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  • 创新融资与创新激励政策有效性评估
  • 资源错配与全要素生产率损失测算
  • 全要素生产率的估计与分解


International Economic Review

Research Policy


China Economic Review

Small Business Economics

International Review of Economics and Finance

R&D Management

Technological Forecasting & Social Change

Economic Systems
Applied Economics

Asian Development Review

Economic Modelling

Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
International Journal of Emerging Markets
Applied Economics Letters
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade

Economic Change and Restructuring

Economic Policy and Analysis

Bulletin of Economic Research

Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics


Energy Policy

Energy Efficiency


Chinese Management Studies








  1. Xiaoyong Dai, Mengqi Wang (2024), "Unintended effects of tax incentives on firms’ strategic patenting", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 219, pp. 1~24. 
  2. Xiaoyong Dai, Gary Chapman (2022), "R&D tax incentives and innovation: Examining the role of programme design in China", Technovation.
  3. Xiaoyong Dai, Gary Chapman, Hao Shen (2022),"Late-stage venture capital and firm performance: evidence from small and medium-sized enterprises in China", Applied Economics.
  4. Xiaoyong Dai, Yanchao Li, Kaihua Chen (2021), "Direct demand-pull and indirect certification effects of public procurement for innovation", Technovation.
  5. Xiaoyong Dai*, Zhiqi Zhao (2021), "Can exporting resolve overcapacity? Evidence from Chinese steel companies", Economic Modelling.
  6. Xiaoyong Dai, Zhiqi Zhao (2021), "Behavioral additionality of China’s business-tax-to-VAT reform on firms’ internal and external R&D investment", Applied Economics.
  7. Fang Wang, Zhaoyuan Xu, Xiaoyong Dai (2021),"Is learning by exporting technology specific? Evidence from Chinese firms", Economics of Innovation and New Technology.
  8. Hao Shen, Jiang Xin, Xiaoyong Dai*, Chuan Liu (2021), "The contingent value of managerial ties for new ventures during China’s anti-corruption campaign", Applied Economics.
  9. Fang Wang, Xiaoyong Dai. (2020) "Regulation and product innovation: the intermediate role of resource reallocation", Journal of Evolutionary Economics.
  10. Xiaoyong Dai*, Martie-Louise Verreynne, Jian-hang Wang, Yanan He. (2020) "The behavioral additionality effects of a tax incentive program on firms’ composition of R&D investment", R&D Management
  11. Xiaoyong Dai*, Zao Sun. (2020) "Does firm innovation improve aggregate industry productivity? Evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics
  12.  Xiaoyong Dai, Fang Wang.(2019) "Does the high- and new-technology enterprise program promote innovative performance? Evidence from Chinese firms",  China Economic Review,57. 
  13. Xiaoyong Dai*, Yuanyuan Guo, Le Wang. (2019) "Composition of R&D expenditures and firm performance",  Technology Analysis & Strategic Management.
  14. Yanan He, Xindong Zhang, Panpan Hao, Xiaoyong Dai.(2019) "A New Broom Sweeps Clean: Evidence of the Inhibiting Effect of Returnee Managers on R&D Manipulation", Innovation: Organization & Management
  15. Le Wang , Zao Sun , Xiaoyong Dai , Sarah Zhang, Hai-Hua Hu. (2019) "Retaining users after privacy invasions: The roles of institutional privacy assurances and threat-coping appraisal in mitigating privacy concerns", Information Technology & People.
  16. Xiaoyong Dai, Xiaole Qiao, Lin Song. (2019) "Zombie firms in China’s coal mining sector: Identification, transition determinants and policy implications",Resources Policy, 62, pp.664-673. 
  17. Xiaoyong Dai*, Liwei Cheng. (2019) "Aggregate productivity losses from factor misallocations across Chinese manufacturing firms",Economic Systems, 43, pp. 30-41. 
  18. Xiaoyong Dai*, Sun Zao, Liu Hang. (2019) "Decomposing the contribution of firm innovation to aggregate productivity growth ", Applied Economics Letters,26, pp. 543~548.
  19. Xiaoyong Dai*, Sun Zao, Liu Hang. (2018) "Disentangling the effects of endogenous export and innovation on the performance of Chinese manufacturing firms." China Economic Review, 50, pp. 42~58. 
  20. Xiaoyong Dai*, Liwei Cheng. (2018) "The impact of product innovation on firm-level markup and productivity: evidence from China", Applied Economics,50(42). pp. 4570-4581.
  21. Xiaoyong Dai*, Liwei Cheng (2016) "Market distortions and aggregate productivity: Evidence from Chinese energy enterprises", Energy Policy, 95, pp.304~313. 
  22. Xiaoyong Dai*, Liwei Cheng. (2015) "The effect of public subsidies on corporate R&D investment: An application of the generalized propensity score", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 90, pp.410~419. 
  23. Xiaoyong Dai*, Liwei Cheng (2015) "Public selection and research and development effort of manufacturing enterprises in China: state owned enterprises versus non-state owned enterprises", Innovation-Management Policy & Practice, 17(2), pp.182~195. 
  24. 戴小勇:《中国高创新投入与低生产率之谜:资源错配视角下的解释》,《世界经济》,2021年第3期.
  25. 戴小勇、成力为:《产业政策如何更有效?中国制造业生产率与加成率的证据》,《世界经济》,2019年第3期.
  26. 戴小勇:《资源错配视角下全要素生产率损失的形成机理与测算》,当代经济科学,2018年第05期.


