- Weiduo Chen*, Xiaoshe Dong*, et al. ATP:Achieving Throughput Peak for DNN Training via Smart GPU Memory Management, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization
- WANG Z, DONG X, CHEN H, et al. CUSPX: Efficient GPU Implementations of Post-Quantum Signature SPHINCS+, IEEE Transactions on Computers
- WANG Z, DONG X, KANG Y, et al. An Example of Parallel Merkle Tree Traversal: Post-Quantum Leighton-Micali Signature on the GPU. ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization
- Bowen Li*, Xiaoshe Dong, Jue Mi, Yufei Wang, Longxiang Wang, Weiduo Chen, Flimm: Foreground traffic aware data migration manager for distributed storage system. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2024(160):140-153
- Weiduo Chen*, Xiaoshe Dong, Xinhang Chen, Song Liu, Qin Xia, Qiang Wang. pommDNN: Performance optimal GPU memory management for deep neural network training.Future Generation Computer Systems. 2024, Volume 152, March, Pages 160-169
- Yan Kang, Xiaoshe Dong, Ziheng Wang, Heng Chen & Qiang Wang*. Parallel implementations of post-quantum leighton-Micali signature on multiple nodes. The Journal of Supercomputing, 2024, Volume 80, pages 5042–5072
- Shusen Wu, Xiaoshe Dong*, Heng Chen, Longxiang Wang, Qiang Wang and Zhengdong Zhu. Simplified High Level Parallelism Expression on Heterogeneous Systems through Data Partition Pattern Description, The Computer Journal, 2023 Vol. 66 No. 6:pp1400-1418
- Ziheng Wang, Xiaoshe Dong, Heng Chen*, and Yan Kang. Efficient GPU Implementations of Post-Quantum Signature XMSS. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2023, 34(3):938-954
- Wang Ziheng; Dong Xiaoshe; Kang Yan; Chen Heng*. Parallel SHA-256 on SW26010 many-core processor for hashing of multiple messages. Journal of Supercomputing, 2023, 79(2):2332–2355
- Wang Yufei; Dong Xiaoshe; Wang Longxiang*; Chen Weiduo; Chen Heng. A novel SSD fault detection method using GRU-based Sparse Auto-Encoder for dimensionality reduction. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 2022, 43(4):4929-4946
- Chen Heng; Wang Ziheng; Xiao Xi; Li Jingbo; Dong Xiaoshe*; Zhang Xingjun. SunwayURANS: 3D full-annulus URANS simulations of transonic axial compressors on Sunway TaihuLight. Journal of Supercomputing, 2022, 78(17):19167-19187
- Wang Ziheng; Chen Heng*; Cai Weiling; Dong Xiaoshe; Zhang Xingjun. C-Lop: Accurate contention-based modeling of MPI concurrent communication. Parallel Computing, v 111, 2022
- Liang Bin, Dong Xiaoshe*, Wang, Yufei, Zhang Xingjun. A high-applicability heterogeneous cloud data centers resource management algorithm based on trusted virtual machine migration. Expert Systems with Applications. 2022, 197(7)
- Ziheng Wang, Heng Chen∗, Xiaoshe Dong, Weilin Cai, Xingjun Zhang. LogSC: Model-based one-sided communication performance estimation, Future Generation Computer Systems 2022, 132(7): 25–39
Wang Ziheng; Chen Heng*; Dong Xiaoshe; Cai Weilin; Kang Yan; Zhang Xingjun. Extending τ -Lop to model MPI blocking primitives on shared memory. Journal of Supercomputing, v 78, n 9, p 12046-12069
- Yufei Wang, Xiaoshe Dong, Longxiang Wang*, Weiduo Chen, Xingjun Zhang. Optimizing Small-Sample Disk Fault Detection Based on LSTM-GAN Model, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), 2022, 19(1):1–24
- Xinrui He, Weiduo Chen, Xiaoshe Dong, Qiang Wang*, Jialin Liu, Fan Dong, Yuanqi Su. DMF-MPC: A Dual-Stage and Multi-Step Forecasting Model Based Cooling System Control Method for Data Center Energy Cost Minimization, IEEE 23rd Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications(IEEE HPCC-2021), Haikou, Hainan, China, 20-22 Decembrer 2021, pp997-1006
