徐红梅,博士,教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向为大气气溶胶的排放特征、来源解析、人体暴露特征、毒性损伤和健康效益等。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,陕西省杰出青年基金1项、国家重点研发课题1项和其他省部级项目2项,参与国家重点研发计划、科技部基础专项等纵向和多个地方政府横向项目。发表SCI论文160余篇,被Web of Science 引用近5000次,H-index为40,授权专利或软著8项。第一/通讯作者在Environ. Sci. Technol.、Atmos. Chem. Phys.、Sci. Total Environ.、Environ. Pollut.等期刊发表SCI论文50篇,参编译著和专著4部。陕西省杰出青年基金获得者,还获第十一届“中国颗粒学会青年颗粒学奖”和第五届“中国气溶胶青年科学家奖”,并获陕西省科学技术奖二等奖(R4)、陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果奖一等奖(两项R1)、中国颗粒学会自然科学奖二等奖(R2)等。任中国颗粒学会第四届青年理事会理事、气溶胶专业委员会秘书长、学术期刊The Innovation、Particuology和环境卫生学杂志青年编委等。诚招环境、大气、公共卫生、大数据、模式模拟、化学、生物、地理等多学科硕士/博士研究生报考和推荐免试入学。
Welcome - 徐 红梅
Awards Name | Year | Awards Type | Awards Level | Offer |
陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果奖 | 2022 | 省部级科技成果奖 | 一等奖 | 陕西省教育厅 |
中国颗粒学会青年颗粒学奖 | 2020 | 社会力量科技奖励 | 一等奖 | 中国颗粒学会 |
中国颗粒学会自然科学奖 | 2018 | 社会力量科技奖励 | 二等奖 | 中国颗粒学会 |
陕西省高等学校科学技术奖 | 2017 | 其他 | 二等奖 | 陕西省教育厅 |
中国气溶胶青年科学家奖 | 2017 | 社会力量科技奖励 | 一等奖 | 中国气溶胶研究青年科学家奖评审委员会,中国颗粒学会气溶胶专业委员会 |
陕西省科学技术奖 | 2017 | 省部级科技成果奖 | 二等奖 | 陕西省科学技术奖 |
宝鸡市自然科学优秀成果奖 | 2014 | 其他 | 三等奖 | 宝鸡市人民政府 |
Paper Name | Author | Publication/Completion Time | Magazine Name |
Estimation of historical daily PM2.5 concentrations for three Chinese megacities: Insight into the socioeconomic factors affecting PM2.5 | Hongmei Xu*, Yunlong Bai, Zezhi Peng, Meixuan Liu, Zhenxing Shen, Ningning Zhang, Naifang Bei, Guohui Li, Junji Cao | 2024-05-20 | Atmospheric Pollution Research |
Exploration and comparison of the relationship between PAHs and ROS in PM2.5 emitted from multiple anthropogenic sources in the Guanzhong Plain, China | Hongmei Xu*, Yunxuan Gu, Yunlong Bai, Dan Li, Meixuan Liu, Zexuan Wang, Qian Zhang, Jian Sun, Zhenxing Shen | 2024-03-10 | Science of the Total Environment |
Atmospheric iron deposition in a megacity of northwest China: solubility, sources, and deposition fluxes | Xiaotao Yang, Pingping Liu*, Zhiwei Xue, Hao Zhang, Xuan Li, Hongmei Xu*, Zhenxing Shen | 2024-03-10 | Particuology |
Insights the dominant contribution of biomass burning to methanol-soluble PM2.5 bounded oxidation potential based on multilayer perceptron neural network analysis in Xi'an, China | Yu Luo, Xueting Yang, Diwei Wang, Hongmei Xu*, Hongai Zhang, Shasha Huang, Qiyuan Wang, Ningning Zhang, Junji Cao, Zhenxing Shen* | 2024-01-15 | Science of the Total Environment |
Water-soluble organic matter with various polarities in PM2.5 over Xi'an, China: Abundance, functional groups, and light absorption | Xueting Yang, Shasha Huang, Dan Li, Hongmei Xu*, Yaling Zeng, Liu Yang, Diwei Wang, Ningning Zhang, Junji Cao, Zhenxing Shen* | 2024-01-01 | Particuology |
