2019年9月~2020年9月:荷兰埃因霍芬理工大学,机械工程系,CSC博士生联合培养,导师:Jeroen van Oijen教授(FGM燃烧模型开发者)
1. 面向航空航天,开展强湍流燃烧,单旋流/多旋流燃烧,预混/部分预混/扩散多模式燃烧,液体燃料和喷雾燃烧,及高温、高压、超临界燃烧等课题研究。
2. 面向清洁能源、能源高效利用和碳中和,开展小分子碳氢燃料燃烧,氢能的燃烧利用,新能源利用,及稳定、高效、低排放的新型燃烧组织等研究。
3. 支撑数值仿真在能源动力系统及相关装备/装置研发优化中的利用,开展高效、高保真并适用于工业应用的先进燃烧模型和燃烧数值模拟方法研究,包括化学反应建表降维模型,化学反应直接求解加速模型,及湍流-化学反应耦合作用模型等。
(a)稳定燃烧 | (b)振荡燃烧 |
Project number | Project name | Project origin | Start time | Roles | Project kind |
sxzy012024030 | 氢微混燃烧多模式火焰形成机制及建表模型研究 | 中央高校基本科研业务费 | 2024-01~2026-12 | 负责人 | Vertical project |
52206169 | 喷雾旋流燃烧主燃区局部高温热点形成演变机制研究 | 国家自然科学基金项目 | 2023-01~2025-12 | 负责人 | Vertical project |
****** | 先进航空发动机***特性的仿真研究 | 军科委项目-外协课题 | 2022-11~2023-10 | 负责人 | horizontal project |
P2022-B-II-020-001 | 水蒸气环境灵活燃料纯氧湍流燃烧模型开发及模拟研究 | 两机基础科学中心重点项目子课题 | 2022-10~2024-10 | 负责人 | Vertical project |
2022M712523 | 基于人工神经网络建表的自适应多模态燃烧模型研究 | 中国博士后科学基金 | 2022-09~2024-02 | 负责人 | Vertical project |
TL2022050700233 | 燃气灶燃烧系统热流量分析 | 青岛海尔智能技术研发有限公司 | 2022-05~2022-11 | 负责人 | horizontal project |
J2019-III-0020-0064 | 重型燃气轮机燃烧室振荡燃烧机理及抑制方法-专题四:热声耦合机理与燃烧振荡理论预测方法 | 工信部两机重大专项-子课题 | 2021-01~2024-12 | 骨干成员 | Vertical project |
J2019-III-0014-0058 | 旋流燃烧流场与火焰结构相互作用影响局部高温区形成和迁移机制研究 | 工信部两机重大专项-外协课题 | 2021-01~2023-07 | 负责人 | Vertical project |
xzy022019067 | 旋流火焰不稳定性多场多组分激光诊断与数值模拟(博士阶段主持) | 中央高校基本科研业务费 | 2019-01~2020-12 | 负责人 | Other |
Paper Name | Author | Publication/Completion Time | Magazine Name |
FGM-LES study of premixed H2/CH4/air flame flashback in a bluff-body swirl burner: the impact of preferential diffusion | Hao Xia, Weijie Zhang*, Wang Han, Jinhua Wang*, Zuohua Huang, Jeroen van Oijen* | 2025-02-14 | Combustion and Flame |
Non-adiabatic LES-FGM simulation of thermoacoustic instability in lean premixed CH4/air swirl flame | Guangya Hu, Weijie Zhang*, Yutao Li, Jiawen He, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang | 2024-12-05 | Energy |
Effects of secondary hydrogen injection on thermoacoustic instability of swirling premixed flames in a model combustor | Longjuan Ji, Weijie Zhang*, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Xue-Song Bai | 2024-08-12 | Fuel |
Examining preferential diffusion effects in flamelet-generated manifold on the turbulent flame modelling | Weijie Zhang*, Hai Huang, Ziqi Wang, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang | 2024-06-19 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
Stabilization and structure characteristics of swirling CH4/H2/O2 flames diluted with steam | Weijie Zhang, Ziqi Wang, Hai Huang, Jinhua Wang*, Guangya Hu, Deli Li, Zuohua Huang | 2024-04-09 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
Structure and thermoacoustic instability of turbulent swirling lean premixed methane/hydrogen/air flames in a model combustor | Longjuan Ji, Jinhua Wang, Weijie Zhang*, Yuncheng Wang, Zuohua Huang, Xue-Song Bai | 2024-02-23 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
Investigation on unsteady formation and evolution of high-temperature zone in a staged swirl combustor | Deli Li, Weijie Zhang*, Guangya Hu, Wu Jin, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang | 2024-01-18 | Applied Thermal Engineering |
