
1.  National Science Foundation of China Research Grant, “Study of the Forced Mechanism of Carbon Emission Peak Target in China: Transition Pathways, Emission Reduction Performance and Economic Effects.” (Grant No.71673217). Principal Investigator. January 2017-December 2020.

2.  National Science Foundation of China Research Grant, “Dynamic Optimal Control of China’s Carbon Intensity: Driving Factors, Operating Mechanism and Control System (Grant No.71173170), Principal Investigator. January 2012-December 2015.

3.  China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, the 5th Special Programs, “Dynamic Optimization Control System of Carbon Intensity and Assessment for the Low-carbon Effects of Control Variables.” (Grant No.2012T50802), Principal Investigator. July 2012-July 2014.

4.  China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, the 48th General Programs, “Policy Option to Achieve China’s Carbon Intensity Target and Their Potential Contribution to the Target.” (Grant No.20100481348), Principal Investigator. September 2010- July 2012.

5.  National Social Science Foundation of China Research Grant, “The Pathway Choice of China’s Low-carbon Development and Evaluation of Carbon Emission Reduction.” (Grant No.10BJY013), Participating (PI: Wu Li-Hua). July 2010- December 2013.

6.  Ministry of Education of P.R.C, Humanities and Social Sciences Program Research Grant, “RMB Exchange Rate, Price Fluctuation and Monetary Policy: A Study Based on SVAR and RE-TEC Model.”(Grant No.09YJA790117), Participating (PI: Wu Li-Hua). November 2009-December 2012.

7.  State Electricity Regulatory Commission of China Research Grant, “Regularity of Electric Power Growth and Negotiation Strategy in Joining WTO-GPA.” Participating (PI: Wei Wei-Xian).July 2010- December 2010.

8.  State Electricity Regulatory Commission of China Research Grant, “Current Situation of Electric Power Industries in Canada, Japan, Korea and China’s Taiwan and Research on the Open Strategy of Government Procurement.” Participating (PI: Wei Wei-Xian). January 2010- October 2010.

9.  National Development and Reform Commission of P.R.C Research Grant, “Research on Energy Development Strategy of China’s 12th Five-Year Plan.” Participating (PI: Lin Bo-Qiang). December 2009-June 2010.

10.  Australian Adelaide University Research Grant, “The Policy and Market Structure of Natural Gas in China.” Participating (PI: Wei Wei-Xian).March 2010-May 2010.

11.  Boao Forum for Asia Research Grant, “The Boao Forum for Asia Progress of Asian Economic Integration Annual Report 2009.” Participating (PI: Lin Gui-Jun). November 2009-January 2010.

12.  National Science Foundation of China, Emergency Management Project, “Research on Strategies of Stabilizing Prices and feasible Policies.” Participating (PI: Lin Bo-Qiang). January 2009-October 2009.

13.  State Grid Henan Electric Power Company Research Grant, “Research on Energy Economy and Electric Power Development in Henan Province.” Participating (PI: Lin Bo-Qiang). March 2008-July 2009.

14.  State Grid Corporation of China Research Grant, “Research on Sustainable Growth of China’s Economy and Development of Power Grid.” Participating (PI: Lin Bo-Qiang). March 2008-December 2008.

15.  National Development and Reform Commission of P.R.C Research Grant, “Economic Development Process and Energy Consumption Level in  
       Developed Countries.” Participating (PI: Lin Bo-Qiang). September 2007-March 2008.