- Bin Liang, Xiaoshe Dong*, Yufei Wang, Longxiang Wang. A Multi-dimensional Double Descending Maximum Padding Priority Algorithm for Cloud Data Centers. The Journal of Supercomputing,2021, 77(12):14011–14038
- Jingbo Li, Xingjun Zhang*, Li Han1, Zeyu Ji, Xiaoshe Dong, Chenglong Hu. OKCM: improving parallel task scheduling in high-performance computing systems using online learning. The Journal of Supercomputing, 2021, 77(6):5960–5983
- Chen Weiduo, Dong Xiaoshe*, Chen Heng, Wang Qiang,, Yu Xingda, Zhang Xingjun. “Performance evaluation of convolutional neural network on Tianhe‑3 prototype”. The Journal of Supercomputing. 线上发表时间:2021-4-12
- 王龙翔、董凯、董小社*、张兴军,面向虚拟数据空间的轻量级安全传输方法,华中科技大学学报,2021,49(4):108-113
- 王龙翔、董凯、李小轩、董小社*、张兴军、朱正东、王宇菲、张利平. 面向虚拟数据空间的智能TCP拥塞控制方法. 西安交通大学学报. 2021,55(5):83-91
- 闫伟,张兴军*,纪泽宇,董小社,姬辰肇,基于持久性内存的单向移动B+树,计算机研究与发展,2021,58(2):371-383
- 王龙翔、董凯、王鹏博、董小社*、张兴军、朱正东、张利平.R-dedup:一种重复数据删除指纹计算的优化方法.西安交通大学学报. 2021,55(1):43-51
- 周墨颂, 董小社, 陈 衡*, 张兴军. 一种云环境中的动态细粒度资源调度方法. 软件学报. 2020, 31(12):3981-3999
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- Bin Liang, Xiaoshe Dong*, Yufei Wang, Xingjun Zhang. Memory-aware resource management algorithm for low-energy cloud data centers. Future Generation Computer Systems(FGCS). 2020, 113:329-342
- Liang Bin*, Dong Xiaoshe, Wang Yufei, Zhang Xingjun. A low-power task scheduling algorithm for heterogeneous cloud computing. The Journal of Supercomputing. 2020, 76(9):7290–7314
- 吴树森,董小社*,王宇菲,王龙翔,朱正东. UPPA:面向异构众核系统的统一并行编程架构. 计算机学报. 2020, 43(6):990-1009
- He Feng, Dong Xiaoshe, Zou Nianjun, Wu Weiguo, Zhang Xingjun*. Structured mesh-oriented framework design and optimization for a coarse-grained parallel CFD solver based on hybrid MPI/OpenMP programming. The Journal of Supercomputing. 2020, 76(4):2815-2841
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- Xingjun Zhang, Yi Cai, Yunfei Liu, Zhiwei Xu, Xiaoshe Dong. NADE: nodes performance awareness and accurate distance evaluation for degraded read in heterogeneous distributed erasure code‑based storage. The Journal of Supercomputing, 2020 76(7): 4946-4975
- Zhou Mosong, Dong Xiaoshe, Chen Heng, Zhang Xingjun*, “Fine-grained scheduling in multi-resource clusters”, The Journal of Supercomputing, 2020, 76(3):1931–1958
- Li Jingbo, Zhang Xingjun, Zhou Jianfeng, Dong Xiaoshe, Zhang Chuhua, Ji Zeyu. swHPFM: Refactoring and Optimizing the Structured Grid Fluid Mechanical Algorithm on the Sunway TaihuLight Supercomputer. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2020 10(1)
- Wang Longxiang, Liu Cheng, Dong Xiaoshe, Zhang Xingjun, Wang Yufei, Wang Yinfeng. Design and Implementation of Fault Injector for Hybrid Heterogeneous Storage System. Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Knowledge Economy, December11-12, Dubai, 2019: 10-15
- Shusen Wu, Xiaoshe Dong*, Yufei Wang, Weiduo Chen. Language Constructs and Semantics for Runtime-independent Parallelism Expression on Heterogeneous Systems. 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computer and Communications. Dec.6-9, 2019. Cheng Du. pp1269-1275
- Yufei Wang, Xiaoshe Dong, Xingjun Zhang and Longxiang Wang*. Measurement and Analysis of SSD Reliability Data Based on Accelerated Endurance Test. Electronics. 2019, 8(11)
- Wu Shusen, Dong Xiaoshe*, Zhang Xingjun, Zhu Zhengdong. NoT: a high-level no-threading parallel programming method for heterogeneous systems. The Journal of Supercomputing. 2019, 75(7):3810-3841
