Research Fields

1. 气体绝缘与气体放电

   1.1 GIS设备SF6气体分解特性研究

   1.2 大气压辉光放电研究
   1.3 SF6混合气体和SF6替代气体研究
2. 脉冲功率技术
   2.1 伪火花开关研究
   2.2 气体开关触发器技术研究
   2.3 等离子体推进技术研究
   2.4 冲击波食品处理技术研究
3. 高电压测量技术
   3.1 高电压大电流测量设备及其标定装置研制
   3.2 冲击电压测量溯源


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Awards Name Year Awards Type Awards Level Offer
特高压GIS变电站特快速瞬态过电压防护关键技术及应用 2016 省部级科技成果奖 一等奖 中国电力科学研究院


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Patent Name Application Number Application Date
低阻值无感自积分罗氏线圈积分电阻及其制造方法 201410649653.2 Invention 2014.11.14

Academic Exchange

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[1] Liu Q, DingW, Han R, Wu J, Jing Y, Zhang Y, Zhou H, and Qiu A. Fracturing Effect of Electrohydraulic Shock Waves Generated by Plasma-Ignited Energetic Materials Explosion [J], IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, 2017, 45(3): 423-431.
[2] Wang Y, Ding W, Wang Y, Wang J, Li F and Fan C. The effect of frequency on atmospheric pressure glow discharge in a pin-to-plate gap sustained by a resonant power supply [J]. Physics of Plasmas, 2016, 23(6): 542-461.
[3] Zhou H, Zhang Y, Han R, Jing Y, Wu J, Liu Q, Qiu A and Ding W. Signal Analysis and Waveform Reconstruction of Shock Waves Generated by Underwater Electrical Wire Explosions with Piezoelectric Pressure Probes [J]. Sensors, 2016, 16(4): 573.
[4] 任想, 丁卫东, 龙兆芝, 李文婷, 张冠军. 基于模糊变量法的1kV低阻抗冲击电压校准器输出波形参数的不确定度评定 [J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2016, 36(11): 3110-3117.
[5] Ren X, Ding W, Long Z, Li W, Li F and Zhang G. Uncertainty Evaluation of the Waveform Parameters of 1-kV Low-Impedance Impulse Voltage Calibrator [J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 2016, 65(7):1605-1613.
[6] 王亚楠, 丁卫东, 苟杨, 夏健, 闫家启, 王嘉琛, 李志兵. 气体绝缘金属封闭输电线路(GIL)接地问题探讨 [J]. 高压电器, 2016(4): 98-102.
[7] 苟杨, 范川, 王亚楠, 陈维江, 李志兵, 丁卫东. GIS瞬态外壳电压测量用电阻性阻抗分压器研制 [J]. 高压电器, 2016(3): 34-43.
[8] Han R, Ding W, Wu J, Zhou H, Jing Y, Liu Q, Chao Y and Qiu A. A novel design of Rogowski coil for measurement of nanosecond-risetime high-level pulsed current [J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2015, 86(3): 035114-0- 03511-6.
[9] Liu Q, Ding W, Zhou H, Han R, Wu J, Jing Y and Qiu A. A novel strain measurement system in strong electromagnetic field [J]. IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, 2015, 43(10): 3562-3567.
[10] Wu J, Han R, Ding W, Zhou H, Liu Y, Liu Q, Jing Y and Qiu A. Electrode erosion characteristics of repetitive long-life gas spark switch under airtight conditions [J]. IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, 2015, 43(10): 3425-3433.
[11] Han R, Wu J, Ding W, Jing Y, Zhou H, Liu Q and Qiu A. Hybrid PCB Rogowski coil for measurement of nanosecond-risetime pulsed current[J]. IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, 2015, 43(10): 3555-3561.
[12] Ding W, Li G, Ren X, Yan X, Li F, Zhou W, Wang F. A comparison of SF6 decomposition characteristics under corona with point-to-plane electrode defect and spark with floating potential defect [J]. IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., 2015, 22(6): 3278-3289.
[13] Ding W, Wang Y, Chuan F, Gou Y, Zhong Xu and Yang L. A subnanosecond jitter trigger generator utilizing trigatron switch and avalanche transistor circuit [J]. IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, 2015, 43(4): 1054-1062.
