Team Members





1 近年发表的论文



[1]  Song Liu, Jie Ma, Chenyu Zhao, Xinhe Wan, Weiguo Wu. LFWS: Long-Operation First Warp Scheduling Algorithm to Effectively Hide the Latency for GPUs. IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics communications and computer sciences. 2023,106(8).

[2]  Song Liu, Yuxiang Chai, Longshuo Hui, Weiguo Wu. Blockchain-Based Anonymous Authentication in Edge Computing Environment[J]. Electronics. 2023, 12(1):219.

[3]  Song Liu, Xiong Wang, Longshuo Hui, and Weiguo Wu. Blockchain-Based Decentralized Federated Learning Method in Edge Computing Environment[J]. Applied Sciences. 2023, 13(3):1677.

[4] Xiangjun Zhang, Weiguo Wu, Song Liu, Jinyu Wang. An efficient computation offloading and resource allocation algorithm in RIS empowered MEC[J]. Computer Communications, 2023, 197: 113-123.

[5] Xiangjun Zhang, Weiguo Wu, Jinyu Wang, Song Liu. BiLSTM-based Federated Learning Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation Algorithm in MEC [J] .Transactions on Sensor Networks, 2023.

[6] 张祥俊, 伍卫国, 张弛, 柴玉香, 杨诗园, 王雄.面向移动边缘计算网络的高能效计算卸载算法[J]. 软件学报, 2023.




[1] 杨傲,马春苗,伍卫国,王思敏,赵坤.一种面向数据中心的能耗感知虚拟机放置策略[J].西安电子科技大学学报,2022,49(05):145-153.

[2] Yifei Kang, Chunmiao Ma, Simin Wang, Weiguo Wu, Kun Zhao. A two-segment LSTM based data center temperature prediction model[J]. IEICE Electronics Express, 2022, 19(21): 20220291-20220291.

[3] Shiqiang Nie, Weiguo Wu, Chi Zhang, Chen Zhang. PALES: Optimizing Secure Data Deletion in SSDs via Page Group and Reprogram Speedup[J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2022, 31: 1-12.



[1]  聂世强,郑旭达,刘钊华,伍卫国,董小社,张兴军. MDS码存储系统的通用可靠性模型[J]. 西安电子科技大学学报, 2021, 48(4): 113-119.

[2] Shiqiang Nie, Weiguo Wu, Zhang Chi. Data Pattern Aware Reliability Enhancement Scheme for 3D Solid-State Drives[J]. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), 2021, 20(5s): 1-20.

[3] Shiqiang Nie, Chi Zhang, Chen Zhang, Xuda Zheng, Weiguo Wu. Error source and latency-aware read performance optimization scheme for aged SSDs[J]. IEICE Electronics Express, 2021, 18(8):1-6.

[4] Jinyu Wang, Yifei Kang, Yaqi Feng, Yiwen Li, Weiguo Wu. Lossless Compression of Bitstream Configuration Files Towards FPGA Cloud[C]. International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications(IEEE ISPA), New York, USA, 2021.

[5] Jinyu Wang, Yifei Kang, Yiwen Li, Yaqi Feng, Weiguo Wu. Hexagonal Tiling based Multiple FPGAs Stencil Computation Acceleration and Optimization Methodology[C]. International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications(IEEE ISPA), New York, USA, 2021.

[6] Xuda Zheng, Chi Zhang, Keqiang Duan, Weiguo Wu, Jie Yan. SLA: A Cache Algorithm for SSD-SMR Storage System with Minimum RMWs[C].International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP), Cham, Springer, 2021.




[1] Q. Li, W. Wu, D. Yuan, K. Liu, L. Jia and J. Huang, "A Workload-Aware Load Balancing Algorithm for Cluster Rendering Platform," 2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), Guangzhou, China, 2020, pp. 50-57, doi: 10.1109/CSE50738.2020.00015.

[2]Wei Song#; Song Liu# ; Xiaochun Wang; Weiguo Wu* ; An Improved Sparrow Search Algorithm, Proceedings of 18th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA), Exeter, UK, 2020.

[3]Wang Z, Chen H, Wu W. Client-Aware Negotiation for Secure and Efficient Data Transmission. Energies. 2020; 13(21):5777.

