Main Responsibility

[1]. Ulziisukh S, Wei Z. Behind the political connection under emerging democracies [J].  Management and Organization Review, 2022, online.

[2]. Wei Z, Ulziisukh S, Bao Y, et al. Outsourcers‘ control mechanisms, vendors contract schemas, and project performance in cross-border IT outsourcing: A vendor’s perspective[J]. Industrial Marketing Management, 2021, 92: 202-214.

[3]. Wang Yanping, Gao Jie, and Wei Zelong. The double-edged sword of servitization in radical product innovation: The role of latent needs identification. Technovation, 2021, Accepted.

[4]. Wei zelong, Sunlulu. How to leverage manufacturing digitalization for green process innovation? An information processing perspective. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2021, 121(5):1026-1044.

[5]. Li gang, Yan Kaining,Wei Zelong, T.C.Edwin Cheng. Can servitization enhance customer loyalty? The roles of organizational IT, social media, and service-oriented corporate culture. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2021, accepted.

[6]. Jiang Feifei, Wang Dong, Wei Zelong. How yin-yang cognition affects organizational ambidexterity: The mediating role of strategic flexibility. Asia Pacific management Journal. 2021, accepted.

[7]. Zelong Wei, Selenge Ulziisukh, Yongchuan Bao, Peng Zuo, Yong Wang. Outsourcers’ control mechanisms, vendors’ contract schemas, and project performance in cross-border IT outsourcing: A vendor’s perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 2021,92: 202-214.

[8]. Wang, Lingling; Zhao, Wenhong; Wei, Zelong; Zhou, Changbao. Does entrepreneurial experience always promote novelty-centered business model design in new venture? Chinese Management Studies DOI: 10.1108/CMS-06-2019-0245.

[9].  Wang, Shuyang, Wei, Zelong; Song, Xi; Na, Sanggyun; Ye, Jing. When does environmental corporate social responsibility promote managerial ties in China? The moderating role of industrial power and market hierarchy. Asia Pacific Business Review, 2020, 26(5):642-662.

[10]. Huang, Wengao, Yang, Jianjun, We Zelong. How Does Servitization Affect Firm Performance? IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2020, online

[11]. Wei Zelong, Linqian Zhang. How to perform strategic change? A strategy as practice perspective, Chinese Management Studies, 2020, 14(3):811-832.

[12]. Kevin Bao, Wei Zelong, Anthony Di Benedetto. Identifying the Tacit Entrepreneurial Opportunity of Latent Customer Needs in Emerging Economy: The Effects of Experiential Market Learning versus Vicarious Market Learning. Strategic entrepreneurship journal, 2020, 14:444-469.(Corresponding author)

[13]. Yang, Dong; Wei, Zelong; Shi, Huibin; Zhao, Jie. Market orientation, strategic flexibility and business model innovation. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2020, 35(4):771-784. (Corresponding author)

[14]. Wei, Zelong; Song, Xi; Xie, Paike. How does management innovation matter for performance: Efficiency or legitimacy? Chinese Management Studies, 2020, 14(1):275-296.

[15]. Zhao Jie, Wei Zelong, Yang Dong. Organizational Search, Dynamic Capability, and Business Model Innovation. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2020, online

[16]. Yan Kaining, Li Gang, Wei Zelong, Cheng, Edwin. Overcoming the service paradox by leveraging organizational design and cultural factors: A combined configuration and contingency approach. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2020, online

[17]. Guo, Hai; Tang, Jintong; Wei, Zelong. How managerial ties impact opportunity discovery in a transition economy? Evidence from China. Management Decision, 2019, 58(2):344-361. (Corresponding author)

[18]. Zhu Fengxia, Wei Zelong, Kevin Bao, Zou Shaoming. Base-of-the-Pyramid (BOP) Orientation and Firm Performance: A Strategy Tripod View and Evidence from China. International Business Review, 2019, 28(6).(Corresponding author)

[19]. Wu Yong, Zhang Linqian, Wei Zelong. Does holistic cognition frame always promote business model design? Chinese Management Studies, 2019, 13(4):840-859. (SSCI期刊)

[20]. Wei Zelong, Song Xi, Zohaib Hussain Makhdoom. Paradox strategic cognition and ECSR in China: A 3-tripod perspective. Asia Pacific Business Review, 2019, 25:3, 392-412. (SSCI期刊)

[21]. He Xiaoming, Yi Yaqun, Wei Zelong. New Product Development Capabilities in China: The Moderating Role of TMT Cooperative Behavior. Asian Business & Management.2019, 18(2):73-97.

[22]. Zhang Leinan, Wang Yonggui. Wei Zelong. How do managerial ties leverage innovation ambidexterity for firm growth. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2019, 55(4):902-914.