[14] 吴佳玮, 丁卫东, 韩若愚, 刘云飞, 周海滨, 刘巧珏, 密封腔体、大电流条件下重复频率长寿命气体开关的烧蚀特性 [J]. 高电压技术, 2014, 40(10): 3235-3242.
[15] Liu Y, Su C, Ren X, Fan C, Zhou W, Wang F and Ding W, Experimental study on surface modification of PET films under bipolarnanosecond-pulse dielectric barrier discharge in atmospheric air [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2014, 313: 53-59.
[16] Wu J, Ding W, Ren H, Han R, Liu Y, Sun X, Ren X, Feng H, and Zhu Y. A novel compact repetitive frequency square-wave generator based on coaxial pulse forming lines and coupled magnetic switches [J]. IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, 2014, 42(6): 1714-1720.
[17] X Ren, W Ding, W Zhou, C Fan, J Wu, Y Liu, M Yan and G Zhang. The moisture in SF6 insulated CTs considering current and change of ambient temperature [J]. IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, 2014, 29(3): 1184-1191.
[18] 李金忠, 李芳, 韩晶, 汤浩, 范川, 丁卫东. 500kV母线串联电抗器对瞬态恢复过电压的影响及限制措施 [J]. 高压电器, 2014(10): 63-69.
[19] 孙泽来, 马国明, 郭攀辉, 陈珉, 李成榕, 陈维江, 丁卫东, 戴敏, 王磊. 采用内置探头结构的1000kV特快速暂态过电压测量用窗口式传感器设计[J].高电压技术,2013, 39(6): 1426-1433.
[20] Ren H, Ding W, Wu J, Li F, Fan C, Ren X. Repetitive frequency fitch booster using coupled magnetic switches [J]. IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci., 2013, 41(1): 207-213.
[21] Ding W, Zhou W, Ren X, et al. Decomposition characteristics of SF6 under partial discharges with point-to-plane electrode defect [J]. IEEE Trans. on Dielectric Insulation, 2013, 20(5): 1727-1736.(SCI:000326120200032)
[22] Yan Z, Ren X, Ren H, Ding W. Simulation of temperature distribution in current transformers with current flow [J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013, 313-314: 882-886.
[23] Yan Z, Ren X, Ren H, Ding W. Study on Condensation of the Moisture in Current Transformers with Current Flow Considering Sharp Temperature Decrease. Applied Mechanics and Materials [J], 2013, 241-244: 322-327.
[24] Ma G, Li C, Chen W, Sun Z, Guo P, Chen M, Ding W, and Li Z. A Reliable Wide-Bandwidth VFTO Sensor Based on Surface-Mounted Devices [J]. IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, 2013, 28(3): 1839-1846.
[25] 行鹏, 朱宜东, 林国生等.基于PLC和工控机的冲击绝缘耐受试验控制系统[J].高压电器,2012,48(1):105-109.
[26] Ding W, Ren H, Zhang Q, et al. Repetitive frequency Marx generator based on magnetic switches and its application in dielectric barrier discharge [J]. IEEE Trans. on Plasma Sci., 2012, 40(10): 2373-2378.
[27] Ren H, Ding W, Wu J. A novel compact repetitive frequency voltage booster based on magnetic switches and Fitch generator [J]. Review of scientific instruments, 2012, 83(7): 73310-0-73310-6.
[28] 丁卫东,李峰,张乔根, 陈国强, 刘洪涛, 岳功昌, 张博. 特高压气体绝缘开关设备中特快速瞬态过电压测量用电容传感器的标定[J].中国电机工程学报,2011,31(31):56-65.
[29] 行鹏,苏春强,林国生等.冲击电阻分压器响应特性的研究[J].高压电器,2011,47(10):26-30,34.
[30] 马宾, 丁卫东,李峰等. 基于磁开关的重复频率冲击电压发生器[J]. 强激光与粒子束,2010,22(3):469-473. (EI: 20101912922871)
[31] Ma B, Ren H, Ding W, Zhang Q and Yang L. Repetitive Frequency Marx Generator based on Magnetic Switches and its application in Dielectric Barrier Discharge [C]. in Proc. of 15th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED), Xi'an, China, 2010.