[4]Wang J, Kang Y, Wu W*, Xing G and Tu L. DUPRFloor: Dynamic Modeling and Floorplanning for Partially Reconfigurable FPGAs[J], IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2020, doi: 10.1109/TCAD.2020.3022345.  

[5]Xiangjun Zhang, Weiguo Wu, Shiyuan Yang, Xiong Wang, "Falcon: A Blockchain-Based Edge Service Migration Framework in MEC", Mobile Information Systems, vol. 2020, Article ID 8820507, 17 pages, 2020.

[6]Renani, Alireza & Huang, Jun & Xing, Guoliang & Esfahanian, Abdol-Hossein & Wu, Weiguo. (2020). Harnessing Hardware Defects for Improving Wireless Link Performance. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. PP. 1-12. 10.1109/TNET.2020.3003338.

[7]Nie S, Zhang Y*, Wu W and Yang J. Layer RBER Variation Aware Read Performance Optimization for 3D Flash Memories, 57th Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2020, pp. 1-6.

[8]He, F., Dong, X., Zou, N. et al. Structured mesh-oriented framework design and optimization for a coarse-grained parallel CFD solver based on hybrid MPI/OpenMP programming. J Supercomput 76, 2815–2841 (2020).




[1] Wu YP, Hao HH, Li J, et al. Four-Sequence Maximum Entropy Discrimination Algorithm for Glioma Grading. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 52246~52256.

[2] Liangjun Wang, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Wenhao Zhu, Kangle Xu, Weiguo Wu, Xuesen Chu, and Wu Zhang. Accurate Computation of Airfoil Flow Based on the Lattice Boltzmann Method[J]. Applied Sciences-Basel. MAY 2 2019,9(10):2000.

[3] Wu Weiguo, Hu Zhuang, Wang Simin,Xu Yixuan,Kang Yifei.Data center job scheduling algorithm based on temperature prediction[C]. 7th International Conference on Smart City and Informatization  (iSCI 2019), Guangzhou, China, NOV, 2019.

[4] Wu YP, Hao HH, Li J, et al. Four-Sequence Maximum Entropy Discrimination Algorithm for Glioma Grading. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 52246~52256.

[5] Nie, Shiqiang; Zhang, Youtao; Wu, Weiguo; Zhang, Chi; Yang, Jun.DIR: Dynamic Request Interleaving for Improving the Read Performance of Aged SSDs[C]. 2019 IEEE Non-Volatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium( NVMSA 2019), August 2019.

[6] Cui, Huali; Sun, Qindong; Zhang, Beibei; Zhang, Xingjun; Wu, Weiguo. Video-Aware Multipath Network Coding over Multi-Hop Wireless Networks[C];33rd International Conference on Information Networking(ICOIN 2019), v 2019-January, p 171-175, May 17, 2019.

[7] He, F., Dong, X., Zou, N. et al. Structured mesh-oriented framework design and optimization for a coarse-grained parallel CFD solver based on hybrid MPI/OpenMP programming.[J] Supercomput 76. 2815–2841 (2020).



[2]伍卫国, 王超辉, 王今雨,. 基于混合编码的FPGA系统配置文件压缩算法[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2018, 55(05):1049-1064.

[3] Cui ,JH; Zhang ,YT;Huang ,JH; Wu ,WG;Yang ,J.ShadowGC: Cooperative Garbage Collection with Multi-level  Buffer for Performance Improvement in NAND flash-based SSDs[C]. The 21st Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE), Germany, March 2018

[4] Song Liu, Yuanzhen Cui, Qing Jiang, Qian Wang, Weiguo Wu. An efficient tile size selection model based on machine learning[J]. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2018, 121(11): 27-41.

[5] Yaping Wu;· Bo Liu; Weiguo Wu; Yusong Lin;Cong Yang; Meiyun Wang. Grading glioma by radiomics with feature selection based on mutual information[J].Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, June 09,2018; ISSN: 1868-5137;



[8]张祥俊,伍卫国,邸德海. 基于fastDFS的数字媒体系统设计与实现技术研究 [J].计算机技术与发展,2018,12月网络出版.

[9] Yuanzhen Cui, Song Liu, Nianjun Zou, Weiguo Wu. A Dynamic Parallel Strategy for DOACROSS Loops[C]// International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region (HPC Asia), Tokyo, Japan, January 28-31, 2018.