  • 2021/6/26, "International Conference on Industrial Economics and Trade",Online, Discussant for the Economics Session 
  • 2019/12/7-8,"International Conference on International Trade Relations and Reforms in Globalization". Presented Paper: "Exporting to resolve overcapacity". Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
  • 2019/6/8-9,"Chinese Economists Society 2019 China Annual Conference". Dongbei University of Economics and Finance, Dalian, China
  • 2019/5/18-19," the 7th International Workshop on Economic Analysis of Institutions".Presented Paper:"Does the high- and new-technology enterprise program promote innovative performance? Evidence from Chinese firm". Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
  • 2018/12/29-30, "2018 CEC English Meeting" . Hainan University, Hainan, China
  • 2018/1/5 -7, “2018 Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association”, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US
  • 2017/12/7 -9, “Workshop on Industrial Economics”. Presented Paper: “Disentangling the effects of endogenous export and innovation on the performance of Chinese manufacturing firms”. Academia Sinica, Taiwan, China
  • 2017/5/11, "UQ Econometrics Colloquium", University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  • 2017/4/13, UQ Applied Economics Seminar, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  • 2015/9/4 ~ 5, “26th CEA (UK) and 7th CEA (Europe) Annual Conference”, Presented Paper: “Quantifying aggregate productivity losses from Factor Misallocations”, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
  • 2015/10/29, “Manchester Forum on Data Science, Tech Mining and Innovation”, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
  • 2015/9/17 ~ 18, “Workshop on Innovation, Creativity and Competitiveness”. The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
  • 2014/11/15, “Workshop on Community Finance and Social Innovation”, Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, Manchester, UK
  • 2020/1213, "R&D Tax Incentives and Innovation: Examining the Role of Programme Design in China", 第十二届(2020)中国青年创新论坛,线上会议直播, 大会邀请报告
  • 2021/5/30, 第5期香樟经济学Seminar(西安), 分会场主持人
  • 2019/12/6-7,  中国国际贸易研究会年会 ,清华大学,北京 
  • 2018/10/20-21,第十四届中国科技政策与管理学术年会, 同济大学,上海
  • 2018/5/26, 第1期香樟经济学Seminar(太原),山西财经大学,太原
  • 2017/11/4, 中国工业经济学会2017年学术年会暨“中国产业发展新动力”研讨会,南京财经大学,南京
  • 2017/9/23-24, 第十七届中国青年经济学者论坛征,暨南大学,广州