(1.)Basic Information

Surname: Yan          Given Name: Bo
Professor, School of Public Policy and Admnistration, Xi'an Jiaotong University

Rajawali Visiting Fellow, Ash Center, Harvard Kennedy School


ADDRESS: XianNing West Road 28#, Xi’an City              ZIP: 710049                    MOBILE PHONE: 86-13700296280                    EMAIL: yanbosir@mail.xjtu.edu.cn


[1] Research Methods for Public Administration: MPA / MA/ Doctoral Student
[2] Theory and Method of Decision: BA
[3] Local Government Management: BA

(5.)Scientific Research

[1] How Does Accountability Mechanism Work? An Empirical Study under the Context of Policy Implementation of Public Sector. 2015-2018. Grants from National Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71103190). Principle Investigator.

[2] How Does Accountability Affect Local Government Performance? Research on Accountability Paradox under the Target-based Responsibility System. 2012-2014. Grants from National Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71103140). Principle Investigator.
[3] Research upon Performance Evaluation of Scientific Foundation General Projects, funded by NFSC Program. 2009-2010. Grants from National Science Foundation of China (Grant No. J0910014). Principal Investigator.
[4] Research upon Performance Evaluation of Public Service Units: The Case of Practices in Shaanxi Province. 2012-2013. Funded by Soft Science Research Project in Shaanxi Province (Grant No. 2012KRM101). Principal Investigator.


[1]Award for Research Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences (Shaan Xi Provincial Government, 2018, the first author)

[2]Award for Research Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences (Shaan Xi Provincial Government, 2015, the first author)

[3] Award for Research Achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences (Chinese Minister of Education, 2013, the third author)

[4]Award for Research Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences (Shaan Xi Provincial Government, 2011, the third author)


SEP, 2011

Management Science and Engineering, PhD, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Title of Dissertation: An Empirical Study on Impression Management of the Township-level Government Leaders under the Context of Target-based Responsibility System


MAY, 2005
Administration, Master, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Title of Dissertation: A Research upon Evaluating Behaviors and their Influencing Factors for Local Government Performance


JUN, 2003
Electrical Engineering, Bachelor, Xi’an Jiaotong University