(1.)Basic Information


         MOU Xuanqin, PhD, Professor

Google Scholar H-index:32
Web of Science H-index:26

Director, National Data Broadcasting Engineering and Technology Research Center
Director, Institute of Intelligent Computing and Data Communication
Director, Institute of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
School of Information and Communications Engineering
Xi'an Jiaotong University

Research interests:
imaging theory and technology, computer vision,
artificial intelligence and machine learning


28 Xianning West Road


Tel:(86 29)82663719


Email: xqmou@mail.xjtu.edu.cn


Research Team


Wei Hong(洪伟)

Position: PhD, Lecturer (Supervisor of Master student)

Research Interests: imaging physics, 3D-reconstruction, machine learning

Email: weihong@mail.xjtu.edu.cn



Xi Chen(陈希)

Position:PhD, Associate Professor

(Supervisor of Master student)

Research Interests:Radiomics, Breast

Imaging,Imaging physics

Email: xi_chen@mail.xjtu.edu.cn



Yi Zhang(张译)
Position: PhD, Lecturer

(Supervisor of Master student)
Research Interests: Image quality assessment, computer vision, and machine learning
Email: yi.zhang.osu@xjtu.edu.cn

Yijun Liang (梁毅军)


PhD, Lecturer 

(Supervisor of Master student)

Research Interest:Image recognition and machine vision system

Email :dip2014alex@163.com