Basic Information

谷习文,西安交大口腔医学院研究员,硕导。 2006年至2010年就读于南京大学模式动物研究所获博士学位,2011年至2015于美国耶鲁大学医学院从事博士后研究, 2018年入选西安交通大学医学部“菁英人才”。主要研究方向:1、线粒体遗传学与线粒体疾病;2B淋巴细胞的免疫调控及紊乱;3、口腔疾病的遗传机制研究。以第一或通讯作者在Blood(IF 13.1), Cell.Death Differ (IF 8.4),Hum.Genet.(IF 5.2),Curr.Opin. Hematol.(IF 4.1)发表论文4篇,以合作作者在Nature ImmunologyIF 25)等杂志发表论文3篇,被SCI源刊引用173次,两次参加美国血液学年会,获论文摘要成就奖,Human Genetics期刊审稿人。主要学术贡献:1)国际首次报道人类生物钟核心基因PER2 S662G点突变增加小鼠的肿瘤风险;2)国际首次报道AID蛋白下游的DNA修复通路调控AID介导的恶性淋巴瘤进程;3)国际首次利用人类线粒体DNA变异多态性大数据,明确了生殖系线粒体DNA的突变频谱和变异选择规律。

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Research Fields

Research Interest

1) Regulation and dysregulation of antibody diversification. 

2) Hereditary oral disease.

3)  mtDNA genetics and human diseases. 


1. Gu X, Kang X, Liu J. (2019). Mutation signatures in germline mitochondrial gion enome provide insights into human mitochondrial evolution and disease. Human Genetics, Apr 9. doi:10.1007/s00439-019-02009-5. Full text available at  

2.Gu X, Booth CJ, Liu Z and Strout MP. (2016) AID-associated DNA repair pathways regulate malignant transformation in a murine model of BCL6-driven diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Blood, 127(1):102-12.

3. Vuong BQ, Herrick-Reynolds K, Vaidyanathan B, Pucella JN, Ucher AJ, Donghia NM, Gu X, Nicolas L, Nowak U, Rahman N, Strout MP, Mills KD, Stavnezer J, Chaudhuri J. (2013) A DNA break- and phosphorylation-dependent positive feedback loop promotes immunoglobulin class-switch recombination. Nat Immunol. 14(11):1183-9. 

4.Gu X, Shivarov V, Strout MP. (2012) The role of activation-induced cytidine deaminase in lymphomagenesis. Curr Opin Hematol. 19(4):292-8. 

5.Gu X, Xing L, Shi G, Liu Z, Wang X, Qu Z, Wu X, Dong Z, Gao X, Liu G, Yang L, Xu Y. (2012) The circadian mutation PER2(S662G) is linked to cell cycle progression and tumorigenesis. Cell Death Differ. 19(3) 397-405.

6.Wu X, Liu Z, Shi G, Xing L, Wang X, Gu X, Qu Z, Dong Z, Xiong J, Gao X, Zhang C, Xu Y. (2011) The circadian clockinfluences heart performance. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 26(5)402-11.

7.Wang X, Tang J, Xing L, Shi G, Ruan H, Gu X, Liu Z, Wu X, Gao X, Xu Y. (2010) Interaction of MAGED1 with nuclear receptors affects circadian clock function. The EMBO Journal 29, 1389-1400.

8. Gu X, Yu Y, Shen Y. (2004) Phylogenetic studies on the bodonid flagellates using small-subunit rRNA gene sequences. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 29(3):396-405.