[10]崔华力,孙钦东,张兴军,伍卫国.视频流传输中的网络编码综述[J].计算机应用,2018,38(4):1084 -1088,1101


[1] Jinyu Wang , Weiguo Wu , Zhaonan Qin , Dongfang Zhao.A Floorplanning Algorithm for Partially Reconfigurable FPGA in Wireless Sensor Network[C]. The 10th International Conference on Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation, Communication and Storage (SpaCCS 2017), the Third International Symposium on Sensor-Cloud Systems (SCS 2017). Guan Zou China, DEC, 2017.

[2] Cui, Jinhua ; Zhang, Youtao; Shi, Liang; Xue, Chun Jason; Wu, Weiguo; Yang, Jun. ApproxFTL: On the Performance and Lifetime Improvement of 3D NAND Flash based SSDs[J]. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, December 12, 2017.

[3] Song Liu , Xiao Xie , Yuanzhen Cui , Weiguo Wu. An Efficient Locality-Aware Task Assignment Algorithm for Minimizing Shared Cache Contention[C]. The 18th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT’17), TaiPei, China. DEC,2017.

[4] Song Liu , Nianjun Zou , Yuanzhen Cui , Weiguo Wu.  Accelerating the Parallelization of Lattice Boltzmann Method by Exploiting the Temporal Locality[C].2017 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications and 2017 IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications. Guang Zhou China, DEC., 2017.

[5]刘松,赵博,蒋庆,伍卫国.一种面向循环优化和非规则代码段的粗粒度半自动并行化方法[J].计算机学报,2017, 40(9): 2127-2147

[6] Cui, Jinhua ; Zhang, Youtao ; Wu, Weiguo; Yang, Jun ; Wang, Yinfeng; Huang, Jianhang.  DLV: Exploiting Device Level Latency Variations for Performance Improvement on Flash Memory Storage Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, October 23, 2017.

[7] Yang C, Wu WG, Su YQ, Zhang SX.Left ventricle segmentation via two-layer level sets with circular shape constraint[J]. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2017, 38: 202~213.


[9] Qian Li, Weiguo Wu, et al. A Novel Trustworthy Framework for Cloud based Rendering Application[C]. Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Trust and Security in Cloud Computing (TSCloud 2016) held in conjunction with the 15th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom16). Aug 1- 4, 2017, Sydney, Australia.


[1] Jinhua Cui, Weiguo Wu, Shiqiang Nie. Exploiting Cross-Layer Hotness Identification to Improve Flash Memory System Performance[C]. Network and Parallel Computing - 13th IFIP WG 10.3 International Conference, October 28-29, Xi'an, China.

[2] Jinhua Cui, Weiguo Wu, Shiqiang Nie. VIOS : A Variation-aware I/O Scheduler for Flash-based Storage Systems[C]. Network and Parallel Computing - 13th IFIP WG 10.3 International Conference, October 28-29, Xi'an, China.

[3] Jinhua Cui, Weiguo Wu, Nianjun Zou, Yinfeng Wang. Accelerating master-slave databases lanched on LDCP-induced solid state drives with improve efficiency and reliability[J]. IEICE Electronics Express.2016,13(13.)

[4] Jinhua Cui, Weiguo Wu, Xingjun Zhang, Jianhang Huang, Yinfeng Wang. Exploiting Latency Variation for Access Conflict Reduction of NAND Flash Memory[C]. The 32nd International Conference on Massive Storage Systems and Technology (MSST'16). May 2 — 6, 2016. Santa Clara Universit,Santa Clara, CA.

[5] Yang Cong, Wu Weiguo , Su, Yuanqi , Wu, Yiwei ,Image segmentation via active contour model driven by interregion contrast[J]. journal of electronic imaging,2016,25(5).

[6] Chaohui Wang, Weiguo Wu, Shiqiang Nie, Depei Qian. BFT: A Placement Algorithm for Non-Rectangle Task Model in Reconfigurable Computing System[J]. Iet Computers & Digital Techniques, 2016, 10(3):128-137.

[7] Qian Li, Weiguo Wu, et al. An Efficient Two-Level Hierarchy Job Scheduling and Task Dispatching Strategy for Cluster Rendering System[J]. Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE). 2016.

