1. Yang Y, Wang YQ*, Snapping for 4D‐Printed Insect‐Scale Metal‐Jumper [J]. Advanced Science. Nov., 2023.
2. Yang Y, Wang YQ*, Yao T and Feng XJ.A flexible and smart shape memory alloy composite sheet based on efficient and bidirectional thermal management [J]. International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials. DOI: 10.1080/19475411.2022.2076754. (IF: 4.5)
3. Yang Y, Wang YQ*, Yao T and Feng XJ. A flexible carbon fibre-based electrothermal film for fast actuation of shape memory alloy sheets [J]. Smart Mater. Struct. 31(2022) 045019. (IF: 3.585)
4. Yao T, Wang YQ*, Zhu BT, Wei D, Yang Y and Han XX*. 4D printing and collaborative design of highly flexible shape memory alloy structures: a case study for a metallic robot prototype [J]. Smart Mater. Struct. 30(2021) 015018 (14pp). (IF: 3.613).
5. Liang C, Wang YQ*, Yao T and Zhu BT. A shape memory alloy–actuated soft crawling robot based on adaptive differential friction and enhanced antagonistic configuration [J]. J Intel Mat Syst Str. 2020, 31(16): 1920-1934. (IF: 2.41).
6. Wang YQ*, Zhu LQ, Zhang G and Chen HL. A fully soft generator with embedded conditioning circuitry [J]. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2018, 113(11): 113904 (IF: 3.495).
7. Wang YQ*, Zhu LQ, Zhang G, Zhong LC and Chen HL. Capacitive energy harvesting using soft dielectric elastomers: Design, testing and impedance matching optimization [J]. AIP Advances. 2018, 8(8): 085310 (IF: 1.653).
8. Fan P, Chen HL and Wang YQ. Performance investigation on dissipative dielectric elastomer generators with a triangular energy harvesting scheme [J]. Europhysics Letters, 2017,120 (4):47007 (IF: 1.834).
9. Zhang JS, Wang YQ*, Chen HL, et al. Energy harvesting performance of viscoelastic polyacrylic dielectric elastomers [J]. International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials. 2015, 6(3):1-9. (SCI: DK4SC )
10. Wang YQ*, Chen HL, Wang YJ and Li DC. A general visco-hyperelastic model for dielectric elastomers and its efficient simulation based on complex frequency representation [J]. International Journal of Applied Mechanics. 2015, 7(1): 1550011 (22 Pages).(SCI: CB5XN; IF:1.624).
11. Wang YQ*, Xue HH, Chen HL, and Qiang JH. A dynamic visco-hyperelastic model of dielectric elastomers and their energy dissipation characteristics [J]. Applied Physics A,2013, 112 (2): 339-347 (SCI: 182ZX; IF:1.694).
12. Wang YJ,Chen HL, Wang YQ*, et al. Effect of dehydration on the Mechanical and Electrochemical Properties of Gold- and Palladium- Ionomeric Polymer-Metal Composite (IPMC) actuators. Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 129: 450-458 (SCI: AH9MI, IF: 4.086)
13. Wang YJ,Chen HL, Wang YQ*, et al. Influence of additives on the properties of casting Nafion membranes and so based Ionic Polymer Metal Composite actuators [J]. Polymer Engineering & Science, 2014, 4(54): 818–830 (SCI: AB8NJ, IF:1.441).
14. Wang YJ, Zhu ZC, Chen HL, Luo B, Chang LF, Wang YQ* and Li DC. Effects of preparation steps on the physical parameters and eletromechanical properties of IPMC actuators [J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 23 125015(SCI, IF:2.449).
15. Wang YQ*, Wang JY, Chen HL, et al. Prototype of a novel micro-machined cytometer and its 3D hydrodynamic focusing properties [J]. Microsystem Technologies, 2012, 18(12): 1991-2001. (SCI:035PE; IF:0.952).
16. Wang YQ*, Liu XJ, Xue HH, Chen HL and Jia SH. Experimental investigations on energy harvesting performance of dielectric elastomers [C]. Proc. SPIE 9056. Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD), Mar. 2014, 905633, San Diego, USA. doi:10.1117/12.2044896.(SCI: BB5PC)
17. Wang YQ*, Chen HL, HE XM. System-level modeling and simuation for an electrostatic-feedback microaccelerometer based on equivalent electrical representation [J]. Microsystem Technologies, 2012, 18(12): 1991-2001. (SCI:035PE; IF:0.952).
