
宋云鹏 副教授



Email: yunpengs [AT]



2021年 西安交通大学优秀青年人才计划A类

2021年 博士后创新人才支持计划

2020年 人机行为分析的身份认证理论与方法” 陕西省自然科学一等奖(第三完成人)

2017 - 2019年 国家留学基金委奖学金

2017年 中国互联网发展基金会网络安全奖学金


Basic information

宋云鹏,西安交通大学网络空间安全学院副教授,隶属于管晓宏院士团队,2020年获西安交通大学博士学位,入选2021年“博士后创新人才支持计划”,西安交通大学“优秀青年人才计划”A类,主持国家青年自然科学基金等多个科研项目,在安全领域及人机交互领域CCF A类顶会IEEE S&PCHIUIST、UbiComp、CSCW、NeurIPS、AAAI上发表十余篇论文,并担任多个国际会议审稿人。






Educational and Working Experience

2020 - 至今       西安交通大学,网络空间安全学院,助理教授、副教授

2017 - 2019       卡内基梅隆大学,计算机科学,联合培养博士,导师:Jason I. Hong教授

2015 - 2020       西安交通大学,控制科学与工程,博士,导师:蔡忠闽教授

2013 - 2015       西安交通大学,系统工程,硕士,导师:蔡忠闽教授

2009 - 2013       西安交通大学,自动化,学士

Selected Conference Papers

[CCF A, UbiComp’25] Modeling Attentive Interaction Behavior for Web Content Identification in Exploratory Information Seeking.

Rongrong Zhu, Chi Cheng, Yunpeng Song, Zhongmin Cai

[CCF A, Neurips’24] Beyond Single Stationary Policies: Meta-Task Players as Naturally Superior Collaborators

Haoming Wang, Zhaoming Tian, Yunpeng Song, Xiangliang Zhang, Zhongmin Cai

[CCF A, UIST’24] VisionTasker: Mobile Task Automation Using Vision Based UI Understanding and LLM Task Planning

Yunpeng Song, Yiheng Bian, Yongtao Tang, Guiyu Ma, Zhongmin Cai

[CCF A, UbiComp’24] Learning from User-driven Events to Generate Automation Sequences.

Yunpeng Song, Yiheng Bian, Xiaorui Wang, Zhongmin Cai

[CCF A, CHI’24] Towards Building Condition-Based Cross-Modality Intention-Aware Human-AI Cooperation under VR Environment.

Ziyao He, Shiyuan Li, Yunpeng Song, Zhongmin Cai

[CCF A, UbiComp’23] Integrating Gaze and Mouse Via Joint Cross-Attention Fusion Net for Students' Activity Recognition in E-learning.

Rongrong Zhu, Liang Shi, Yunpeng Song, Zhongmin Cai

[CCF A, CHI’23] Interaction of Thoughts: Towards Mediating Task Assignment in Human-AI Cooperation with a Capability-Aware Shared Mental Model. 

Ziyao He, Yunpeng Song, Shurui Zhou, Zhongmin Cai

[CCF A, UbiComp’22] Integrating Handcrafted Features with Deep Representations for Smartphone Authentication.

Yunpeng Song, Zhongmin Cai

[CCF A, CHI’20] I'm All Eyes and Ears: Exploring Effective Locators for Privacy Awareness in IoT Scenarios.

Yunpeng Song, Yun Huang, Zhongmin Cai, Jason I Hong

[CCF A, CSCW’19] Normal and easy: Account sharing practices in the workplace.

Yunpeng Song, Cori Faklaris, Zhongmin Cai, Jason I Hong, Laura Dabbish

[CCF A, S&P’17] Multi-touch authentication using hand geometry and behavioral information. 

Yunpeng Song, Zhongmin Cai, Zhi-Li Zhang

Selected Journal Papers

[中科院1RESS’24] A supervised contrastive learning method with novel data augmentation for transient stability assessment considering sample imbalance

Yaodi Huang, Yunpeng Song, Zhongmin Cai

[中科院1IoT-J’24] Touch Authentication for Sharing Context Using Within-Group Similarity Structure.

Yunpeng Song, Yunlin Zhang, Zhongmin Cai, Zhou Su

[中科院1ESWA’23] Exploring visual representations of computer mouse movements for bot detection using deep learning approaches.

Hongfeng Niu, Ang Wei, Yunpeng Song, Zhongmin Cai

[CSEE’24] A dialogue-driven framework for intelligent and automated simulation of complex power systems.

Ziyao He, Yunpeng Song, Gang Yang, Wen Qiao, Haoming Wang, Jinyun Wang, Lu Na, Youtian Du, Zhongmin Cai