[8]李谦,伍卫国,等.面向能耗优化的云渲染系统任务调度策略[J].西安交通大学学报,2016, 50(2): 1-6.

[9]孙泽宇,伍卫国,曹仰杰,邢萧飞.无线传感器网络中能量均衡参数可控覆盖算法[J].西安交通大学学报,2016, 50(8): 77-83.

[10]孙泽宇,伍卫国,王换招,邢萧飞,陈衡.概率模型下的一种优化覆盖算法[J].软件学报,2016,27(5), 1285–1300.

[11] Qian Li, Weiguo Wu, et al. A Statistics Based Prediction Method for Rendering Application[C]. Proceedings of the 13th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing(NPC). October 28-29, Xi'an, China.


[1]崔金华, 伍卫国, 王寅峰. 基于 MWM 的闪存数据库缓冲区置换算法[J]. 华中科技大学学报 (自然科学版), 2015, 43(3): 118-122.

[2]刘松, 伍卫国, 赵博, . 面向局部性和并行优化的循环分块技术[J]. 计算机研究与发展, 2015, 52(5): 1160-1176.

[3] Zeyu Sun, Huanzhao Wang, Weiguo Wu, et al. ECAPM: an enhanced coverage algorithm in wireless sensor network based on probability model[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2015, 2015: 2.

[4]孙泽宇, 伍卫国, 王换招, 陈衡, 邢萧飞. 无线传感器网络基于参数可调增强型覆盖控制算法[J]. 电子学报, 2015, 43(3): 466-474.

[5] Tao Ju, Weiguo Wu, Xiaoshe Dong, Heng Chen, Zhengdong Zhu. Thread Count Prediction Model: Dynamically Adjusting Threads for Heterogeneous Many-Core Systems[C]. The 21st IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems(ICPADS2015), dec.14-17, 2015, Melbourne, Australia.

[6]樊源泉, 伍卫国, 许云龙, . MapReduce 环境中的性能特征能耗估计方法[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2015, 49(2): 14-19.


[1] Cui Jinhua, Wu Weiguo, Wang Yinfeng, Duan, Zhangfeng .PT-LRU: A Probabilistic Page Replacement Algorithm for NAND Flash-based Consumer Electronics[J]. IEEE transactions on consumer electronics.2014,60(4):614-622.

[2] Qian Li, Weiguo Wu, Xiaxin Zhou, Zeyu Sun, Jianhang Huang. R-FirstFit: A Reservation Based First Fit Priority Job Scheduling Strategy and Its Application for Rendering[C]. 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering. December 19-21, 2014, Chengdu, SiChuan, China.

[3] Qian Li, Weiguo Wu, Liang Gao, Lei Wang,and Jianhang Huang. A Dynamic Load Balancing Strategy Based on Feedback for Cluster Rendering System[C].2014 International Standard Conference on Trustworthy Computing and Services (ISCTCS 2014).November 28-29,2014 Beijing, China.

[4] Zeyu Sun, Weiguo Wu, Huanzhao Wang, Heng Chen, Xiaofe Xing,. A novel coverage algorithm based on eventprobability-driven mechanism in wireless sensor network[J]. Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2014:58.

[5] Zeyu Sun, Weiguo Wu, Huanzhao Wang ,et al. An Optimized Strategy Coverage Control Algorithm for WSN[J]. international journal of distributed sensor networks, 2014.

[6] Yuanquan Fan, Weiguo Wu, Yunlong Xu, et al.Improving MapReduce Performance by Balancing Skewed Loads[J].China Communications, 2014,11(8) :85-108.

[7] Lilong Xiong, Youlong Xu, Weiguo Wu, Pei Lei, Tao Tao, Xin Dong. The effect of Na0.44MnO2 formation in Na+-modified spinel LiMn2O4[J]. Electronic Materials Letters, 2014,10(4):787-790.

[8] Jianhang Huang, Weiguo Wu, Qian Li. A utility-maximizing tasks assignment method for rendering cluster systemC[C].the 12th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications(ISPA 2014) , August 26-28 2014, Milan, Italy.

[9] Yuanquan Fan, Weiguo Wu, Yunlong Xu, Yangjie Cao, Qian Li,Jinhua Cui, Zhangfeng Duan. Performance Prediction Model in Heterogeneous MapReduce Environment[C].The 14th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology(CIT 2014), September 11-13, 2014,Xi'an, Shaanxi, China.

