
2025年成果 (Published papers in 2025)

  • 许领,戚桠童,赵腾远*. (2025). 考虑多种不确定性与阶段相关性的基坑开挖贝叶斯更新方法.地球科学(EI期刊,北大核心,CSCD检索),1-13.http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/42.1874.P.20250116.1515.009.html.

2024年成果 (Published papers in 2024)

  • Zhao, T., Yang, Y, Xu, L* and Lu S. (2024). Derivation of site-lspecific soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) from extremely sparse experimental data by hierarchical Bayesian method with consideration oflgeotechnical sites similarity. Engineering Geology. 342, 107752. DOI:10.1016/j.enggeo.2024.107752. (SCI, IF2023 = 6.9, JCR Q1). 

  • Zhao, T., Shen, F., Xu, L*. (2024). Review and comparison of machine learning methods in developing optimal models for predicting geotechnical properties with consideration of feature selection. Soils and Foundations. DOI:10.1016/j.sandf.2024.101523. (SCI, IF2023 = 3.3, JCR Q2). 

  • Zhao T., Peng H., Xu L*, and Sun P. (2024). Statistical landslide susceptibility assessment using Bayesian logistic regression and Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation (MCMC) with consideration of model class selection. Georisk, 18(1), 211-227. DOI: 10.1080/17499518.2023.2288600.(SCI, IF2023 = 6.5, JCR Q1).

  • Song C, Zhao T*, Xu L, Huang X. (2024). Uniaxial compressive strength prediction of rocks from sparse data using Bayesian Gaussian process regression with Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE). Computers and Geotechnics, 165, 105850. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2023.105850.(SCI, IF2023 = 5.3, JCR Q1).

  • Song C, Peng H, Xu L, Zhao T*, Guo Z, and Chen W. (2024).“Quantitative evaluation of hazards development to cultural soil heritage in China using Gaussian process classification with consideration of spatially varying environmental conditions”. Journal of Cultural Heritage,. 67, 121-133.(SCI, IF2023 = 3.5, JCR Q2).

  • 许领,王文龙,赵腾远*.(2024).考虑场地相似性的小样本边坡可靠度分析.岩石力学与工程学报(EI期刊,北大核心,CSCD检索).http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/42.1397.O3.20241212.1634.011.html.

  • 赵腾远,彭洪振,宋超,王宇,许领*. (2024). 基于非滑坡点空间位置优化的滑坡易发性评价性能提升. 工程地质学报 (北大核心,CSCD检索). 10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2023-0160.

2023年成果 (Published papers in 2023)

  • Yan D., Zhao T., Xu L*, Zuo L, Wen H., Ren J. (2023). “Statistical modeling of multivariate loess properties in Taiyuan using regular vine copula with optimized tree structure.” Transportation Geotechnics, 41, 101025, doi: 10.1016/j.trgeo.2023.101025.(SCI, IF2023 = 4.9, JCR Q1)

  • Zhao T., Wang Y., Lu S., and Xu L.* (2023). “Fast stratification of geological cross-section from incomplete CPT data using multi-task compressive sensing.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, In press. doi: 10.1139/cgj-2022-0131. (SCI, IF2023 = 3, JCR Q2).

  • Xu L., Zhou G., Zhao T.* and Zuo, L. (2023). “Characterization of inherent spatial variability of loess deposit properties in Shaanxi Province, China.” Journal of soils and sediments, 23, 2862–2877, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-023-03517-8.(SCI, IF2023 = 2.8, JCR Q3)

  • 宋超,赵腾远*,许领 (2023). 基于贝叶斯高斯过程回归与模型选择的岩石单轴抗压强度预测. 岩土工程学报(EI期刊,北大核心,CSCD检索), 45 (8), 1664-1673. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20220734

2022年成果 (Published papers in 2022)

  • Zhao T., Song C, and Xu, L*. (2022). “Prediction of UCS using fully Bayesian Gaussian process regression with model class selection”, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s00603-022-02964-y, online. (SCI, IF2021 = 6.518, JCR Q1).

