum [J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2017, 24(2):1288-1294.

2. Guochang Li, Shengtao Li, Shaoming Pan, et al. Effect of Electron Irradiation on DC Surface Flashover of Polyimide in Vacuum [J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2016, 23(3SI):1846-1853.

3. Guochang Li, Shengtao Li, Shaoming Pan, et al. Dynamic Charge Transport Characteristics in Polyimide Surface and Surface Layer under Low-energy Electron Radiation [J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2016, 23(4):2393-2403.

4. Shaoming Pan, Daomin Min, Changhao Zhao, et alSpace Charge Accumulation in Polytetrafluoroethylene at Different Temperatures [C]. The 19th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH)Pilsen, Czech Republic, 2015

contactMr. Guanghao Qu (Ph.D candidate, email: guanghao_qu艾特  艾特=@)





 Team 2: Life Prediction and Risk Assessment of Converter Transformer and Solid Transformer










4. “换流变压器油纸绝缘击穿特性及故障预测研究”,国网陕西省电力公司经济技术研究院,201711


1. Shengtao Li, Yuanwei Zhu, Daomin Min and George Chen, Space Charge Modulated Electrical Breakdown, Scientific Reports, 6, 32588; doi:10.1038/srep32588, 2016.

2. Yuanwei Zhu, Shengtao Li and Daomin Min, Origin of Dielectric Processes in Aged Oil Impregnated Paper, IEEE Trans. Electr. Insul., Vol. 24, Issue 3, pp. 1625-1635, June 2017.

contactMr. Shijun Li (Ph.D candidate, email: lishijunl艾特  艾特=@)




 Team 3: Flashover Phenomena along the Gas/Solid Interface






图左:沿面闪络模型示意图  图右:环氧纳米复合电介质的实验结果


1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:环氧基纳米复合绝缘材料沿面闪络气-固耦合作用机理和性能提高的研究(编号:513300291)


1. Weiwang Wang, Shengtao Li, Daomin Min. Enhanced flashover strength in polyethylene nanodielectrics by secondary electron emission modification[J]. AIP Advances, 2016, 6(4): 045022.

2. Shengtao Li, Yongjie Nie, Weiwang Wang, Liuqing Yang, Daomin Min. Surface flashover performance of phenolphthalein modified LDPE in vacuum[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2016, 23(5): 3215-3223.

3. Shihu Yu, Shengtao Li. Surface flashover characteristics of EP/Al2O3 nanocomposites in different atmosphere[C]. IEEE International Conference on Dielectrics (ICD), 2016, 1: 120-123.

4. Yin Huang, Daomin Min, Shengtao Li, Zhen Li, Dongri Xie, Xuan Wang, Shengjun Lin. Surface flashover performance of epoxy resin microcomposites improved by electron beam irradiation[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 406: 39-45.

5. Li S, Yu S, Feng Y. Progress in and prospects for electrical insulating materials[J]. High Voltage, 2016, 1(3): 122-129.

6. 李盛涛, 聂永杰, 闵道敏, 潘绍明. 固体电介质真空沿面闪络研究进展[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(8): 1-9.

contactMr. Yin Huang (Ph.D candidate, email:  huangxingyin艾特  艾特=@)





 Team 4: Dielectric and Ferroelectric Ceramics









1. 高压直流短路电流开断机理及其应用基础(973计划)子课题:电流转移与电能耗散中的电介质绝缘特性及其演变规律(2015.1~2019.12)。

2. 国网开放基金:直流断路器用避雷器关键技术研究(2017.1~2017.12)。

3. 南网科研项目:高电位梯度氧化锌材料及其应用技术研究(2017.11~2019.11)。

4. 日本明电舍公司:避雷器阀片均匀性研究(2017.9~2018.9)。

5. 重点实验室项目:点缺陷调控二钛酸钡电性能(2016.9~2018.9)。


1. Pengfei Cheng, Shengtao Li, Le Zhang et al, “Characterization of intrinsic donor defects in ZnO ceramics by dielectric spectroscopy,” Applied Physics Letters, 93, 2008.