Oxidative potential of atmospheric brown carbon in six Chinese megacities: Seasonal variation and source apportionment. | Diwei Wang, Xueting Yang, Hongwei Lu, Dan Li, Hongmei Xu*, Yu Luo, Jian Sun, Steven Sai Hang Ho, Zhenxing Shen*. | 2023-12-15 | Atmospheric Environment |
Effects of PM2.5 emissions from household fuel combustion on biomarkers and pulmonary function in rural areas of Fenwei Plain | Rong Feng, Hongmei Xu*, Hongwei Lu, Bei Han, Yue Cheng, Yunxuan Gu, Jian Sun, Liu Yang, Zhenxing Shen, Junji Cao | 2023-12-01 | Atmospheric Pollution Research |
Insight into personal exposure characteristics and health effects of PM2.5 and PM0.25-bound PAHs and their derivatives with different heating ways in the Fenwei Plain, China | Yunxuan Gu, Hongmei Xu*, Rong Feng, Bin Zhang, Min Gao, Jian Sun, Zhenxing Shen, Linli Qu, Steven Sai Hang Ho, Junji Cao | 2023-12-01 | Environmental Pollution |
Environmental and health impacts of household energy conversion on PAHs and their derivatives in PM2.5 in typical areas of northern China | Yunlong Bai, Hongmei Xu*, Rong Feng, Yunxuan Gu, Meixuan Liu, Jian Sun, Linli Qu, Steven Sai Hang Ho, Zhenxing Shen, Junji Cao | 2023-06-17 | Science of the Total Environment |
Examination of long-time aging process on volatile organic compounds emitted from solid fuel combustion in a rural area of China | Kun He, Tao Fu, Bin Zhang, Hongmei Xu*, Jian Sun, Haijiang Zou, Zhou Zhang, Steven Sai Hang Ho, Junji Cao, Zhenxing Shen* | 2023-06-17 | Chemosphere |
Connecting oxidative potential with organic carbon molecule composition and source-specific apportionment in PM2.5 in Xi’an, China | Yu Luo, Yaling Zeng, Hongmei Xu*, Dan Li, Tian Zhang, Yali Lei, Shasha Huang, Zhenxing Shen* | 2023-06-16 | Atmospheric Environment |
Chemical compositions and potential health risks of tire and road wear microplastics (TRWMPs) from motor vehicles in an urban tunnel. | Meixuan Liu, Hongmei Xu*, Rong Feng, Yunxuan Gu, Yunlong Bai, Ningning Zhang, Qiyuan Wang, Steven Sai Hang Ho, Linli Qu, Zhenxing Shen, Junji Cao | 2023-06-15 | Environmental Pollution |
Insight into the contributions of primary emissions of sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium from residential solid fuels to ambient PM2.5 | Yue Zhang, Yiming Yang, Leiming Zhang, Hongmei Xu*, Jian Sun, Tao Wang, Fangxiang Li, Xiaojian Chang, Steven Sai Hang Ho, Bin Li, Bing Wang, Junji Cao, Zhenxing Shen | 2023-06-14 | Atmospheric Research |