  • Guan, Z., Wang, Y*., and Zhao, T. (2022). “Adaptive Sampling Strategy for Characterizing Spatial Distribution of Soil Liquefaction Potential Using Cone Penetration Test”. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 14(4), 1221-1231. (SCI, IF2021 = 5.915, JCR Q1) 

  • 朱文清,赵腾远*,宋超,王宇,许领 (2022). 基于吉布斯采样与压缩感知的二维非平稳CPT 数据快速插值方法. 土木与环境工程学报 (中英文)(北大核心,CSCD检索),,44(05):98-108.DOI: 10.11835/j. issn. 2096-6717.2021.194

2021年成果 (Published papers in 2021)

  • Zhao, T.*, Lei, Jieyang, Xu, Ling (2021). “An efficient Bayesian method for estimating runout distance of region-specific landslides using sparse data.” Georisk, 16(1), 140-153. (SCI, IF2020 = 3.868, JCR Q2)
  • Zhao, T*., Wang, Y., and Xu, L. (2021). “Efficient CPT locations for characterizing spatial variability of soil properties within a multilayer vertical cross-section using information entropy and Bayesian compressive sensing.” Computers and Geotechnics, 137, 104260. (SCI, IF2020 = 4.956, JCR Q1)
  • Zhao, T., Wang, Y*. (2021). "Statistical Interpolation of Spatially Varying but Sparsely Measured 3D Geo-Data Using Compressive Sensing and Variational Bayesian Inference." Math Geosci, 53(6), 1171-1199. (SCI, IF2020 = 2.576, JCR Q2)
  • Xu, L., Yan, D., and Zhao, T*. (2021). “Probabilistic evaluation of loess landslide impact using multivariate model.” Landslides, 18, 1011–1023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-020-01521-4. (SCI, IF2020 = 6.578, JCR Q1)
  • Guan, Z., Wang, Y*., and Zhao, T. (2021). “Delineating the spatial distribution of soil liquefaction potential in a cross-section from limited cone penetration tests.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 145, 106710. (SCI, IF2020 = 3.718 , JCR Q2)

2020年成果 (Published papers in 2020)

  • Zhao, T., and Wang, Y*. (2020). “Non-parametric simulation of non-stationary non-Gaussian 3D random field samples directly from sparse measurements using signal decomposition and Markov Chain Monte Carlo.” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 203, 107087. (SCI, IF2020 = 6.188, JCR Q1)

  • Zhao, T., Xu, L., and Wang, Y*. (2020). “Fast non-parametric simulation of 2D non-stationary cone penetration test (CPT) data without pre-stratification using Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation.” Engineering Geology, 273, 105670. (SCI, IF2020 = 6.755, JCR Q1)

  • Zhao, T., and Wang, Y*. (2020). “Differentiation of discrete data with unequal measurement intervals and quantification of uncertainty in differentiation using Bayesian compressive sampling.” Computers and Geotechnics, 122, 103537. (SCI, IF2020 = 4.956, JCR Q1)

  • Zhao, T., Wang Y*. (2020) “Interpolation and stratification of multilayer soil property profile from sparse measurements using machine learning methods.” Engineering Geology, 265, 105430. (SCI, IF2020 = 6.755, JCR Q1)

  • Wang, Y*., Hu, Y., and Zhao, T. (2020). “CPT-based subsurface soil classification and zonation in a 2D vertical cross-section using Bayesian compressive sampling.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 57(7): 947-958. (SCI, IF2019 = 2.802, JCR Q2)

  • Hu, Y., Wang, Y*., Zhao, T., and Phoon, K.K. (2020) “Bayesian supervised learning of site-specific geotechnical spatial variability from sparse measurements.” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 6(2), 04020019. (SCI, IF2020 = 1.926, JCR Q3)

2019年成果 (Published papers in 2019)

  • Hu, Y., Zhao, T., Wang, Y*., Choi, C., and Ng, C. W. W. (2019). “Direct simulation of two-dimensional isotropic or anisotropic random field from sparse measurement using Bayesian compressive sampling.” Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 33, 8-9, 1477–1496. (SCI, IF2020 = 3.379, JCR Q1)

  • Montoya-Noguera, S., Zhao, T., Hu, Y., Wang, Y*., and Phoon, K.K. (2019). “Simulation of non-stationary non-Gaussian random fields from sparse measurements using Bayesian compressive sampling and Karhunen-Loève expansion.” Structural Safety, 79, 66-79. (SCI, IF2020 = 5.047, JCR Q1)

  • Wang, Y*., Zhao, T., Phoon, K.K (2019). “Statistical inference of random field auto-correlation structure from multiple sets of incomplete and sparse measurements using Bayesian compressive sampling-based bootstrapping”. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 124, 217-236. (SCI, IF2020 = 6.823, Q1)