[10] Weiguo Wu, Tao Wang, Chaohui Wang, Qing Zhang. A Task Scheduling and Placement Strategy based on Tasks’Aspect Ratio[C]. 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering.December 19-21,2014,Chengdu,SiChuan, China .


2 近年发明专利和软件著作权



[1]伍卫国,王倩,刘松,屈彬.一种针对模板计算的菱形分块并行优化方法[P],申请号: 2020101364049,申请日:2020-03-02

[2]伍卫国,康益菲,王今雨,冯雅琦.一种基于两段式缓存的神经网络推理加速方法[P],申请号: 2020102513144,申请日:2020-04-01

[3]伍卫国,康益菲,王今雨,冯雅琦,赵东方.一种基于神经网络模型的FPGA配置文件算术压缩与解压方法[P],申请号: 2020102513337,申请日:2020-04-01

[4]伍卫国,王今雨,康益菲,冯雅琦,赵东方.一种基于分区参照技术的FPGA配置文件压缩解压方法[P],申请号: 202010251320X,申请日:2020-04-01

[5]伍卫国,解超,严杰,苏海洲,张斌,张驰,杨州.一种基于Ceph集群的Cache Tier缓存优化方法[P],申请号: 202010281312X,申请日:2020-04-10

[6]伍卫国,宫继伟,聂世强,张驰.一种写友好的闪存固态盘缓存管理方法[P],申请号: 2020103743020,申请日:2020-05-06

[7]李文胜,伍卫国,刘松.一种群体核酸测试混合装置及方法[P],申请号: 2020103990047,申请日:2020-05-12

[8]伍卫国,王晓春,宋韦,张祥俊.一种云计算任务调度方法[P],申请号: 2020104052640,申请日:2020-05-14

[9]伍卫国,张驰,张晨,聂世强,郑旭达,马春苗.面向SSDHA-SMR混合存储系统数据管理方法、存储介质及设备[P],申请号: 2020104205082,申请日:2020-05-18

[10]伍卫国,冯培坤,柴玉香,张祥俊,杨诗园,王雄,一种站点流量预测方法和装置[P],申请号: 2020106484140,申请日:2020-07-07

[11]刘松,伍卫国,柴晓菲,屈彬,马洁.一种多维循环自动向量化分块因子分块方法及装置[P],申请号: 2020107061444,申请日:2020-07-21


[1]伍卫国,康益菲,徐一轩,杨傲,崔顺.一种基于负载预测的边缘计算平台容器部署方法及系统[P],申请号: 2019104203281,申请日:2019-05-20

[2]伍卫国,张祥俊,宋韦. 一种基于docker容器的边缘服务迁移方法[P],申请号: 2019104973686,申请日:2019-06-10

[3]伍卫国,康益菲,崔顺,杨傲,王倩,孙岚子.一种基于数据增强的数据中心故障预测方法[P],申请号: 2019108241297,申请日:2019-09-02

[4]刘松,伍卫国,谢骁,屈彬.一种多核系统基于局部性量化的并行任务分配调度方法[P],申请号: 2019108949690,申请日:2019-09-20

[5]伍卫国,毛海,聂世强,张驰,董小社,张兴军.一种面向大规模集群系统的节点故障预测方法[P],申请号: 201911107846.4,申请日:2019-11-13

[6]伍卫国,宫继伟,解超,聂世强,张驰,张晨.一种面向NAND闪存的缓冲区管理方法[P],申请号: 2019111078394,申请日:2019-11-13

[7]刘松,伍卫国,屈彬,王倩,马洁.一种开发循环代码中潜在可向量化循环的方法[P],申请号: 201911243343.X,申请日:2019-12-06

[8]伍卫国,徐一轩,赵东方,李桢华,康益菲.面向数据中心能耗最小化的作业调度和机房空调调控方法[P],申请号: 2019112678530,申请日:2019-12-11

[9]伍卫国,孙岚子,康益菲,杨晓曦,刘钊华,李桢华.一种基于峰值预测的云计算集群监控方法及系统[P],申请号: 2019113047136,申请日:2019-12-17

