12.工信部高质量发展专项 – 联合体成员单位负责人
11.中国科协青年人才托举工程项目 – 负责人
10.国家自然科学基金委“青年科学基金项目” – 负责人
9. 陕西省重点研发计划 – 负责人
8. 秦创原引用高层次创新创业人才项目(校企合作) – 负责人
7. 企业委托项目 – 负责人
6. 西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才支持计划” – 负责人
5. UK EPSRC Standard Research Grant EP/S028455/1, "Learning to Communicate: Deep Learning based Solutions for the Physical Layer of Machine Type Communications [LeanCom]", £860k – 研究骨干
4. Huawei Innovation Research Program (HIRP), "Enabling Joint Sensing and Communication for MmWave Cellular: Hardware-Constrained Designs", £60k – 研究骨干
3. UCL-CSC Joint Research Scholarship with UCL Dean’s Prize (UCL-CSC联合研究奖学金项目), "Mobile Edge Computing in Wireless Communication Networks: Design and Optimization", £124k –负责人
2. UK EPSRC Standard Research Grant EP/K015893/1, "RC3: Robust Cognitive Cooperative Communications", £315k – 参与研究员
1. UK EPSRC Standard Research Grant EP/N008219/1, "Unlocking Potentials of MIMO Full-duplex Radios for Heterogeneous Networks (UPFRONT) ", £310k – 参与研究员