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4 大规模新能源发电基地运行风险在线评估、预警及防控技术 国家重点研发计划 2022-11~2026-10 骨干成员 Vertical project
3 基于数据-物理耦合建模的高比例新能源电力系统暂态频率响应特性分析与预测 中国博士后科学基金面上基金 2021-09~2023-12 负责人 Vertical project
2 基于数据-物理驱动的高比例新能源系统频率稳定裕度在线评估 新能源与储能运行控制国家重点实验室开放基金 2021-09~2022-12 负责人 Vertical project
1 高比例新能源电力系统的自适应低频切负荷控制和分配优化方法 国家自然科学基金项目 2021-01~2023-12 负责人 Vertical project
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Paper Name Author Publication/Completion Time Magazine Name
功角摇摆与新能源低穿控制切换耦合诱导的同步机暂态功角多摆失稳机理 李秉芳,杨松浩*,胡艺雯,郝治国,张宇博,赵明 2024-12-23 中国电机工程学报
考虑风机低穿动态的风火打捆外送系统暂态功角稳定性分析 胡艺雯,李秉芳,杨松浩*,赵天骐,谢欢,郝治国 2024-10-10 电力自动化设备
Multi-Swing Transient Stability of Synchronous Generators and IBR Combined Generation Systems Songhao Yang*, Bingfang Li, Zhiguo Hao, Yiwen Hu, Huan Xie, Tianqi Zhao, and Baohui Zhang 2024-09-04 IEEE Transaction on Power Systems
Model-Free Fast Frequency Support of Wind Farms for Tracking Optimal Frequency Trajectory Yubo Zhang, Songhao Yang*, Zhigui Hao*, Baohui Zhang 2024-07-20 IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
An Additional Resonance Damping Control for Grey-Box D-PMSG Wind Farm Integrated Weak Grid Tao Zhang, Songhao Yang*, Zhiguo Hao*, Hongyue Ma, Baohui Zhang 2024-07-08 IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
最大化电力系统频率最低点的并网风电机组频率支撑控制 张宇博, 杨松浩*, 郝治国 2024-03-09 电力系统自动化
A System-View Optimal Additional Active Power Control of Wind Turbines for Grid Frequency Support Yubo Zhang, Zhiguo Hao, Songhao Yang*, Baohui Zhang 2024-03-01 IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Transient DC-link voltage oscillation stability assessment of VSC-HVDC systems using Lyapunov direct method Xu Zhang, Zhiguo Hao*, Jiapeng Li, Songhao Yang, Yujun Li 2024-02-19 International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
System Power Imbalance Estimation Utilizing Linear Component of Local Frequency Jiapeng Li, Yujun Li*, Wenbo Li, Songhao Yang, Zhengchun Du 2024-01-01 IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Transient Stability of Power Synchronization Loop Based Grid Forming Converter Yujun Li, Yiyuan Lu, Jialun Yang, Xiaotian Yuan, Rui Yang, Songhao Yang, Hua Ye, Zhengchun Du* 2023-12-01 IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
Dominant mode identification for grey-box grid-tied converters Tao Zhang, Zhiguo Hao, Hongyue Ma, Songhao Yang, Chongtao Li* 2023-11-25 Electric Power Systems Research
Distributed optimal power sharing strategy for wind farm fast frequency regulation based on EBCC Yubo Zhang, Zhiguo Hao, Songhao Yang*, Baohui Zhang 2023-11-01 International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
A non-unit line protection method for MMC-HVDC grids based on the curvatures of backward traveling waves Fan Xie, Zhiguo Hao*, Dongmeng Ye, Songhao Yang, Chuanxi Li, Guoan Dai, Baohui Zhang, Ting Wang 2023-11-01 International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
DC‐side stability analysis of grid‐tied converter with different control modes based on electrical torque analysis Xu Zhang, Yujun Li*, Jiapeng Li, Ting Wu, Songhao Yang, Zhiguo Hao 2023-08-06 IET Energy Systems Integration
Transient Stability of Power Synchronization Loop based Grid Forming Converter Yujun Li, Yiyuan Lu, Jialun Yang, Xiaotian Yuan, Rui Yang, Songhao Yang, Hua Ye, Zhengchun Du* 2023-06-06 IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
新能源场站分布式同步调相机暂态功角稳定性影响因素分析 赵天骐,李秉芳,杨松浩*,谢欢,张隽,吴涛 2023-06-06 电力系统自动化
An Argument-Principle Based Stability Assessment Method for Grey-Box DFIG Systems Tao Zhang; Zhiguo Hao; Songhao Yang*; Hongyue Ma; Baohui Zhang 2023-05-08 IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
A Data-Aided Power Transformer Differential Protection without Inrush Blocking Module Zexuan Lin; Songhao Yang; Yubo Zhang; Zhiguo Hao*; Baohui Zhang 2022-12-19 IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
PLL Based Sub-/Super-Synchronous Resonance Damping Controller for D-PMSG Wind Farm Integrated Power Systems Songhao Yang; Ruixin Shen; Jin Shu; Tao Zhang; Yujun Li; Baohui Zhang; Zhiguo Hao* 2022-12-10 IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
新能源场站分布式同步调相机暂态功角失稳形态及机理 杨松浩*,李秉芳,赵天骐,赵伟,徐鹏,谢欢 2022-11-14 电力系统自动化