A joint numerical study of multi-regime turbulent combustion | Benoît Fiorina*, ..., Weijie Zhang, Wang Han, Jeroen van Oijen, ..., Robert S. Barlow | 2023-10-10 | Applications in Energy and Combustion Science |
Nonlinear dynamic characteristics of self-excited thermoacoustic instabilities in premixed swirling flames | Longjuan Ji, Jinhua Wang, Weijie Zhang*, Deli Li, Guangya Hu, Zuohua Huang | 2023-09-01 | Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science |
LES of premixed jet flames subjected to extreme turbulence using flamelet-generated manifolds: A comparison of unstrained and strained flamelets | Weijie Zhang, Deli Li, Guangya Hu, Jinhua Wang* | 2023-08-23 | Combustion Theory and Modelling |
Large-eddy simulation of the Darmstadt multi-regime turbulent flame using flamelet-generated manifolds | Weijie Zhang, Wang Han, Jinhua Wang*, Zuohua Huang, Wu Jin, Jeroen van Oijen | 2023-08-18 | Combustion and Flame |
Effects of artificial flame front thickening on intermediate minor species prediction using the LES–FGM method | Weijie Zhang, Quan Zhou, Jinhua Wang*, Zuohua Huang | 2023-04-05 | Combustion Theory and Modelling |
Large eddy simulation of the Cambridge/Sandia stratified flame with flamelet-generated manifolds: Effects of non-unity Lewis numbers and stretch | Weijie Zhang, Süleyman Karaca, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Jeroen van Oijen* | 2021-01-14 | Combustion and Flame |
Experimental study of compact swirl flames with lean premixed CH4/H2/air mixtures at stable and near blow-off conditions | Weijie Zhang, Jinhua Wang*, Runze Mao, Wenjun Lin, Bingxuan Lin, Yun Wu, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang | 2020-11-16 | Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science |
Effect of hydrogen enrichment on flame broadening of turbulent premixed flames in thin reaction regime | Weijie Zhang, Jinhua Wang*, Wenjun Lin, Guohua Li, Zhiyun Hu, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang | 2020-10-16 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
Effect of differential diffusion on turbulent lean premixed hydrogen enriched flames through structure analysis | Weijie Zhang, Jinhua Wang*, Wenjun Lin, Runze Mao, Hao Xia, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang | 2020-03-04 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
Measurements on flame structure of bluff body and swirl stabilized premixed flames close to blow-off | Weijie Zhang, Jinhua Wang*, Wenjun Lin, Shilong Guo, Meng Zhang, Guohua Li, Jingfeng Ye, Zuohua Huang | 2019-02-12 | Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science |
Effects of Integral Scale on Darrieus–Landau Instability in Turbulent Premixed Flames | Weijie Zhang, Jinhua Wang*, Shilong Guo, Qianqian Yu, Wu Jin, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang | 2019-01-04 | Flow, Turbulence and Combustion |
Investigation of the fuel effects on burning velocity and flame structure of turbulent premixed flames based on leading points concept | Weijie Zhang, Jinhua Wang*, Qianqian Yu, Wu Jin, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang | 2018-03-28 | Combustion Science and Technology |