Lecture Course






课程简介:This course is intended to provide participants with fundamentals on nuclear reactor technologies, safety concepts and safety design. A premise of reactor safety is the well understanding of its technical and engineering specifics as well as design principles. These issues are addressed in this course, especially the safety considerations in the design of different types of reactors. The goal is to make this a comprehensive introductory educational course about nuclear fission power that will address the needs of beginning and intermediate levels. At the conclusion of the course, participants will have a solid technical and engineering understanding of different types of nuclear power systems. Target audience can be extended to graduate students, business managers, and technical specialists who wish to gain a broad understanding of nuclear reactor fundamentals and systems.


课程简介:本课程的主要内容包括仿真的基本概念及其在工业过程中的应用及发展趋势,连续系统仿真的模型描述及模型结构变换,离散化原理及要求,一般数值求解方法的建模与仿真计算,时域离散相似仿真建模方法,频域仿真建模方法,还包括离散控制系统的建模与仿真方法等。对并行仿真技术和现代仿真技术的概述。最后以实验室现有的3Key Master仿真平台为例介绍具体在计算机上进行过程仿真方法和技巧。