Journal Publications

Xiaoping Zhao, Chuang Wu*, Chao C. Chen, Zucheng Zhou. (2022). The influence of corporate social responsibility on incumbent employees: A meta-analytic investigation of the mediating and moderating mechanisms. Journal of Management, Vol. 48 No. 1, pp. 114-146.

Daxin Sun, Saixing Zeng, Yaxin Zhang, Chuang Wu, & Jonathan Shi. (2022). The Art of Adversity Thinking: Political Turnover and Firm Innovation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. online published

Xiaoping Zhao, Feibo Shao and Chuang Wu. (2021), “Do stakeholder relationships matter? An empirical study of exploration, exploitation and firm performance”, Management Decision, Vol. 59 No. 4, pp. 764-786.











Journal Under Review

Making Sense of Signals: Potential Entrepreneurs’ Perception of Opportunity and Fear of Failure in Nations with Demographic Deficits. Under 2nd-round R&R at Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.

Waking Up to Sustainability: The Attention Getting Effects of Mandatory CSR Disclosure on Firms’ Socially Responsible Strategies. With Alfred Marcus.

How government policy facilitates firm to achieve carbon neutrality: Mandatory CSR disclosure regulation, sustainable operations strategies and green innovation. With Alfred Marcus.

Shades of Gray in CSR: How Perceived CSR Decoupling Affects Employee Cynicism and CSR Engagement? With Gulnaz Shahzadi, Faisal Qadeer and Albert John.

Does Mandatory CSR Disclosure Impact Stock Price Synchronicity? Evidence from a Quasi-natural Experiment. With Shaker Zahra.

Beneficial or Detrimental: Mandatory CSR Disclosure Regulation and Firm Performance, with Alfred Marcus.

Commitment to the team and employee career-related behaviors: The roles of work engagement and career goal. With Ming Kong.



Conference Paper

Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee Creativity.

       Presented in the 6th World Congress of the International Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics, Shanghai, July 2016.

Examining the Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employees: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Mediating Mechanisms.

       Presented in the 29th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Business and Society, Hong Kong SAR, June 2018.

The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on Incumbent Employees: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Mediating Mechanisms.

       Presented in the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, August 2018.

Does Mandatory CSR Disclosure Impact Stock Price Synchronicity? Evidence from a Quasi-natural Experiment.

       Presented in the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, August 2019.

Art of Adversity Thinking: Political Turnover and Innovation.

       Presented in the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 2020.

Team Commitment: Reconceptualization and Examination of the Effects on Employee Attitudes and Behaviors.

       Presented in the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 2021.

Beneficial or Detrimental? The Relationship Between Mandatory CSR Disclosure and Firm Performance

Perceptions of Opportunity and Fear of Failure: Does the National Demography Matter?

       Accepted by the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 2022.