[23]. Feifei Jiang; Hai Guo ; Zelong Wei; Donghan Wang. The Fit Between Managerial Ties and Resource Bundling Capabilities: Implications for Performance in Manufacturing Firms. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2018,65(2): 216-226. (SSCI期刊,管理学院认定的国际A类期刊)

[24]. Zelong Wei, Zhanhe Du, Kevin Bao. Outsourcer knowledge protection, psychological contract schema, and project performance: A vendor’s perspective. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2018, 65(1):128- 140. 10.1109/TEM.2017.2755664 ( (SSCI期刊,管理学院认定的国际A类期刊)

[25]. Yaqun Yi, He,Xiaoming, Ndofor,Herman, and Wei, Zelong. Top management team tenure diversity and performance: The moderating role of behavioral integration. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2018, 65(1):21- 33.( (SSCI期刊,管理学院认定的国际A类期刊)

[26]. Wei, Z., Song, X., Wang, D., Manufacturing flexibility, business model design, and firm performance, International Journal of Production Economics, 2017, 193: 87-97. doi: 10.1016/ j.ijpe.2017.07.004. (SSCI,SCI期刊;管理学院认定的国际B类期刊)

[27]. Yaqun Yi, Meng Gu, Zelong Wei. Bottom-up leaning, strategic flexibility, and strategic change. Journal of organizational change management, 2017, 30(2): 161-183. (SSCI期刊,管理学院认定的国际C类期刊)

[28]. Zelong Wei, Hao Shen, Kevin Zheng Zhou, Julie Juan Li. How Does Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility Matter in a Dysfunctional Institutional Environment? Evidence from China. Journal of business ethics, 2017, 140:209–223. (SSCI期刊, FT45,管理学院认定的国际A类期刊).

[29]. Yaqun Yi, Yuan Li, Yi Liu, Michael A. Hitt, Zelong Wei. The Influence of Resource Bundling on the Speed of Strategic Change: Moderating Effects of Relational Capital. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 2016, 33:435–467. (SSCI期刊,管理学院认定的国际C类期刊).

[30]. Yaqun Yi, He,Xiaoming, Ndofor,Herman, and Wei,Zelong. Dynamic Capabilities and the speed of strategic change: Evidence from China. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2015, 62(1): 18-28.( (SSCI期刊,管理学院认定的国际A类期刊)

[31]. Mingjun Hou, Heng Liu, Peihua Fan, Zelong Wei. Does CSR practice pay off in East Asian firms? A meta-analytic investigation. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 2015, 33(1): 195-228. (SSCI期刊,管理学院认定的国际C类期刊)

[32]. Zelong Wei, Jie Zhao, Chenglu Zhang. Organizational ambidexterity, market orientation, and firm performance. Journal of engineering and technology management. 2014, 33:134-153. (SSCI期刊,管理学院认定的国际B类期刊)

[33]. Zelong Wei, Dong Yang, Biao Sun, and Meng Gu. The fit between technological innovation and business model design: evidence from China. R&D management, 2014, 44(3): 288-305. (SSCI期刊,管理学院认定的国际B类期刊)

[34]. Zelong Wei,Yaqun Yi, and Hai Guo. Organizational Learning Ambidexterity, Strategic Flexibility, and New Product Development, Journal of product innovation management,2014, 34(1):832-847. (SSCI期刊,管理学院认定的国际A类期刊).

[35]. Yan Tian, Yuan Li, Zelong Wei. Managerial incentive and external knowledge acquisition under technological uncertainty: a nested system perspective. Systems Research & Behavioral Science, 2013, 30, 214–228.(SSCI期刊,管理学院认定的国际C类期刊)

[36]. Yuan Li, Zelong Wei, Jie Zhao, Chenlu Zhang, Yi Liu. Ambidextrous Organizational Learning, Environmental Munificence and New Product Performance: Moderating Effect of Managerial Ties in China. International Journal of Production Economics. 2013,146(1):95-105.( (SSCI期刊, 管理学院认定的国际B类期刊).

[37]. WEI Zelong, YI Yaqun, YUAN, Changhong. Bottom up learning, organizational formalization and ambidextrous innovation. Journal of organizational change management. 2011,24(3): 314-329.(SSCI期刊,管理学院认定的国际C类期刊).

[38]. Wu Yong, WEI Zelong, Liang Qiaozhuan. Top management team diversity and strategic change: the moderating effects of pay imparity and origination slack. Journal of organizational change management.2011,24(3):267-281.(SSCI期刊,管理学院认定的国际C类期刊) (Corresponding author).

[39]. WEI Zelong, Jigang Hou, Dong Wang, and Longwei Wang. How can SMEs leverage political ties and technological innovation capability to acquire government assistance in a transition economy? Journal of General Management, 2011, 36(4):3-22.