2. Shengtao Li, Jianying Li, Wenfeng Liu, et al, “Advances in ZnO Varistors in China During the Past 30 Years-Fundamentals, Processing, and Applications,” IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, 31, 2015.

3. Kangning Wu, Yuwei Huang, Jianying Li, et al, “Space charge polarization modulated instability of low frequency permittivity in CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics,” Applied Physics Letters, 111, 2017.

4. Jiajun Lin, Shengtao Li, Jinqiang He, et al, “Zinc interstitial as a universal microscopic origin for the electrical degradation of ZnO-based varistors under the combined DC and temperature condition,” Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 37, 2017.

5. Jinqiang He, Shengtao Li, Jiajun Lin, et al, “Reverse manipulation of intrinsic point defects in ZnO-based varistor ceramics through Zr-stabilized high ionic conducting βIII–Bi2O3 intergranular phase,” Journal of the European Ceramic Society, accepted.

6. Wenfeng Liu, Weiwei Ping, Shengtao Li, “Enhanced Energy Storage using Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O-3-0.15(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 Ceramics with BaO-SrO-TiO2-Al2O3-SiO2-BaF2 Glass Addition,” Energy Technology, 5, 2017.

contactMr. Jiajun Lin (Ph.D candidate, email:  425964714艾特  艾特=@)





 Team 5: Fabrication, Property Evolution and Life Prediction of Advanced Cables












4.《基于多参数诊断的服役 110kV 交联聚乙烯电缆状态评估及剩余寿命计算》,国网上海电力公司,201812


1. Li S, Zhao N, Nie Y, et al. Space charge characteristics of LDPE nanocomposite/LDPE insulation system[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 2015, 22(1):92-100.

2. Li S, Nie Y, Wang W, et al. Surface flashover performance of phenolphthalein modified LDPE in vacuum[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 2016, 23(5):3215-3223.

3. Wang S, Chen P, Li H, et al. Improved DC performance of crosslinked polyethylene insulation depending on a higher purity[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 2017, 24(3):1809-1817.

4. Nie Y, Yang L, Zhao N, et al. Effect of surface state on DC breakdown of LDPE films[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation, 2017, 24(4):2522-2530.

contactMr. Shihang Wang (Ph.D candidate, email:  wsh900709艾特  艾特=@)





 Team 6: Dielectric Polarization, Breakdown and Energy Conversion/Transport







图左:纳米电介质交互区模型   图右:电子跳跃散射模型


1. 国家重点基础研究发展计划973“高压直流短路电流开断机理及应用基础”2015.01-2019.12

2. 交大西电研究院联合项目“高储能脉冲电容器介质材料关键技术研究”2017.06-2018.06

3. 中青年基础研究创新基金“聚丙烯基纳米复合绝缘材料微-介观结构调控及吸潮老化机理研究”2017.01-2018.12

4. 973子课题“电流转移与电能耗散中的电介质绝缘特性及其演变规律” 2017.01-2019.12


1. 谢东日, 闵道敏, 黄印, 康文斌, 任双赞, 李盛涛. 介质直流击穿和耐电晕性的纳米掺杂效应研究,中国电机工程学报

2. 谢东日, 闵道敏, 刘文凤, 李盛涛, 康文斌, 闵超. 介质击穿与界面区陷阱特性的关联研究,高电压技术

3. Daomin Min, Chenyu Yan, Yin Huang, Shengtao Li, Yoshimichi Ohki. Dielectric and Carrier Transport Properties of Silicone Rubber Degraded by Gamma IrradiationPolymers

contactMs. Lu Cheng (Ph.D candidate, email:  lu.cheng艾特  艾特=@)



(update: 2017/11/16 by LEON)