
July 2024

GUO Xiongwei joins our group as a PhD student, Welcome!​​

June 2024

Our paper on the selection rules of the exciton-polaritons with respect to the symmetry of the coupled molecules, which entitled "Study of of the Selection Rules of Molecular Polaritonic Transitions by Two-Photon Absorption Spectroscopy" was out! If you want to know more details of this paper, please click the link.

August 2023

YANG Lei joins our group as a Master student, Welcome!​

July 2023​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Dr. LI Minghao from University of Basel (Switzerland) visited our group and gave a talk on "Strong Coupling of Chiral Frenkel Exciton for Intense, Bisignate Circularly Polarized Luminescence revealed by Mueller Polarimetry". Welcome and thanks!

July 2023

ZHANG Yingying joins our group as a PhD student, Welcome!​​

September 2022

Dr. WANG officially started at Xi’an Jiaotong University.