Basic Information


 魏衍举 教授 博导

汽车工程系 党支部书记








Contact Information


地址:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号 西安交通大学 能动学院






  • 智驾汽车动底一体化控制
  • 新能源汽车热功一体化控制
  • 碳中性燃料发动机
  • 液滴燃烧基础研究
  • 液滴动力学基础研究
  • 声热耦合燃烧基础研究
  • 燃烧与流动数值模拟

Research Fields




Wei Yanju, Doctoral Supervisor, Associate Professor of Xi’an Jiao Tong University, China.

His main research direction is on the combustion and emission fundamentals of clean fuel engines, including emissions and control, working process numerical simulation, engine performance development, fuel spray, droplet combustion, methanol cracking hydrogen production, etc. He has presided over 1 major research program (general) project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2 General projects, 1 youth project, and 2 key research and development programs of Shaanxi Province. The engine design, performance development, emission regulation technical route, and combustion mechanism of methanol, ethanol, dimethyl ether, PODE, and other clean fuels in methanol engines have been systematically carried out, solving a series of key scientific and technical problems faced by carbon neutral fuel engine. The research has published over 80 papers including top journals such as Applied Physics, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Applied Energy, Fuel, and Physics of Fluids, and authorized 7 invention patents. Currently, he is a director of the China Internal Combustion Engine Society, a member of the China Internal Combustion Engine Industry Association, Vice President and Secretary General of Shaanxi Internal Combustion Engine Society and a young editorial board member of the journal “Internal Combustion Engine Engineering”.


2000.09-2004.07  西安交通大学 能动学院,本科

2004.09-2009.06  西安交通大学 能动学院 汽车工程系,硕博

2010.01-2015.12  西安交通大学 能动学院 汽车工程系,讲师,硕导

2016.12-2017.12  普林斯顿大学,访问学者

2016.01- 至今       西安交通大学 能动学院 汽车工程系,副教授,博导


Recent Publications:

