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Paper Name Author Publication/Completion Time Magazine Name
Enhanced compression heat recovery of coupling thermochemical conversion to trigenerative compressed air energy storage system: Systematic sensitivity analysis and multi-objective optimization 姚尔人, 仲理科, 李瑞雄, 赵晨曦, 武书弘, 王焕然, 席光 2023-09-15 Journal of Energy Storage
转子-电磁轴承非线性系统时滞减振研究 张国荣, 王希奎, 邹瀚森, 张勇, 席光 2023-08-20 动力学与控制学报
Vibration control of a rotor-magnetic bearing system on the moving base through H∞ control 张国荣, 刘名扬, 邹瀚森, 王希奎, 席光 2023-06-26 Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2023
Preliminary design and techno-economic assessment of a trigeneration system integrated with compressed air and chemical energy storage 姚尔人, 仲理科, 李瑞雄, 席光, 邹瀚森, 王焕然 2023-05-22 Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
一种大型空分装置配套用三级大流量系数压缩机结构 赵晨曦, 张晨庆, 唐永洪, 席光 2023-04-11 专利号:ZL 2022 1 0259122.7
集成压缩空气热化学过程与燃料电池储能制氢方法及系统 席光, 仲理科, 姚尔人, 胡杨, 邹瀚森 2023-04-07 专利号:ZL 2021 1 1139484.4
4E analysis and optimization of a novel combined cooling, heating and power system integrating compressed air and chemical energy storage with internal combustion engine 姚尔人 , 仲理科, 李瑞雄 , 赵晨曦 , 王焕然 , 席光 2023-02-14 Journal of Energy Storage
Numerical investigation of the effect of primary nozzle geometries on flow structure and ejector performance for optimal design 李安娜, 陈佳男, 席光, 黄柱 2023-01-02 Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
【专利】一种基于粒子方法的通用光滑边界建模方法 孙一颉, 孙中国, 席光 2022-12-09 专利号:ZL 2020 1 1521703.0
Impact of inlet conditions on performance of a supercritical CO2 centrifugal compressor 蒋旭东,王志恒,席光 2022-06-13 Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2022
Experimental verification of a practical engineering design method for mixed-flow compressor stages 张晨庆,赵晨曦,唐永洪,席光 2022-06-13 Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2022
一种基于幅值和波数的耗散控制方法 魏皇生,黄柱,席光 2022-05-31 航空学报
Multiobjective optimization of a combined heating and power system based on compressed-air energy storage and thermochemical technology 姚尔人,仲理科,李瑞雄,牛余雷,王焕然,席光 2022-05-27 Journal of Energy Engineering
Numerical and experimental investigations of tip clearance effects in a high-flow-coefficient centrifugal compressor 赵晨曦,杨长灵,张晨庆,张啸天,席光 2022-03-13 International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines
Thermodynamic and economic analysis of a directly solar-driven power-to-methane system by detailed distributed parameter method 仲理科,姚尔人,邹瀚森,席光 2022-03-02 Applied Energy
Vibration control of a time-delayed rotor-active magnetic bearing system by time-varying stiffness 张国荣,席光 2022-02-10 International Journal of Applied Mechanics
Computer 3D vision-aided full-3D optimization of a centrifugal impeller 姬成,王志恒,席光 2022-01-24 Journal of Turbomachinery
Thermo-economic analysis of a novel system integrating compressed air and thermochemical energy storage with solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine 仲理科,姚尔人,胡杨,赵晨曦,邹瀚森,席光 2021-12-18 Energy Conversion and Management
Improved multi-resolution MPS method for fluid-structure interaction problem 孙一颉,张凯,席光,孙中国 2020-08-30 SPHERICS 2020
Experimental investigation of transient characteristics of mild surge and diffuser rotating stall in a centrifugal compressor with vaned diffuser 赵阳,席光,邹翰森,孙亚伟,王志恒 2020-07-01 SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES

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