Basic Information



田振寰 博士 副教授 博导





Enrollment Information


1. 柔性Micro-LED光源

2. 表面等离激元增强型LED

3. 高性能可见光通信光源

4. 超表面及其在3D显示方面的应用

5. 照明、通信、显示复用型Micro-LED


Contact Information




Research Fields

田振寰,女,博士,西安交通大学电子科学与工程学院,副教授,博导,入选“中国博士后国际交流计划引进项目”、“西安交通大学青年优秀人才计划A”。围绕第三代半导体材料及光电器件,结合表面等离激元、超表面、光学微腔等前沿技术手段,从事三维Micro-LED柔性器件、裸眼3D显示器件,可见光通信器件设计及制备研究,努力推动显示、照明、通信的集成。涵盖了Micro-LED器件外延生长、芯片工艺以及封装等多方面研究。主持包括国家自然基金在内的6项项目,参与了包括863计划、863计划子课题及国家重点研发计划等多项国家重点项目。在国际著名期刊Photonic Res.IF: 7.25)、Opt. ExpressIF3.83)、Appl. Phys. ExpressIF:2.82)、Avd. Funct. Mater. IF:19.924)等总计发表学术论文18篇;获授权发明专利5项;参与撰写专著1部。获得中国电子学会、中国光学学会会员;担任期刊Applied Science的客座执行编辑。任Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and ApplicationsCrystalSCI期刊审稿人。

Lecture Course

1.  光电子材料与器件(本科生双语课)

2.  Semiconductor Lighting Technology & Fabrication (研究生全英文课)

Educational Experience

2008/92012/7   西安交通大学  电子科学与技术 学士

2012/92018/11  西安交通大学  电子科学与技术 博士

2013/92018/11  香港科技大学  机械工程  博士

Work Experience

2022/9–至今    西安交通大学  电子科学与工程学院 副教授

2018/112022/9  西安交通大学  电子科学与工程学院 助理教授

Honorary Title

  1. Zhenhuan Tian, Mingyin Zhang, Xuzheng Wang, Qiang Li, Yufeng Li, Feng Yun, S. W. Ricky Lee; Simultaneously improve the Purcell factor and internal quantum efficiency of light-emitting diodes via surface plasmon by metal conic structure. Journal of Applied Physics 133 (12): 124901.
  2. Zhenhuan Tian, Qiang Li, Xuzheng Wang, Mingyin Zhang, Feng Yun, and S.W. Ricky Lee, 2021. Completely merged multi-color asymmetric pyramid with suppressed stress and defect density. Journal of Crystal Growth. 570:126215.
  3. Zhenhuan Tian, Qiang Li, Xuzheng Wang, Mingyin Zhang, Feng Yun and S.W. Ricky Lee, 2021. Phosphor-free microLEDs with ultrafast and broadband features for visible light communications. Photonics Research  9(4):452-460.
  4. Xuzheng Wang, Zhenhuan Tian, Mingyin Zhang, Qiang Li, Feng Yun and S.W. Ricky Lee, 2020. Enhanced coupling efficiency and electrical property in surface plasmon-enhanced light-emitting diodes with the tapered Ag structure. Optics Express 28(24):35708.
  5. Zhenhuan Tian, Yufeng Li, Xilin Su, Lungang Feng, Shuai Wang, Minyan Zhang, Wen Ding, Qiang Li, Ye Zhang, Maofeng Guo, S.W. Ricky Lee, and Feng Yun, 2018. Super flexible GaN light emitting diodes using microscale pyramid arrays through laser lift-off and dual transfer. Optics Express 26(2):1817-1824.
  6. Zhenhuan Tian, Yufeng Li, Xilin Su, Lungang Feng, Shuai Wang, Minyan Zhang, Wen Ding, Qiang Li, Ye Zhang, S.W. Ricky Lee, and Feng Yun, 2017. Growth, characterization, and application of well-defined separated GaN-based pyramid array on micro patterned sapphire substrate. Applied Physics Express 10(9):092101.
  7. Qiang Li, Zhenhuan Tian, Ye Zhang, Zhe Wang, Yufeng Li, Wen Ding, Tao Wang, and Feng Yun, 2019. 3D ITO-nanowire networks as transparent electrode for all-terrain substrate. Scientific Reports 9(1):4983.
  8. Qiang Li, Zhenhuan Tian, Geng Shang, Jin Wang, Yufeng Li, and F. Yun, 2016. Flexible transparent memory cell: bipolar resistive switching via indium–tin oxide nanowire networks on a poly (dimethylsiloxane) substrate. Applied Physics Express 9(11):115002.
  9. Minyan Zheng, Wen Ding, Feng Yun, Zhenhuan Tian, Qiang Li, Yufeng Li, and Xia Yang, 2015. ACU enhancement of WLEDs realized by multilayer phosphor with convex shape. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 28(2):111-114.
  10. Qiang Li, Mingdi Wang, Yunhe Bai, Qifan Zhang, Haoran Zhang, Zhenhuan Tian, Yanan Guo, Jingping Zhu, Yuhuai Liu, Feng Yun, Tao Wang, Two-Inch Wafer-Scale Exfoliation of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Films Fabricated by RF-Sputtering. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 32, 2206094.