Basic Information



Tao Hong was born in Hangzhou, China and he spent approximately 18 years in his hometown.  He enrolled at Hunan University in 2008 as an eager Chemistry student and has been a big fan of spicy food ever since. During his studies at Hunan University, Tao worked on research projects of Bi-based photocatalysts development and published a peer-reviewed article in his senior year. He received his B.S. degree in Chemistry in June 2012 and came to the University of Tennessee-Knoxville in the pursuit of a Ph.D. degree in polymer chemistry. He joined Prof. Alexei P. Sokolov’s group in December 2012 with a research focus on the dynamics of soft matter. He later started a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded research project on the development of CO2 separation membranes in Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Before receiving his Ph.D. degree in December 2017, he has authored or co-authored ten peer-reviewed publications and one U.S. patent. One of his first author papers was highlighted on the front cover of ChemSucChem. He presented his research work at various conferences including ACS National Meeting, National Graduate Research Polymer Conference, and Southeast Polymer Forum. He was invited to talk in ACS “Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research” symposium (2017).

After his Ph.D., he spent more than 3 years as a post-doctoral fellow at U.S. DOE-funded National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), where he published six papers and filed two U.S. patent applications. His work focused on developing room temperature methane sensors for natural gas infrastructure applications, mainly on pipeline and wellbore leak monitoring. He collaborated with teams of materials scientists working on the development of optical and acoustic sensors for distributed pipeline interrogation.

Tao returned to his homeland and joined the School of Chemistry, Xi’an Jiaotong University as an Assistant Professor in August 2021. His current research focuses on covalent adaptable networks, gas separation membranes and polymer dynamics. Beyond research work, Tao also serves as a Topic Board Editor for the journal Coatings and on the Reviewer Board of journal Membranes. He has more than twenty publications in the polymer science field including articles in TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Macromolecules, ChemSusChem, Journal of Membrane Science, Angewandte Chemie, Advanced Functional Materials, etc.

洪涛,哲学博士,西安交通大学化学学院助理教授,秦创原高层次引进人才,校青年优秀人才支持计划”A 类入选者。洪涛博士于2012 年从湖南大学获得化学学士学位。2012 -2017 年在美国橡树岭国家实验室-田纳西大学(US News全球高分子科学排名第一)攻读高分子化学博士,导师为Alexei Sokolov 教授(ORNL-UTK Governor’s Chair、美国科学促进会会士、美国物理学会会士、美国国家发明家科学院会士)。2017年获得美国化学会杰出高分子研究生奖 (ACS Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research)2018 -2021 年在美国国家能源技术实验室从事博士后研究,合作导师为美国国家能源技术实验室-匹兹堡大学教授Paul Ohodnicki(美国青年科学家与工程师总统奖、美国能源部服务美国奖章、美国R&D 100科学创新奖),期间主持能美国能源部旗下中游缓解提案-天然气基础建设项目(123万美元),授权美国能源部专利4项。

课题组长期从事高分子气体传感器、气体分离膜、动态交联网络和高分子动力学研究。目前在TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, ChemSusChem, Macromolecules, Journal of Membrane Science, Angewandte Chemie, Advanced Functional Materials等期刊发表论文20余篇,期刊封面2 篇,获批美国专利1 项。

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For Prospective Students:

  • I want you to: Work Hard, Play Hard
  • You should own: Integrity, Creativity, Humor
  • My network:  UTK, ORNL, NETL, PITT, CMU, etc. 
  • Let's Do Cool Science!