[32] Li F, Li F, Ding W, Zhang Q. The Effect of Frequency on Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge Sustained by a Resonant Power Supply[C]. in Proc. of 15th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED), Xi'an, China, 2010.
[33] Wei N, Ding W, Zhu Y, Su C, Suehiro J. A Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Gas Sensor Used in Partial Discharge Detection [C]. in Proc. of 15th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED), Xi'an, China, 2010.
[34] 马宾, 丁卫东, 李峰,杨兰均等. 基于磁开关的重复频率冲击电压发生器 [C]. 首届全国脉冲功率会议论文集, P196-201, 2009.
[35] Ding W, Li F., Yang L. Atmospheric-Pressure Glow Discharge Sustained by a Resonant Power Supply [J], IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 2009, 37(11):2207-2212. (SCI: 000271592300014)
[36] Zhang Q, Tao F, Li Z, Ding W, Qiu A. Effect of pulse rise time on the glow discharge in nonuniform electric field [J]. IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science. 2008, 36(4): 1008-1009.
[37] Ding W, Ochi K, Suehiro J, et al. Factors affecting PD detection in GIS using a carbon nanotube gas sensor [J]. IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., 2007, 14(3): 718-725.
[38] Ding W, Ochi K, Suehiro J, Imasaka K, Hara M. Partial discharge detection using a carbon nanotube gas sensor installed in a gas pipe connected to GIS tank [C]. in in Proceedings of 13th Asia Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED), Sapporo, Japn, 2004.
[39] Ding W, Hidaka S, Suehiro J, Imasaka K and Hara M. Effect of Metal Electrode Materials on Carbon Nanotube Gas Sensor Fabricated by Dielectrophoresis [C]. in Proceedings of 2006 Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT), Singapore, 2006.
[40] Ding W, Hayashi R, Suehiro J, et al. Calibration methods of carbon nanotube gas sensor for partial discharge detection in SF6 [J]. IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., 2006, 13(2): 353-361.
[41] Ding W, Hayashi R, Ochi K, et al. Analysis of PD-generated SF6 decomposition gases adsorbed on carbon nanotubes [J]. IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., 2006, 13(6): 1200-1207.
[42] Ding W, Hayashi R, Suehiro J, et al. Observation of dynamic behavior of PD-generated SF6 decompositions using carbon nanotube gas sensor [C]. in Proc. of 2005 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Nashville, USA, 2005: 561-564.
[43] Suehiro J, Zhou G, Imakiire H, Ding W, Hara M. Controlled fabrication of carbon nanotube NO2 gas sensor using dielectrophoretic impedance measurement [J]. Sensors and Actuators B, 2005, 108: 398-403.
[44] 末廣純也, 高橋賢裕, 西祐也, 丁衛東, 今坂公宣, 原雅則. 無声放電式オゾナイザの極低温冷却による高効率化 [J]. 電気学会論文誌A, 2004, 124(9): 791-796.
[45] Zhou G, Imakiire H, Ding W, Imasaka K, Suehiro J and Hara M. Bottom-up Fabrication of Gas Sensor Composed of Single or Multi-wall Carbon Nanotubes Using Dielectrophoresis [C]. in Proceedings of 12th Asia Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED), Shenzhen, China, 2004.
[46] Ding W, Zhou G, Hayashi R, Imasaka K, Suehiro J and Hara M. Partial Discharge Diagnosis in GIS Using a Carbon Nanotube Gas Sensor [C]. in Proceedings of 12th Asia Conference on Electrical Discharge (ACED), Shenzhen, China, 2004.
[47] 李六零,丁卫东,石月春, 邱毓昌.动态电阻测量法用于评估SF6断路器灭弧室状况的探讨[J].高压电器,2002,38(2):54-55,57.
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[53] 丁卫东,张乔根,邱毓昌.高电压恒流源的应用及发展[J].高电压技术,1999,25(4):64-65.