[40]. LI Yuan, WEI Zelong, LIU Yi. Strategic Orientations, Knowledge Acquisition and Product Competitive Advantage: The Perspective of the Vendor in Cross-border outsourcing [J]. Journal of Management Studies, 2010, 47(8):1457-1482. (SSCI, FT45期刊; 管理学院认定的国际A类期刊)

[41]. Liu Yi, LiYuan, Wei Zelong. How organizational flexibility affects new product development in an uncertain environment: Evidence from China [J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 120(2009)18–29. (SSCI,SCI期刊;管理学院认定的国际B类期刊)



Lecture Course

[1].    李垣,魏泽龙.中国企业创新40.科研管理,201940(6): 1-8.(通信作者)

[2].    魏泽龙, 张琳倩, 魏泽盛, 杨彤. 商业模式设计与企业绩效:战略柔性的调节作用. 管理评论,201931(11):171-181.

[3].    王舒阳,魏泽龙,宋茜,谢排科. 开放搜索与突破创新:模块与架构策略的调节作用.科技进步与对策,201912: 1-9

[4].    王玲玲,赵文红,魏泽龙. 因果逻辑和效果逻辑对新企业新颖型商业模式设计的影响:环境不确定性的调节作用. 管理评论,2019,31(1): 91-99.

[5].    王玲玲,赵文红,魏泽龙. 效果逻辑、创业学习与新创企业新颖型商业模式设计.研究与发展管理,2018,30(4):140-150.

[6].    魏泽龙,宋茜.整体认知框架能促进企业创新绩效吗?制度、竞争与技术环境的调节作用.科学与管理.201838(4):1-9.

[7].    魏泽龙;王舒阳;宋茜;张琳倩. 战略认知、外部环境对商业模式新颖性的影响研究. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2017, 38 (12): 109-123.

[8].    伍勇,魏泽龙. 知识探索,资源整合方式与突变性创新.科研管理, 2017,38(12):9-17.

[9].    王玲玲,赵文红,魏泽龙. 创业制度环境、网络关系强度对新企业组织合法性的影响研究.管理学报,2017149):1324-1331.

[10].  沈灏,魏泽龙,苏中锋. 多层次视角的新兴技术创新管理研究回顾与展望.科技进步与对策,2017 34(8): 154-160.

[11].  杜占河,魏泽龙.大数据环境对IT外包项目绩效的影响:基于资源编排理论视角. 科技进步与对策,2017, 34(4): 23-30.

[12].  谷盟,魏泽龙,弋亚群,伍勇.如何从创新包容性中获益?营销资源和市场环境的调节作用.科学学与科学技术管理,2017, 38(3): 96-106.

[13].  魏泽龙,宋茜,权一鸣. 开放学习与商业模式创新:竞争环境的调节作用. 管理评论,201729(12):104-115.

[14].  杜占河,魏泽龙,谷盟. 离岸IT外包中如何降低发包方的知识保护:基于社会交换理论的观点.中国科技论坛,2016, 12: 110-115.

[15].  赵文红,王玲玲,魏泽龙. 过程视角的创业能力形成研究综述.科技进步与对策, 2016,33(13):156-160.

[16].  谷盟,魏泽龙. 中国转型背景下创新包容性,双元创新与市场绩效的关系研究.研究与发展管理,2015, 27(6): 107-115.

[17].  魏泽龙,谷盟. 转型情景下企业正统性与绿色绩效的关系研究. 管理评论, 2015, 27(04): 76-84. (国家自然科学基金委员会认定的30种权威期刊)

[18].  李同正; 孙林岩; 魏泽龙.开放式学习、双元创新对企业绩效的影响分析.河南社会科学,2014,40(3):74-78.

[19].  沈灏,魏泽龙.不同创新组合情境下的组织学习与竞争优势. 经济管理. 2013, 3: 54-63.

[20].  杜占河,廖貅武,魏泽龙. IT服务外包中控制策略组合的演化研究.科学学与科学技术管理,2013, 34(1): 106-113.

[21].  伍勇,梁巧转,魏泽龙. 双元技术创新与市场导向对企业绩效的影响研究:破坏性创新视角.科学学与科学技术管理, 2013,34(6):140-151.

[22].  臧金娟,李垣,魏泽龙. 双元模式选择对企业绩效的影响基于跨层视角的分析.科学学与科学技术管理,201232(09): 105-112.

[23].  伍勇,梁巧转,魏泽龙. 高新技术企业创新机会选择的在线风险补偿模型. 科技进步与对策,2012(15):82-84.

[24].  赵洁, 魏泽龙,李垣.治理机制、组合能力对创新双元性的影响研究.中国科技论坛,2012, 2: 108-115.

[25].  王栋,魏泽龙,沈灏. 转型背景下企业外部网络,战略导向对战略变化速度的影响研究[J].南开管理评论,2011,(6): 76-82.