Insights into the nitroaromatic compounds, formation, and light absorption contributing emissions from various geological maturity coals | Shasha Huang, Xueting Yang, Hongmei Xu, Yaling Zeng, Dan Li, Jian Sun, Steven Sai Hang Ho, Ying Zhang, Junji Cao, Zhenxing Shen | 2023-04-20 | Science of the Total Environment |
Characteristics of PM2.5 and its reactive oxygen species in heating energy transition and estimation of its impact on the environment and health in China – A case study in the Fenwei Plain. | Zexuan Wang, Hongmei Xu*, Rong Feng, Yunxuan Gu, Jian Sun, Suixin Liu, Ningning Zhang, Dan Li, Tao Wang, Linli Qu, Steven Sai Hang Ho, Zhenxing Shen, Junji Cao | 2023-04-02 | Advances in Atmospheric Sciences |
Associations of personal exposure to domestic heating and cooking fuel emissions and epidemiological effects on rural residents in the Fenwei Plain, China | Yunxuan Gu, Hongmei Xu*, Rong Feng, Yue Cheng, Bei Han, Kin Fai Ho, Zexuan Wang, Yansu He, Linli Qu, Steven Sai Hang Ho, Jian Sun, Zhenxing Shen, Junji Cao | 2023-01-15 | Science of the Total Environment |
Accurate health risks of personal exposure to PAHs and their derivatives from residential solid fuel combustion | Rong Feng, Hongmei Xu*, Yunxuan Gu, Min Gao, Yunlong Bai, Meixuan Liu, Zhenxing Shen, Jian Sun, Linli Qu, Steven Sai Hang Ho, Junji Cao | 2023-01-01 | Atmospheric Environment |
Emission characteristics and health risks of PM2.5-bound organic compounds from Tibetan incense burning | Hongmei Xu*, Jie Li,Dan Song, Zexuan Wang, Bintao Zhang, Rong Feng, Yunxuan Gu, Zhao Jiang, Yichun Chen, Xu Ji, Shuyu Liu, Ruixin Shi, Steven Sai Hang Ho, Fangyun Sun | 2022-11-03 | Atmospheric Pollution Research |
Variations of personal exposure to particulate nitrated phenols from heating energy renovation in China: the first assessment on associated toxicological impacts with particle size distributions | Rong Feng, Hongmei Xu*, Yunxuan Gu, Zexuan Wang, Bei Han, Jian Sun, Suixin Liu, Hongwei Lu, Steven Sai Hang Ho, Zhenxing Shen, Junji Cao. | 2022-07-24 | Environmental Science & Technology |
Parent, alkylated, and oxygenated PAHs in PM2.5 from vehicular emissions in the longest tunnel in downtown Xi’an, China: implication of its contribution to reactive oxygen species | Yali Lei#, Zexuan Wang#, Hongmei Xu*, Rong Feng, Ningning Zhang, Yue Zhang, Wei Du, Qian Zhang, Qiyuan Wang, Lijuan Li, Linli Qu, Steven Sai Hang Ho, Zhenxing Shen, Junji Cao | 2022-07-24 | Environmental Research |
Republication | Author | Republication date | Publisher |
PM2.5与环境 | 曹军骥,张宁宁,徐红梅等 | 2014-12-16 | 科学出版社 |
Project number | Project name | Project origin | Start time | Roles | Project kind |
42277422 | 家用固体燃料燃烧源中含氮有机物居民暴露健康损伤机理研究 | 国家自然科学基金项目 | 2023-01~2026-12 | 负责人 | Vertical project |