[10]伍卫国,李桢华,康益菲,孙岚子,崔顺.一种基于区块链的云计算任务调度系统及方法[P],申请号: 201911381553.5,申请日:2019-12-27


[1]伍卫国,聂世强,孙岚子,李翀,刘钊华,毛海.一种基于SSD-SMR磁盘混合键值存储系统数据组织方法[P],申请号: 2018112964326,申请日:2018-11-01

[2]伍卫国,徐一轩,胡壮,崔顺.一种基于温度预测的数据中心热量管理方法[P],申请号: 201811203363X,申请日:2018-10-16

[3]伍卫国,徐一轩,王思敏,苏远崎,王今雨.基于RBF神经网络的数据中心任务温度预测及调度方法[P],申请号:2018110507966 ,申请日:2018-09-10

[4]伍卫国、张祥俊.一种超算环境下的海量数据实时采集与处理方法[P],申请号: 201810514917.1,申请日: 2018-05-25

[5]伍卫国,冯鸣夏,李祯华,杨帆.多中心作业迁移软件V1.0。开发完成日期: 20170701日,登记日期2018228日,登记号:2018SR133333


[1]伍卫国、刘松、谢骁.多级共享高速缓冲存储器架构下的任务分配方法与系统[P],申请号: 201711298943.7,申请日: 2017-12-08

[2]伍卫国、刘松、邹年俊.一种利用时间局部性的格子玻尔兹曼方法并行加速方法[P],申请号: 201711297745.9,申请日: 2017-12-08

[3]伍卫国,冯鸣夏,杨帆.预编译器容错软件V1.0[S]。开发完成日期: 20170701日,登记号:2017SR618611


[5]伍卫国,刘松,崔元桢,蒋庆,谢骁,邹年俊.一种基于机器学习的循环分块大小选择方法[P]. 申请号:2017101751393;申 请 日:2017/03/22

[6]边坡变形在线监测综合管理系统【简称:SOMMSV1.0[S],开发完成日:20161220日,登记号:2017SR637382 著作权人:西安交通大学,开发人:伍卫国,陈衡,吴亚平,聂世强,柴晓菲

[7]边坡变形预测预警分析系统【简称:SDPAV1.0[S],开发完成日:20161025日,登记号:2017SR637123 著作权人:西安交通大学,开发人:伍卫国,陈衡,吴亚平,聂世强,柴晓菲

[8]边坡变形数据采集软件【简称:SDDSV1.0[S],开发完成日:20161020日,登记号:2017SR644744 著作权人:西安交通大学,开发人:伍卫国,陈衡,吴亚平,聂世强,柴晓菲


[1]伍卫国、吴亚平、孙泽宇.一种高边坡松弛区的判定方法[P],申请号: CN201610529007.1,申请日: 2016-07-05,公开号: CN106202908A,公开日: 2016-12-07

[2]聂世强;伍卫国;崔金华;刘松;胡壮;薛尚山;邹年俊. 一种针对由异构存储设备组成的对象存储系统的对象分布算法[P].申请号: 2016109336623

[3]伍卫国; 崔元桢; 刘松; 柴晓菲; 聂世强; 邹年俊. 一种DOACROSS循环的并行优化方法[P]. 申请号: 201610851036X

[4]张兴军;方敏;聂世强;蔡毅;徐志伟;伍卫国;董小社. 一种针对分布式存储系统的性能监控调优系统及方法[P].申请号: 2016104648296


[1]段章峰,伍卫国,崔金华. 一种读优化的内存数据库Trie树索引方法[P]. 申请号:CN 201510459589

[2]段章峰,伍卫国,崔金华. 一种优化的SSD数据更新方法[P]. 申请号:CN201510458844


[1]魏伟,伍卫国,崔金华. 一种基于历史信息的HDFS数据块放置策略[P]. 申请号:CN 201410475802

[2]伍卫国,李谦,周夏心,黄舰航,张译之,王蕾. 一种同优先级任务调度策略[P],授权号:2014103088828,获批时间:2017-04-26

[3]段章峰,伍卫国,钱德沛,崔金华,王寅峰. 一种读优化的内存数据库T树索引结构的方法[P]. 申请号:CN201410122539

[4]崔金华,伍卫国,王寅峰,段章峰. 一种高效的NAND闪存数据库系统的缓存管理方法[P]. 申请号:CN201410216063