  1. Wei Yanju*, Zhu Zengqiang, Liu Shenghua, Liu He, Shi Zihang, Zeng Zhixin. Investigation on injection strategy affecting the mixture formation and combustion of a heavy-duty spark-ignition methanol engine. Fuel, 2023, 334,126680.
  2. Zhang Yajie, Wei Yanju*, Yang Yajing. The “On–Off–On” flame formed in the acoustic standing wave field. AIP Advances, 2023, 13, 055101.
  3. Liu He, Zhang Yajie, Wei Yanju*, Mu Zhiqiang, Yang Yajing, Farooq Muhammad Shahid. Characteristics and Mechanisms of the Zigzag and Spiral Movement of Rising Bubbles in Still Water. Applied Sciences, 2023, 13(11): 6500.
  4. Zhang Yajie, Liu He, Wei Yanju*, Baig Abdullah, Yang Yajing. Dynamics of the spontaneously accelerative equatorial expansion of a droplet in a high-intensity acoustic standing wave field. AIP Advances, 2023, 13, 065316.
  5. Wei Yanju, Zhu Zengqiang, Liao Yifei, Liu Shenghua*, Shi Zihang, Zeng Zhixin, Liu He, Guan Wei. Numerical investigations on the effects of EGR routes on the combustion characteristics and efficiency of a heavy-duty SI methanol engine. Fuel Processing Technology.     2023, 250, 107861.
  6. Yanju Wei, Zengqiang Zhu, Shenghua Liu*, He Liu, Zihang Shi, Zhixin Zeng. Investigation on injection strategy affecting the mixture formation and combustion of a heavy-duty spark-ignition methanol engine. Fuel. 2023, 334, 126680.
  7. Yajie Zhang, Zhiqiang Mu, Yanju Wei*, Zengqiang Zhu, Ruiheng Du, Shenghua Liu. Comprehensive study on unregulated emissions of heavy-duty SI pure methanol engine with EGR. Fuel. 2022, 320: 123974.
  8. Yanju Wei*, Zhiqiang Mu, Yajie Zhang, Yajing Yang, Shenghua Liu, Chung K Law, Abhishek, Saha. Dynamics and Morphology of Droplet Penetrating a Soap Film. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2022, 933: A32.
  9. Yajie Zhang, Yajing Yang, Yanju Wei*, Shenghua Liu. Vortex shedding controlled combustion of the wake flame of an n-heptane wetted porous sphere. AIP Advances. 2022, 12, 105216.
  10. Yanju Wei , Ruiheng Du, Yajie Zhang , Huzaifa Jamil, Zengqiang Zhu, Shenghua Liu *.Model Investigation of a Natural Gas Engine Performance to Achieve Variable Heat Electricity Ratio for CCHP System by Varying Spark Ignition Timing. Applied Sciences. 2022, 12, 7544.
  11. Yanju Wei, Yajing Yang, Yajie Zhang, Zhiqiang Mu, Fanlu Bu. A Frame Theory of Energetic Life: A Twisting Energy Solidified on the Holographic Fractal Structure. Applied Sciences. 2022, 12, 10930.
  12. Yajie Zhang, Zhiqiang Mu, Yanju Wei*, Huzaifa Jamil, Yajing Yang. Evolution of the heavy impacting droplet: Via a vortex ring to a bifurcation flower. Physics of Fluids. 2021, 33, 113603. (Featured, SciLight reported)
  13. Yanju Wei*, Yajing Yang, Jie Zhang, Shengcai Deng, Shenghua Liu, C.K. Law, Abhishek Saha. Atomization of acoustically levitated droplet exposed to hot gases. Applied Physics Letters. 2020, 116(4): 044101.
  14. Yanju Wei*, Yajie Zhang, Yajing Yang, Jie Zhang, Shengcai Deng. Coalescence of a soap film into a pool. Physics of Fluids. 2020, 32(2): 024103.
  15. Donghua Li, Shenghua Liu, Yanju Wei*, Renzhi Liang, Yonghong Tang. Numerical investigation on transient internal cavitating flow and spray characteristics in a single-hole diesel injector nozzle: A 3D method for cavitation-induced primary break-up. Fuel, 2018, 233: 778-795.
  16. Yajie Zhang, Yanju Wei*, Huzaifa jamil, Haoming Gu, Shenghua Liu. Investigation of the Behaviors of Methanol Spray Impingement and Wall Wetting. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(23), 12263.
  17. Yanju Wei*, Yajie Zhang , Zengqiang Zhu, Xiaodong Zhu, Haoming Gu and Shenghua Liu. Effect of PODE on Emission Characteristics of a China VI Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine. Applied Sciences. 2022, 12, 1108.
  18. Yanju Wei, Xiaodong Zhu, Haoming Gu, Zengqiang Zhu, Shenghua Liu*. Effects of Diesel Hydrocarbon Components on Cetane Number and Engine Combustion and Emission Characteristics. Applied Sciences. 2022, 12, 3549.
  19. Yanju Wei*, Jie Zhang, Shengcai Deng, Yajie Zhang, Yajing Yang, Shenghua Liu, Hao Chen. Phenomenon study on heat induced atomization of acoustic levitated methanol droplet. Acta Physica Sinica. 2020, 69, 184702.
  20. Yanju Wei*, Jie Zhang, Shengcai Deng, Yajie Zhang, Yajing Yang, Hao Chen. Diffusion of a Nonvolatile Fuel Spray in Swirl Flow. Energy Engineering, 2020, 118(1): 73–87.
  21. Yanju Wei*, Shengcai Deng, Jie Zhang, Yajing Yang, Hao Chen. Parameter Scaling of the Aerodynamic Breakup of the Acoustic Levitated Droplets in an Air Jet Flow. Energy Engineering, 2020, 118(2): 225-235.
  22. Yanju Wei. ACOUSTIC LEVITATION: Droplet evaporation under acoustic levitation (Chapter 7). Springer Nature Singapore, 2020-08. ISBN 978-981-32-9065-5.
  23. Yanju Wei. METHANOL: Measurement Mechanism and Characteristics of Formaldehyde Emission from Methanol-Gasoline Blends Fueled Engine (Chapter13). Springer Nature, ISBN 2021-06. 978-981-16-1223-7.
  24. Abhishek Saha*, Yanju Wei#, Xiaoyu Tang, C.K. Law. Kinematics of vortex ring generated by a drop upon impacting a liquid pool. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2019, 875, 842–853.
  25. Yajing Yang, Chenxi Mei, Xudong Zhang, Yanju Wei*, Shenghua Liu. Kinematics and passing modes of a droplet impacting on a soap film. Acta Physica Sinica. 2019, 68(15): 156101.
  26. Li Donghua, Liu Shenghua, Wei Yanju, Liang Renzhi, Tang Yonghong. Numerical investigation on transient internal cavitating flow and spray characteristics in a single-hole diesel injector nozzle: A 3D method for cavitation-induced primary break-up.  Fuel, 2018, 233, 778-795.
  27. Li Donghua, Liu Shenghua, Wei Yanju, Ren Tongtong, Tang Yonghong., A turbulent two-phase model for predicting cavitating flow based on homogenous nucleation theory. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 97, 7-29.