2023-JC-JQ-26 | 居民燃烧源排放含氮有机气溶胶的人体暴露健康损伤机理 | 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划杰出青年科学基金项目 | 2023-01~2025-12 | 负责人 | Vertical project |
2022YFF0802502HZ | 重点区域城市和城市群大气环境气候影响机制及适应对策 | 国家重点研发计划课题 | 2022-12~2027-11 | 负责人 | Vertical project |
SKLLQG2110 | 汾渭平原家用固体燃料排放棕碳气溶胶中硝基酚类的人体暴露粒径分布和细胞毒性 | 中科院地环所黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室 | 2021-12~2023-12 | 负责人 | horizontal project |
暂无 | 咸阳市高分辨率大气工业污染源排放清单编制 | 中科院地环所 | 2020-01~2020-12 | 负责人 | horizontal project |
2019JZ-36 | 陕西关中农村人体暴露PM2.5的流行病学及毒性效应研究 | 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划-重点项目 | 2019-5~ | 负责人 | Vertical project |
2018ZDCXL-SF-30-5 | 关中大气污染物来源解析技术体系建立与应用 课题1:关中排放源谱的采样与分析 | 陕西省重点研发计划 | 2019-5~ | 负责人 | Vertical project |
41877376 | 关中农村生物质燃烧排放棕碳气溶胶的人体暴露健康效应 | 面上基金项目 | 2019-1~ | 负责人 | Vertical project |
暂无 | 大气颗粒物多环芳烃组分、碳组分、金属组分分析技术服务 | 香港中文大学深圳研究院 | 2019-07~2020-01 | 负责人 | horizontal project |
暂无 | 大气颗粒物碳组分、金属元素组分分析与研究 | 生态环境部华南环境科学研究所 | 2019-01~2050-12 | 负责人 | horizontal project |
2018T111069 | 生物质燃烧排放PM2.5中棕碳人体暴露及其与毒性的关系 | 中国博士后科学基金特别资助 | 2018-2~ | 负责人 | Vertical project |
2017M623187 | 关中农村取暖排放PM2.5的人体暴露特征及其活性氧评价 | 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目 | 2018-1~ | 负责人 | Vertical project |
xjj2018248 | 固体燃料燃烧排放PM2.5暴露人群的流行病学研究 | 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助 | 2018-1~ | 负责人 | Vertical project |
暂无 | 餐饮业油烟工程技术指南编制 | 陕西省环境调查评估中心 | 2018-12~- | 负责人 | horizontal project |
SKLLQG1722 | 来源示踪物在西安市冬季PM2.5源解析中的应用 | 中国科学院地球环境研究所黄土与第四纪地质 | 2017-12~ | 负责人 | Vertical project |
41503096 | 关中农村家庭取暖排放多环芳烃的特征与人体暴露评价 | 国家自然科学基金项目 | 2016-1~2050-1 | 负责人 | Vertical project |
2016JQ4019 | 灰霾期间大气PM2.5高分辨率变化特征和来源解析-以西安为例 | 陕西省科技厅 | 2016-1~ | 负责人 | Vertical project |
〔2015〕151 | 雾霾天气人群健康风险评估与预警关键技术研究 | 国家公益性行业科研专项 | 2015-6~ | 负责人 | Vertical project |
sxbshxm | 来源示踪物在西安市灰霾期间PM2.5来源解析中的应用 | 陕西省教育厅 | 2015-01~2050-12 | 负责人 | Vertical project |
2015.9-2016.9 法国国家科学研究院&图卢兹三大 大气实验室 博士后
2012.2-2012.4 美国沙漠研究所DRI 大气研究室 访问交流
2011.1-2011.3 法国国家科学研究院 LA和GET实验室 访问交流
Patent Name | Application Number | xjtu.gr.patent.type | Application Date |
一种大气污染物检测装置 | ZL 2021 21185659.0 | Utility model | 2021.05.30 |
一种大气污染物检测装置 | 202110596521.8 | Invention | 2021.02.05 |
一种大气颗粒物检测装置 | ZL 2020 20287390.6 | Utility model | 2020.06.04 |
一种大气环境观测车 | ZL 2020 20315587.6 | Utility model | 2020.05.27 |
一种大气污染物远程监测设备 | 202010177990.1 | Invention | 2020.01.17 |
进样口直接热解析测量气溶胶中有机物的设备 | ZL 2013 2 0470244.7 | Utility model | 2013.08.02 |
2008.9-2014.7 中国科学院大学 地球环境研究所 环境专业 硕士/博士
2015.9-2016.9 法国国家科学研究院&图卢兹三大大气实验室 博士后
2014.7-2017.4 西安交通大学 能源与动力工程学院环境工程系 讲师
2017.4-2023.12 西安交通大学 能源与动力工程学院环境工程系 副教授
2024.1-至今 西安交通大学 能源与动力工程学院环境工程系 教授