[26].  沈灏,魏泽龙,苏中锋. 绿色管理研究前沿探析与未来展望[J]. 外国经济与管理.2010, 32(11): 18-25.

[27].  林祥,郭海,魏泽龙. 战略型企业家精神与自主创新:一个研究框架[J]. 科学学研究(增刊)200926(2):539-544.

[28].  徐强, 魏泽龙,李垣,弋亚群. 高管团队特征与战略变化关系的理论分析框架研究[J].西安交通大学学报(社会科学版),2009,29(01):29-34.CSSCI源刊)

[29].  魏泽龙,李垣. 治理机制、组织学习对突破性创新的影响研究[J].科技进步与对策, 2009, 2606):13-15. CSSCI源刊)

[30].  魏泽龙,李垣,徐强. 公司治理机制、战略导向与企业绩效关系研究[J].现代管理科学, 200807):30-32.CSSCI源刊)

[31].  魏泽龙,弋亚群,李垣. 多变环境下动态能力对不同类型创新的影响研究[J]. 科学学与科学技术管理, 2008,29(05): 44-47.CSSCI源刊)

[32].  魏泽龙,王龙伟,李垣.治理机制、组织学习与创新的关系研究[J].科学学与科学技术管理, 2008, 29(09): 66-69. CSSCI源刊)

[33]. 何倩,魏泽龙,李垣. 企业家导向、市场导向与企业绩效[J]. 中国统计, 2007(11):46-48.

[34].  孙万清,赵文红,魏泽龙. 创业者内部能力构建、外部网络发展 与新企业绩效:基于资源管理视角.科技进步与对策,2020031-9.

[35].  魏泽龙,谢排科,张琳倩. 创新扩散视角下数字化创新特征对市场绩效的影响研究.科学与管理,2020402):1-9.

Research Team

[1]. Wei Zelong, Zhang Linqian. How does BOP market commitment promote radical innovation performance? Academy of management, 2019, Boston.

[2]. Wei Zelong, Sun Lulu. How to leverage manufacturing digitalization for green process innovation? An information processing. 2019,中国技术创新与创业学术年会.

[3]. 魏泽龙, 李明珠,张琳倩. 悖论认知,战略变革方式与企业绩效:环境不确定的调节作用. 第十四届(2019)中国管理学年会议论文,中国管理现代化研究会。

[4]. Wang Shuyang, Song Xi, Xie Paike, Wei Zelong. Paradox strategic cognition and ECSR: A three-tripod perspective (AOM).2017.

[5]. Zhao Jie, Wei Zelong, Zhang Linqian. Organizational search and novelty-centered business model design: the moderating roles of combinative and stakeholder management capability. (AOM).2017.

[6]. Wang lingling, Zelongwei. Entrepreneurial Learning, Novelty-Centered Business Model Design, and New Venture Performance (AOM).2017.

[7]. Yi Yaqun, Meng Gu, and Wei Zelong. Bottom-up Learning, Strategic Flexibility, and Strategic Change. Academy of management meeting (AOM).2016.

[8]. Yi Yaqun, He Xiaoming, and Wei Zelong. TMT tenure diversity and its performance: the moderating effect of behavioral integration. Academy of management meeting (AOM).2014.

[9]. Wei Zelong, Yaqun Yi, Wang Longwei.Middle-way strategic orientation, strategic flexibility, and organizational ambidexterity. Academy of management meeting (AOM).2013.

[10]. Wei Zelong. Zhao Jie. Ambidextrous Technological Innovation, Market Orientation, and Firm Performance: A Disruptive Innovation Perspective, 2012. Academy of management meeting (AOM).

[11]. Li Yuan, CaiHaowen, Wei Zelong. External Dual Capabilities, Organizational Learning Ambidexterity and Their Interactions: A Dynamic Capability Perspective, 2012 IACMR.

[12]. Wei Zelong, Cai Haowen. Balancing dual knowledge exploration for open innovation. 2011,第六届中国管理学年会

[13]. 赵洁,李垣,魏泽龙.治理机制、组合能力对创新双元性的影响研究.第五届中国管理学年会.大连:201011.获得优秀论文奖。

[14]. LI Yuan, TIAN Yan, WEI Zelong. CEO incentive and knowledge acquisition under technological uncertainty: Evidence from China. AsiaAcademyof Management2010 Conference.Macau, December, 7-11, 2010.

[15]. Wei Zelong, LI Yuan, David G. Sirmon, TIAN Yan. How Resource Structuring affects Speed of Strategic Change in Uncertain Environment: Evidence from China [C]. Presented on the Academy of management meeting (AOM). Chicago, Illinois. August 7-11, 2009. Green Management Matters.


[1] 刘新梅.工程经济分析.2014, 北京: 北京大学出版社. 参编, 第5章

[2] 杨建君, 高级管理学.参编