
  1. Shi, X., Ma, X., Du, W., & Gao, X. Diagnosing Chinese EFL learners’ writing ability using polytomous cognitive diagnostic models. Language Testing, 2024, 41(1): 109-134. (SSCI Q1)
  2. 马晓梅,刘嘉慧,杜文博(通讯),基于同伴互评的英语写作描述语量表与整体评分量表诊断效果对比研究,外语测试与教学,2023, (3): 46-55. (AMI)

  3. 马晓梅,杜文博(通讯). 基于《量表》的英语阅读推理能力认知诊断模型构建与成绩报告. 中国考试,2022,(12):1-9.(CSSCI扩展版)

  4. 耿雪,孟亚茹,杜文博.计算机动态评估的二语发展嬗变和研究框架.现代外语,2022, 45(1):126-146(CSSCI 权威)

  5. Du, W., & Ma, X. Probing what’s behind the test score: application of multi-CDM to diagnose EFL learners’ reading performance. Reading and Writing, 2021, 34(6): 1441-1466.(SSCI Q2)

  6. 杜文博,马晓梅.基于混合认知诊断模型的二语阅读技能内在关系探究.外语教学,2021,42(1):47-52.(CSSCI权威)

  7. 马晓梅,杜文博.《诊断外语水平—学习与评估的接口》导读,北京:高等教育出版社,2021(国家一级出版社).

  8. 杜文博,马晓梅.基于认知诊断评估的英语阅读诊断模型构建.外语教学与研究,2018,50(1):74-88.(CSSCI权威)

  9. Du, W., & Ma, X. Assessment in the future: A cognitive diagnostic modelling for college English reading test[C]// ALTE 6th International Conference, Bologna, Italy, May 3-5, 2017: Learning and Assessment: Making the Connections. 

  10. Du, W., & Ma, X. Enhancing the classification of group-level diagnostic results from cognitive diagnostic assessment: Application of multi-CDM and cluster analysis[C]// ALTE 7th International Conference, Madrid, Spain, April 22-24, 2020: Safeguarding the Future of Multilingual Assessment.