
  • May 23, 2024: 硕士生刘昊天撰写论文“A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Handover Scheme for Mega-Constellation Under Dynamic Propagation Conditions”被高水平国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications接收,该项工作面向大规模低轨卫星网络展开研究,考虑星地链路信道传播条件动态变化场景,基于多智能体深度强化学习分别设计了集中式与分布式两种卫星切换方案。Congratulations Haotian!


  • May 17, 2024: 受邀参加第十届华为无线教授论坛并做题为“面向海量链接的大规模随机接入技术”的主题报告,博士生王奕欣参会并做题为“Joint Channel Estimation and User Activity Detection for mmWave Grant-Free Massive MTC Networks Under Pilot Contamination Attack”的Poster展示




  • April 04, 2024: 课题组4篇论文被高水平国际会议IEEE VTC2024-Spring接收,内容涉及大规模MTC与H2H共存网络机制设计与评估、毫米波免授权大规模MTC网络信道估计、激活用户识别与PCA攻击检测联合设计、低轨卫星网络动态波束跳变机制设计与用户接入控制、多用户网络中自适应语义/比特通信模式选择与资源分配联合设计等

博士生王弢:Data Aggregation Based Massive Machine-Type Communications Coexisting With Human-to-Human Communications: Mechanism Design and Performance Evaluation

博士生王奕欣:Joint Channel Estimation and User Activity Detection for mmWave Grant-Free Massive MTC Networks Under Pilot Contamination Attack

硕士生刘昊天:User-Level Dynamic Beam Hopping Design for LEO Satellite Networks Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning Assisted Enhanced Genetic Algorithm

硕士生李沛萱:Matching Game Based Resource Allocation Scheme for Adaptive Semantic and Bit Communication Networks


  • March 26, 2024: 硕士生刘昊天、刘宏撰写论文“基于分布式自适应链路状态更新的低轨卫星动态路由方案”获得陕西省通信学会2023年“学术金秋”学术类二等奖


  • December 08, 2023邀请香港科技大学(广州)崔颖副教授访问无线通信研究所,并做题为“Optimal Design for Wireless Communications, Networking, Signal Processing, and Mutimedea Transmissions”的学术报告




  • November 21, 2023博士生王弢论文”A Resource-Efficient Coexistence Scheme for Massive Machine-Type and Human-to-Human Communications“被高水平国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Communications接收。Congratulations Tao!


  • October 10-13, 2023博士生王璋楠赴香港参加国际学术会议IEEE VTC 2023-Fall并宣讲论文”Two-Layer Game Based Covert Communication Strategy Against Jamming Attack Oriented Warden“



  • October 12, 2023获得陕西省通信学会2021-2022年度优秀科技工作者


  • September 13, 2023应爱立信邀请,做题为“大规模低轨卫星网络中基于强化学习的卫星切换策略”专题报告



  • September 06, 2023博士生王璋楠论文”Two-Layer Game Based Covert Communication Strategy Against Jamming Attack Oriented Warden“被高水平国际期学术会议IEEE VTC2023-Fall Workshop on Security and Privacy for Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems (IoT/CPS-Security 2023)接收。Congratulations!


  • August 04, 2023课题组成员赴厦门参加蓝海论坛



  • July 28, 2023邀请加拿大University of British Columbia Julian Cheng教授(IEEE Fellow)访问无线通信研究所,并做题为“Recent Results on Ultraviolet Communications towards 6G”的学术报告



  • July 24, 2023博士生王奕欣论文”Multi-Service Oriented Joint Channel Estimation and Multi-User Detection Scheme for Grant-Free Massive MTC Networks“被高水平国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Communications接收。Congratulations Yixin!