- Ju Tao, Zhang Yan, Zhang Xuejun, Du Xiaogang, Dong Xiaoshe. Energy-efficient thread mapping for heterogeneous many-core systems via dynamically adjusting the thread count. Energies. 2019, 12(7)
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- Cen Song, Zhang Xingjun, Lei Ming, Fowler Scott, Dong Xiaoshe, “Stochastic geometry modeling and energy efficiency analysis of millimeter wave cellular networks”, Wireless Networks, 2018, 24(7):2565-2578
- Lei Ming, Zhang Xingjun, Yu Bocheng, Dong Xiaoshe, “Power and discrete rate adaptation in BER constrained wireless powered communication networks”, IET Communications, 2018, 12(18):2213-2221
- Qiang Liu, Xiaoshe Dong, Heng Chen*, Yinfeng Wang. “IncPregel: an incremental graph parallel computation model”. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2018, 12(6):1076-1089
- 王龙翔,魏晓林,陈跃辉,刘 成,董小社,“面向SQLite的TPC-E基准测试系统的设计与实现”,计算机技术与发展,2018,28(8):38-42
- Zhou Mosong, Dong Xiaoshe, Chen Heng, Zhang Xingjun*. “A Runtime Available Resource Capacity Evaluation Model Based on the Concept of Similar Tasks”, The Computer Journal, 2018, 61(5):722-744
- 周权彪,张兴军*,梁宁静,霍文洁,董小社,“基于缓存映射项重用距离的闪存地址映射方法”,计算机研究与发展,2018,55(5):1065-1077
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- 周墨颂,董小社,陈 衡*,张兴军. “基于计算资源运行时剩余能力评估优化云平台”,计算机研究与发展,2017,54(11):2516-2533
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- Zhang Yizhi,Zhu Zhengdong,Cui Honglin,Dong Xiaoshe,Chen Heng. Small files storing and computing optimization in Hadoop parallel rendering. Concurrency Computation,Vol 29 Iss 20,2017
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- Longxiang Wang, Xiaoshe Dong, Xingjun Zhang*, Fuliang Guo, Yinfeng Wang and Weifeng Gong, “A Logistic Based Mathematical Model to Optimize Duplicate Elimination Ratio in Content Defined Chunking Based Big Data Storage System”, Symmetry, 2016, 8(7)
- 孙健,张兴军,董小社,“一种可靠性框图的异构系统可用性评价模型”,西安电子科技大学学报,2016,43(3):190-196
- ZHENG Hao, DONG Xiaoshe, ZHU Zhengdong*(通讯作者), CHEN Baoke,BAI Xiuxiu, ZHANG Xingjun1 and WANG Endong, “Improving the Reliability of Operating System inside a VM”, The Computer Journal, 2016, 59(5):715-740
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- Shusen Wu, Xiaoshe Dong, Heng Chen, Bochao Dang,“OCLS: A Simplified High-level Abstraction basedFramework for Heterogeneous Systems”, Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computing and Ubiquitous Services, UCAWSN and PDCAT 2015(Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,Vol.368, January 2016),Jeju, Korea, pp57-65
- Yizhi Zhang, Hen Cheng, Zhengdong Zhu, Xiaoshe Dong , “Small Files Storing and Computing Optimization in Hadoop Parallel Rendering”, 11th International Conference on Natural Computation, Zhangjiajie, China, 2015.08.15-17, pp1269-1274
- ZHENG Hao, DONG Xiaoshea, WANG Endongb, ZHU Zhengdonga, CHEN Baokea, ZHANG Yizhia, “Research on Algorithms to Capture Drivers’ Write Operations”, The Computer Journal, 2015, 58(11):3035-3056
- Zhang Xingjun, Yang Yan, Wang Endong, You Iisun, Dong Xiaoshe, “Modeling Software Fault Management with Runtime Verification”, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 2015, 20(1):26-38
- Xiuxiu Bai, Xiaoshe Dong, and Yuanqi Su*, “Edge Propagation KD-Trees: Computing Approximate Nearest Neighbor Fields”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2015, 22(12):2209-2213
- Xiuxiu Bai, Endong Wang, Xiaoshe Dong*, Xingjun Zhang, “A scalability prediction approach for multi-threaded applications on manycore processors”, The Journal of Supercomputing, 2015, 71(11):4072–4094
- 周墨松,朱正东*,董小社,陈衡,王寅峰,“采用资源划分的云环境下Hadoop资源许可调度方法”,西安交通大学学报,2015,49(8):69-74
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