18. Zhang JS, Chen HL, Sheng JJ, Liu L, Wang YQ, et al. Dynamic performance of dissipative dielectric elastomers under alternating mechanical load [J]. Applied Physics A. 2014, 116(1): 59-67. (SCI: AK1YC; IF: 1.694)
19. Zhu ZC, Chen HL, Wang YQ, et al. Multi-physical modeling for electro-transport and deformation of ionic polymer metal composites [C]. Proc SPIE 8340, EAPAD, 83400Q, 2012. (SCI: BAN13)
20. Sheng JJ, Chen HL, Li B and Wang YQ. Nonlinear dynamic characteristics of a dielectric elastomer membrane undergoing in-plane deformation [J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 23(4). DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/23/4/045010. (SCI: AD0SC; IF:2.449)
21. Liu L, Chen HL, Sheng JJ, Liu L, Wang YQ, et al. Experimental study on the dynamic response of in-plane deformation of dielectric elastomer under alternating electric load [J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 23(2). DOI: 10.1088/0964-1726/23/2/025037. (SCI: 287UX; IF:2.449)
22. Sheng JJ, Chen HL, Qiang JH, Li B and Wang YQ. Thermal, mechanical, and dielectric properties of dielectric elastomer [J]. J Macromol Sci Part B Phys, 2012, 51(10): 2093-2104. (SCI: 995PM; IF: 0.619)
1. 孙建宇, 王永泉*, 朱伯韬, 朱良全. 软体材料研究现状及进展[J]. 中国材料进展, 2018, (10), 783-790.(约稿)
2. 徐晓亮, 王永泉, 温坤, 陈花玲, 王树新, 李涤尘. 基于纤维包覆式气动结构的柔性手术臂刚度调节性能研究[J]. 机械工程学报, 2018 (17): 46-52.
3. 钟林成,王永泉*,陈花玲. 基于介电弹性软体材料的能量收集:现状、趋势与挑战[J].中国科学:技术科学,2016.10.20,46 (10): 987-1004. (EI/MI: 20164502995231).
4. 王恒,张俊杰,王永泉*,陈花玲.考虑反向器影响的滚珠丝杠副摩擦力矩计算模型 [J].机械工程学报, 2016,5 2(7):97-103. (EI/MI: 20161902366336)
5. 张俊杰,王永泉*,陈花玲,张浩. 螺母安装方式对滚珠丝杠载荷特性的影响规律研究[J].振动与冲击,2014, 33(8):156-160. (EI: 20142117743432 )
6. 李涤尘,刘佳煜,王延杰,王永泉. 4D打印-智能材料的增材制造技术[J].机电工程技术. 2014, 43(5): 1-9.
7. 王延杰,王永泉*,陈花玲,朱子才,罗斌. 新型智能材料微小型光学镜头致动器的设计与性能研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2012, 46 (5): 79-84. (EI: 20122615179398).
8. 于海莲,王永泉*,陈花玲,寸花英. 响应面模型与多目标遗传算法相结合的机床立柱参数优化[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2012, 46 (115): 80-85. (EI: 20125115818604)
9. 王永泉,陈花玲,彭倍,朱子才. MEMS 节点化建模及其在集成微系统设计中的应用[J]. 光学 精密工程, 2010, 1: 197-204. (EI: 20101212786755).
10. 王永泉,陈花玲,彭倍,朱子才. 基于Weibull分布的MEMS器件冲击可靠性建模[J]. 机械强度,2013, 35 (1): 15-21.
11. 陈花玲,王永泉,盛俊杰,等. 电活性聚合物材料及其在驱动器中的应用[J]. 机械工程学报[J],2013, 49 (6): 205-214. (EI: 20131616214645)
12. 罗斌,朱子才,王永泉,常龙飞,陈花玲. IPMC材料的性能稳定性及封装工艺研究[J]. 功能材料, 2012, 41(8): 961-964.
13. 盛俊杰, 陈花玲, 强俊花,李博,王永泉. 介电弹性材料的机电耦合性能研究[J]. 应用力学学报, 2012, 29(1): 38-42.
14. 王永泉,陈花玲,贺学明. 基于遗传算法的静电反馈式微传感器多目标优化[J].西安交通大学学报, 2006, 40 (11): 1305-1309. (EI:070310372329)
15. 王永泉,陈花玲,贺学明. 孙富贵, 等. 机构动态优化在工业平缝机减振中的应用[J].机械科学与技术, 2005, 24(8): 947-949 (EI:070410389604)
1. 王永泉,徐晓亮,陈花玲,等. 一种制作介电弹性体驱动器可对准电极的自动卷膜装置. 中国发明专利,ZL 2017 1 0496485.1
2. 王永泉,温坤,陈花玲,等.一种可变刚度的柔性手术臂的气动控制系统. 中国发明专利,ZL 2017 1 0576573.2.
3. 王永泉,钟林成,陈花玲,等. 基于人体运动能量收集的软体叶轮发电机. 中国发明专利,ZL 2016 1 0311721.3.
4. 王永泉,王延杰,陈花玲,等. 基于IPMC驱动器的手机镜头自动变焦装置. 中国发明专利,ZL 2013 1 0386077.2.
5. 王永泉,虞修德,徐海波,刘雄. 一种用于抓取圆柱形工件的气动-电磁混合控制机械手的控制方法. 中国发明专利,ZL 2019 1 1243251.1.
6. 王永泉,孙建宇,朱伯韬,等. 一种形状记忆合金驱动软体康复手套及其3D打印制备方法. 中国发明专利,ZL 2020 1 0158468.9.
7. 王永泉,刘慧敏,朱良全,虞修德,杨洋. 一种基于介电弹性体的低频振动发电试验装置及测试方法. 中国发明专利,ZL 2020 1 1554454.5.